Head of Laboratory

Dygai, Alexander M

DSc in Health sciences, Professor, Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 
1 038
Authorization required.

Since 2017, the laboratory has been engaged in research in the field of molecular biology, focused on the study of genetic variability of genes in a number of complex polygenic human diseases, including schizophrenia, gestational diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, age-related macular degeneration, etc. and aimed at elucidating the molecular and mechanisms of these diseases and identifying molecular biomarkers. The laboratory is also engaged in determining the most significant markers of human aging, a diagnostic panel has been built to determine biological age, which can be used in practice for a personalized approach to the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases. Current research projects: Biological age. Gestational diabetes mellitus. Preeclampsia. Age-related macular degeneration. Schizophrenia

  1. Real-time PCR (qPCR)
  2. Real-time PCR and digital PCR, including design and validation of primers and probes to your target
  3. PCR
  4. Gel electrophoresis
  5. Creation of genetically engineered structures for the expression of target proteins
  6. Cloning
  7. Isolation and purification of target proteins
  8. Isolation of nucleic acids
  9. Bioinformatics
Dygai, Alexander M
Alexander Dygai
Head of Laboratory
Nataliia Karpova 🥼 🤝
Junior researcher
Arshinova, Ekaterina Sergeevna
Ekaterina Arshinova
Junior researcher

Research directions


Our study includes a comprehensive analysis of neurophysiological and molecular genetic data concerning the etiology of hallucinatory paranoid schizophrenia syndrome. To determine the level of excitation and inhibition of the cerebral cortex, VP analysis methods were used in terms of parameters: latency and amplitude of intermediate (P200) between early and late and late (P300, N400) components. The main focus is on the study of methylation and regulation of the expression of the rilin gene (RELN). An important structural characteristic of the region of the rilin gene promoter studied in this work is the high saturation of CpG sequences of regions flanking the TSS site of the gene (up to 75%). CpG dinucleotide, as a universal site of genome methylation, recently defined as the "fifth element of the genetic code", is significant and not yet fully understood, however, the relationship between methylation disorder and schizophrenia is obvious for a number of genes. Rilin (RELN) is produced by neurons and is a signaling molecule for the formation of connections between them, and its concentration is critical for the germination of neural processes. Since when the methylation of the RELN gene is disrupted, the direction of neural connections (axon/dendrite guidance and target directions) is distorted, leading to indirect connections, we conduct a thorough study of the methylation of the regulatory region of this gene within the framework of a case-control study. Telomere length is also studied by PCR in the context of schizophrenia.

Age-related macular degeneration

A key area of research in the field of age-related macular degeneration is aimed at studying the relationship of telomere length, polymorphisms in the field of genes regulating telomere length SIRT1, PPARG, PPARGC1. The second aspect of the research is the study of polymorphisms in the ARMS2 gene, which is the main risk factor for the development of age-related macular regulation. Work is underway on in silico analysis of the structure, subcellular localization and functions of the ARMS2 protein. In the future, it is planned to study in vitro the analysis of the structure, subcellular localization and functions of the ARMS2 protein.


Studies of the etiology and pathogenesis of early and late preeclampsia, preeclampsia against the background of various types of diabetes. The main focus of research is aimed at studying the genetic predisposition to the development of preeclampsia, especially polymorphisms in the regulatory region of the flt1 gene. The results of laboratory tests and biochemical blood parameters are also evaluated.

Gestational diabetes mellitus

Gestational diabetes mellitus is the most common extragenital pathology of gestation and presents a serious medical and social problem, increasing the frequency of undesirable pregnancy outcomes for both mother and fetus. The pathogenesis of GSD is complex and includes risk factors such as age, obesity, and a family history of diabetes. Studies have shown that genetic factors also play a role in the pathogenesis of GSD. In the context of this topic, an association is being sought between polymorphisms with GSD, type 2 diabetes among pregnant women, as well as complications in their offspring

Biological age

Aging is a complex biological process reflecting the development of an organism over time, combining both regressive and progressive trends at the genetic, molecular, cellular, organ and system levels and is considered as an epigenetic, stochastic process. Human life expectancy is controlled by many genes and depends on abiotic, biotic and social environmental factors, i.e. it is characterized by a multifactorial type of inheritance, like many human diseases associated with age. The laboratory is engaged in determining the most significant markers of human aging, a diagnostic panel has been built to determine biological age, which can be used in practice for a personalized approach to the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases.

Publications and patents

Lab address

г. Москва, ул. Балтийская, д.8
Authorization required.