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1Numbers in square brackets refer to the pubications list. Electronic Structue of Low-dimensional Materials • A theory for electronic structure and magnetic interactions in low-temperature and room-temperature Miller-Epstein magnets (in cooperation with Prof. R. Hoffmann) [50, 63, 122, 124, 126]. • An electronic theory of the scanning tunnel microscopic (STM) images of graphite and its intercalation compounds with account of electron-electron interactions (in cooperation with Prof. R. Hoffmann) [107, 125]. • Electronic structure and electrophysical properties of conducting polymers [127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 137]. • Theory and numerical modeling of cooperative effects in spin transitions in molecular crystals based on atom-atom potential [47, 59, 111, 115, 116, 120]. • Spin-liquid phases and unconventional magnetic properties of copper carbodiimide: CuNCN (in cooperation with Prof. R. Dronskowski) [20, 39, 41, 45, 49, 52, 56]. New generation of quantum chemistry methods A new generation of quantum chemistry methods based on the group-product electronic wave functions is developed [62]. Specifically: • Effective Hamiltonian/Crystal Field (EHCF) method [123, 128] for ground states and d-d excitation spectra of transition metal complexes – a heavy task for standard quantum chemical methods. Dozens of complexes [92, 99, 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 118, 119] calculated yield in all cases the correct ground state and excitation spectra including those of spin-crossover complexes of iron(II) [70, 116] and iron(II) porphyrine [100, 106] – task not solved until now by standard quantum chemistry. • Boutleroff-Fock (BF) family of methods based on geminals [57, 60, 69, 71, 81, 88, 90, 94, 98]. Its O(N) scalability is directly numerically checked for up to 10000 of atoms. Deductive Molecular Mechanics Molecular Mechanics (classical force fields) – versatile, but poorly founded practical laboratory tool – has been derived from the geminal description of molecular electronic structure. Further development of the geminal-based approach led to simple analytical formulae for the bond energies through interactions of flexible hybrid orbitals dubbed as Deductive Molecular Mechanics [75, 76, 78]. This gave us • QM/MM junctions in the hybrid methods [62, 80, 85, 97] allowing among other things an incorporation of transition metal ions with open d-shells in molecular mechanics context. Subsequent geometry optimization of dozens of iron(II) and cobalt(II) complexes of various total spin yielded remarkable agreement with experiment [73, 77, 83]. Further application to more specific objects led to: • Analytical theory of carbon allotropes [11, 15, 17]. • Analytical theory of phase diagram of water ices [19, 24]. Catalysis Our analysis of many-electron states of catalytic complexes revealed the rˆole of quantum mechanical entanglement for the catalytic action [43, 134, 142]. This established relations between the activity and spectra of the catalysts in three major classes of reactions: 1. Woodward-Hoffmann (orbital symmetry) forbidden [43, 110, 134, 142], 2. spin forbidden [43, 143], 3. restricted by exchange repulsion [121, 138]. Other research topics Some more tasks have been addressed throughout the carrier. Among them: • DFT and EHCF modeling of electronic structure and magnetic interactions in organometallic magnets. Applications to room-temperature organometallic magnets, transition metal carbodiimides and Prussian blue analogs [26, 38, 46] (in cooperation with Prof. R. Dronskowski). • Theory of two dimensional Rietveld refinement of neutron diffractograms as dependent on scattering angle and neutron wavelength [21, 30] in the frame of the POWTEX project (in cooperation with Prof. R. Dronskowski). • Theory of projection of PAW/DFT wavefunctions to local atomic basis states [26, 38, 46] (in cooperation with Prof. R. Dronskowski). Software development : The following quantum chemistry packages have been developed as based on the above original theoretical concepts summarized in [62]. The efficiency as achieved through the adequate identification of electronic groups in each target class of molecules and the accuracy as achieved through thorough analysis of intergroup interactions. • ecf - family of methods targeted at description of electronic structure and lower (d-d) excitations of transition metal complexes as based on EHCF theory [123]. Options for calculation of g-factors and quadrupole splitting in M¨obauer spectra are available. • bf - family of the O(N) scaling methods as based on geminal wave function and targeted on “organic” molecules with well defined two-center bonds [88, 94]. Options of calculating heats of formation and molecular geometries as well as ionization potentials are available. • ecfmm - the hybrid ECF - Molecular Mechanics package targeted on geometry optimization of transition metal complexes with open d-shells [73, 77, 83]. Consistently reproduces the relative energies and molecular geometries of spin-isomers. • bfmult - the package with O(N) scaling using the geminal and scf functions for electronic groups (resp., two-center bonds and extended quasi -systems like nanotubes or fullerenes) as combined with the multipole expansion for twocenter Coulomb integrals for better performance [60, 81]. Options of calculating heats of formation and molecular geometries are available. • catal - the package targeted to description of electronic structure of catalytic complexes containing transition metal atoms [43, 93]. Employs flexible wave function allowing for entanglement between the electronic states of the d-shells and those of the reactants/products. • MagAˆıxTic - a package for calculating magnetic interactions in polynuclear transition metal complexes. [28, 40, 42]. • molcryst - the package for calculating structure, thermodynamics, and phonon spectra of molecular crystals with use of atom-atom scheme [59]. • Lobster - the package for extracting chemical information from output of PAW-based solid state quantum chemistry software (VASP and similar) [26, 38, 46] (in cooperation with Prof. R. Dronskowski). • Adamas - geminal-based package targeted on carbon allotropes [11, 15, 17]. Options for elasticity moduli of allotropes are available. • ThetaPhi - the solid state quantum chemistry package making computationally available spin-liquids, superconductors and magnetic superstructures [5, 9, 14]. • cartesius fort - object fortran library for chemistry and materials science based on the above theoretical concepts of group functions and their interactions [18]. See for more details. All the program packages (except Lobster) are available for use at the URL through the self developed NetLaboratory system based on the HTTP protocol. For terms and conditions of using Lobster see

  1. Analytical methods, numerical modeling, programming
Andrei Tchougreeff 🥼
Head of Laboratory
Plehanov, Evgeniy Anatolyevich
Evgeniy Plehanov
Research Engineer
Popov, Ilyya Vladimirovich
Ilyya Popov
Junior researcher
Kushnir, Timofey Stanislavovich
Timofey Kushnir
Research intern
Raenko, Dmitrii Dmitrievich
Dmitrii Raenko 🥼
PhD student

Research directions

Numerical modeling programs focused on classes of objects and processes

Based on analytical (chemical-physical) models of classes of objects and processes in them, we develop effective methods for their numerical modeling

Analytical models of molecules, materials and processes in them.

"Mechanitis is an occupational disease of those who believe that the answer to a mathematical problem that they cannot solve or even formulate will be easy to find if they get access to a fairly expensive computer." B. Koopman, Operations Research, 4, 442 (1956) First we have an observation, then we have numbers that we measure, then we have a law which summarizes all the numbers. But the real glory of science is that we can find a way of thinking such that the law is evident. -- R.P. Feynman I 26-3.

Publications and patents


School of Chemistry, Nottingham University

Lab address

Москва, Ленинский проспект, 31, корп. 4
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