Department of the History of Socio-Political Studies

Head of Laboratory

Shirinyants, Alexander A

DSc in Political Science, Professor
Authorization required.

The Department of the History of Socio-Political Teachings of the Faculty of Political Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University is the heir to rich traditions associated with the activities of the departments of the History of Socialist Teachings (1971-1990), the History of Socio—Political Teachings of the Faculty of Philosophy (1990-2008). In 2021, the Department of the History of Socio-Political Studies will celebrate its 50th anniversary. The department has developed and for many years has been teaching future political scientists a general course on the history of socio-political teachings, which has no analogues in the world in terms of volume, fundamentals and innovative nature. Within the framework of this course, for the first time in the history of domestic education, along with the history of foreign socio-political teachings, students were taught the history of socio-political teachings of Russia in the XI–XX centuries for four semesters.

  1. Political textology
  2. Historical and political science approach
  3. Historical reconstruction
  4. Philosophical reconstruction
  5. The biographical method
  6. The method of receptive analysis
Alexander Shirinyants
Head of Laboratory
Vladimir Boldin 🤝

Research directions

The History of Russian Spiritual, Political and Conservative Thought

The purpose of the research "History of Russian spiritual, political and conservative Thought" is to study the patterns of transformation of the structure of knowledge about politics in Russia, analyze the formation of the problem field of Russian political science, study the most significant theoretical and methodological approaches for modern political science in the historical context of their formation and evolution. Russian Russian Spiritual, Political and Conservative Thought research results form a theoretical and methodological basis for teaching a number of basic disciplines of the University educational standard in political science - "The History of socio-political teachings of Russia", "Russian socio-political thought of the late XIX — first half of the XX centuries."

Political Textual Criticism as a science and an academic discipline: problems of formation

Political textual criticism is a new, intensively developing direction in political science. It is an applied political science discipline that studies the techniques of information retrieval and processing, text analysis and the creation of new socio-political texts. This area has great practical relevance due to the shortage of training programs for applied specialists who have both fundamental knowledge in the field of political science and other social sciences, as well as specific skills of analytical and textual work that are in demand in the system of state and socio-political institutions. Textual studies as an activity presupposes in its professionalism an organic synthesis of three components: mastery of analytical methods, knowledge of the subject area and a certain type of personality.

The "Russian Question" in the history of Politics and Thought of the XIX – early XXI centuries: the origins and meaning of modern Russophobia

Today, in the context of various anti—Russian sanctions by foreign countries, the project to study the origins and meaning of Russophobia is becoming more relevant than ever - both scientific, socio-cultural, and political. Russophobia — dislike, hatred of Russia, Russians, their ethno-cultural, religious and national—state identity - has been an essential, if not decisive, element of the foreign policy strategy and domestic political propaganda of a number of foreign countries for several centuries. Russophobia is constantly diversifying, covering new countries and regions and is actively spreading in the modern world. The project is interdisciplinary in nature, combining various methodological principles of political science, philosophical, historical and sociological analysis. The aim of the project is to reconstruct historical events, social factors and political ideas that constitute the origins of the phenomenon of Russophobia and formed the main directions of its evolution; to identify the main directions of continuity of the Russophobic policy of foreign states of the modern era with its modern trends; to analyze the place and role of Russophobic stereotypes in public consciousness and ideological conflicts in the modern world.

Publications and patents


Lab address

Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Ломоносовский просп., 27, к. 4, Москва, 119991
Authorization required.