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Geochemistry of oceanic lithogenesis, genesis of iron-manganese ore formations in the ocean, geochemistry of reduced sulfur forms

  1. Using high-precision chemical and isotope data
Dubinin, Alexander V.
Alexander Dubinin
Head of Laboratory
Berezhnaya, Evgeniya D.
Evgeniya Berezhnaya
Senior Researcher

Research directions

Geochemistry of sulfur forms in the Black Sea water, investigation of the isotopic composition of elemental sulfur, thiosulfates, sulfites and sulfates in the hydrogen sulfide zone

The distribution of sulfur forms in the water of anaerobic basins and their genesis. Investigation of the rate of hydrogen sulfide oxidation and sulfate reduction processes. The evolution of the anaerobic zone of the Black Sea.

Publications and patents


Lab address

Москва, Нахимовский просп., 36
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