Laboratory of Organosilicon and Hydrocarbon Cyclic Compounds (No. 10)

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The laboratory of "Organosilicon and Hydrocarbon Cyclic Compounds" carries out research on the fundamental laws of thermal and catalytic reactions of stressed hydrocarbon and silicocarbon cyclic structures. The influence of the structural features of carbocycles and silicicarbon heterocycles on their tendency to ring opening, catalytic cyclo-opening and additive polymerization is being studied. Much attention is paid to the creation of methods for the synthesis, metathesis and additive polymerization of unsaturated cyclic monomers. On this basis, patent-capable, technologically promising methods for obtaining new materials for gas separation membranes and optoelectronics, adhesives, photoresists, coatings, etc. are being created. Based on the metathesis of unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons, new methods are being developed for the production of products of high chemical value, such as natural environmentally friendly insecticides (insect pheromones), growth-regulating substances, components of fragrant and pharmaceutical compositions, components of high-energy rocket fuels, etc.

  1. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS)
  2. Gel penetrating chromatography
  3. X-ray diffraction analysis
  4. X-ray phase analysis
  5. Thermogravimetry (TG)
  6. NMR spectroscopy
  7. MALDI mass spectroscopy
Bermeshev, Maxim V
Maxim Bermeshev 🥼 🤝
Head of Laboratory
Andreyanov, Fedor
Fedor Andreyanov
Research Engineer

Research directions

Norbornene-based functional materials with polar and reactive groups

Our research focuses on the development of approaches to selective vinyl-addition polymerization of norbornenes with reactive substituents and the creation based on these polymers high-performance polymers for optoelectronics, membrane gas separation, and other applications.

Lab address

Ленинский просп., 29, стр. 2, Москва
Authorization required.