Fundamental research laboratory "Diagnostic research and minimally invasive technologies"

Head of Laboratory

Borsukov, A V

DSc in Health sciences, Professor
Authorization required.
Lab team

The laboratory's tasks: • development of new medical technologies in the treatment of diseases of internal organs, thyroid and mammary glands, soft tissues, skin (radiation, ultrasound and instrumental diagnostics); • implementation of new research projects with various medical institutions; • involvement of domestic and foreign companies - manufacturers of medical equipment for clinical trials of new medical equipment; • preparation of educational and scientific publications, inventions, textbooks with their subsequent dissemination.

  1. Experimental research methods
A Borsukov
Head of Laboratory
Daria Shestakova 🥼 🤝
Senior Researcher

Research directions

Development of a personalized algorithm for the diagnosis of steatotic liver disease in obese patients

Steatotic liver disease (SLD) is one of the most common liver diseases, especially among obese patients. Given the increasing incidence of obesity and comorbidities, including diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular pathologies, developing effective strategies for diagnosing and treating SLD is becoming a vital task. Project Objectives: The main objective of this project is to create a personalized algorithm for diagnosing steatotic liver disease that will take into account individual characteristics of obese patients, such as physical activity level, comorbidities, and biomarkers that determine liver health. Implementation Stages: 1. Data Collection: In the first stage, clinical data on obese patients will be collected, including laboratory test results, medical history, imaging results (ultrasound, MSCT), and information on comorbidities. 2. Biomarker Analysis: Liver biomarkers will be analyzed to identify specific indicators associated with the development of steatotic disease. This may include transaminase levels, lipid profile, insulin resistance, and other indicators. 3. Algorithm development: Based on the collected data and analysis results, an algorithm will be developed that will allow assessing the likelihood of developing steatosis in a particular patient, based on his individual characteristics. 4. Algorithm validation: The resulting algorithm is subject to clinical validation on an independent sample of patients to assess its accuracy and reliability in diagnosing SLD. 5. Integration into clinical practice: After successful validation, the algorithm will be introduced into clinical practice for use by specialist doctors, which will improve the quality of diagnostics and individualize the approach to treating patients with obesity. Expected results: - Creation of a highly effective tool for the early diagnosis of steatosis of the liver, which will allow diagnosing the disease at early stages and timely therapeutic measures. - Improving the understanding of the pathogenesis of SBP among obese patients. - Reducing morbidity and improving the quality of life of patients due to more precisely targeted treatment and prevention. Conclusion: This project aims to integrate modern scientific advances in medicine and technology to create a personalized approach to diagnosing fatty liver disease. This research may significantly impact the management of patients with obesity and their comorbidities, improving clinical outcomes and reducing medical costs.

Publications and patents

Алексей Васильевич Борсуков, Владимир Владимирович Бекезин, Алексей Олегович Буеверов, Анна Витальевна Тиханкова, Ирода Закирходжаевна Пулатова
RU2774175, 2022
Алексей Васильевич Борсуков, Ольга Александровна Горбатенко
RU2772333, 2022
Алексей Васильевич Борсуков, Дарья Юрьевна Венидиктова, Ольга Александровна Горбатенко, Семен Алексеевич Борсуков
RU2747159, 2021
Алексей Васильевич Борсуков, Анна Витальевна Тиханкова, Ольга Александровна Горбатенко, Антон Олегович Тагиль, Семен Алексеевич Борсуков, Татьяна Игоревна Гончарова
RU2744825, 2021
Алексей Васильевич Борсуков, Анна Витальевна Тиханкова
RU2713944, 2020
Алексей Васильевич Борсуков, Алексей Олегович Буеверов, Анна Витальевна Тиханкова
RU2702145, 2019
Дарья Юрьевна Венидиктова, Алексей Васильевич Борсуков, Сергей Викторович Титов, Иван Александрович Тимашков, Алексей Викторович Ковалев, Татьяна Геннадьевна Морозова, Ирина Анатольевна Бузулукова
RU2611905, 2016

Lab address

Смоленск, улица Крупской, 28
Authorization required.