Достижения российских учёных в 2024 году. Часть 2: Исследовательские статьи
Представляем Вашему вниманию топ-100 исследовательских статей 2024 г., подготовленных российскими учёными. Выборка формировалась с учётом импакт-фактора журнала, учитывались публикации, написанные с участием российских исследователей.
Среди лидеров по числу статей, попавших в топ, оказались организации: МГУ — 16, Сколтех — 15, МФТИ — 11, Курчатовский институт — 11, ИБХ РАН — 8, ИОХ РАН — 8, НГУ — 7, ИБГ РАН — 6 УрФУ — 6, КФУ — 6, ИНХ СО РАН — 5, ДВФУ — 5, НИУ ВШЭ — 5, ИНЭОС РАН — 5.
А также авторы: Новиков Р.А. — 5 статей,
Парфенов О.Е., Аверьянов Д.В., Сторчак В.Г., Соколов И.С., Токмачев А.М., Кондратьев О.А., Талденков А.Н., Славич А.С., Токсумаков А.Н., Насибулин А.Г., Анаников В.П., Бурыкина Ю.В., Трошин П.А., Артемьев А.В., Березин А.С., Ткачев А.В., Сохаг К., Глотов А.П., Харинцев С.С. — все по 3 статьи
1) A virally-encoded tRNA neutralizes the PARIS antiviral defence system
Nature (IF=50,5)
2) Temporal dynamics of woolly mammoth genome erosion prior to extinction
Cell (IF=45,5)
3) Bright and stable monomeric green fluorescent protein derived from StayGold
Nature Methods (IF=36,1)
4) An improved pathway for autonomous bioluminescence imaging in eukaryotes
Nature Methods (IF=36,1)
5) Strainy: phasing and assembly of strain haplotypes from long-read metagenome sequencing
Nature Methods (IF=36,1)
6) A community effort to optimize sequence-based deep learning models of gene regulation
Nature Biotechnology (IF=33,1)
Nature Genetics (IF=31,7)
Advanced Materials (IF=27,4)
9) Monolayer Magnetic Metal with Scalable Conductivity
Advanced Materials (IF=27,4)
Advanced Materials (IF=27,4)
Journal of Hepatology (IF=26,8)
Journal of Hepatology (IF=26,8)
13) Raisins in a Hydrogen Pie: Ultrastable Cesium and Rubidium Polyhydrides
Advanced Energy Materials (IF=24,4)
Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials (IF=23,2)
15) Role of clustering in the anomalous properties of supercritical fluids
Materials Today (IF=21)
16) Exploring van der Waals materials with high anisotropy: geometrical and optical approaches
Light: Science and Applications (IF=20,6)
17) Observation of nonlinear fractal higher order topological insulator
Light: Science and Applications (IF=20,6)
Nature Microbiology (IF=20,5)
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (IF=20,2)
20) Selective hydroprocessing of diphenyl ether into benzene over in situ generated MoOx and WOx
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (IF=20,2)
Energy Storage Materials (IF=18,9)
22) Grayscale to Multicolor Laser Writing Inside a Label‐Free Metal‐Organic Frameworks
Advanced Functional Materials (IF=18,5)
Advanced Functional Materials (IF=18,5)
Advanced Functional Materials (IF=18,5)
Advanced Functional Materials (IF=18,5)
Advanced Functional Materials (IF=18,5)
Nucleic Acids Research (IF=16,6)
Nucleic Acids Research (IF=16,6)
29) Multivalent DNAzyme agents for cleaving folded RNA
Nucleic Acids Research (IF=16,6)
Nucleic Acids Research (IF=16,6)
31) SEMA 2.0: web-platform for B-cell conformational epitopes prediction using artificial intelligence
Nucleic Acids Research (IF=16,6)
Nucleic Acids Research (IF=16,6)
Nucleic Acids Research (IF=16,6)
34) The impact of mRNA poly(A) tail length on eukaryotic translation stages
Nucleic Acids Research (IF=16,6)
Nucleic Acids Research (IF=16,6)
National Science Review (IF=16,3)
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (IF=16,1)
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (IF=16,1)
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (IF=16,1)
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (IF=16,1)
41) Formal High‐Order Cycloadditions of Donor‐Acceptor Cyclopropanes with Cycloheptatrienes
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (IF=16,1)
42) Parahydrogen‐Induced Polarization of 14N Nuclei
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (IF=16,1)
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (IF=16,1)
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (IF=16,1)
45) Toward Rhenium‐based Circularly Polarized OLEDs Using Tailored Chiral Re(CO)3 Emitters
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition (IF=16,1)
46) Antibacterial HA-coatings on bioresorbable Mg alloy
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (IF=15,8)
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (IF=15,8)
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (IF=15,8)
49) Gadolinium-doped injectable magnesium-calcium phosphate bone cements for noninvasive visualization
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys (IF=15,8)
ACS Nano (IF=15,8)
51) Photon-Momentum-Enabled Electronic Raman Scattering in Silicon Glass
ACS Nano (IF=15,8)
ACS Nano (IF=15,8)
53) Photon Momentum Enabled Light Absorption in Silicon
ACS Nano (IF=15,8)
54) Primary alcohols as killers of Ni-based catalysts in transfer hydrogenation
Chinese Journal of Catalysis (IF=15,7)
55) Category management for the operational resource procurement
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge (IF=15,6)
56) Rediscovery of mononuclear phagocyte system blockade for nanoparticle drug delivery
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
57) Lipidome atlas of the adult human brain
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
59) Complex trait susceptibilities and population diversity in a sample of 4,145 Russians
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
60) Wandering principal optical axes in van der Waals triclinic materials
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
61) TAD border deletion at the Kit locus causes tissue-specific ectopic activation of a neighboring gene
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
63) Synergism of primary and secondary interactions in a crystalline hydrogen peroxide complex with tin
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
65) Interstellar formation of lactaldehyde, a key intermediate in the methylglyoxal pathway
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
67) Rumicidins are a family of mammalian host-defense peptides plugging the 70S ribosome exit tunnel
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
69) Room temperature, cascadable, all-optical polariton universal gates
Nature Communications (IF=14,7)
Information Fusion (IF=14,7)
71) Activation of Anthraquinone’s Electrophilicity by Light for a Dynamic C–O Bond
Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF=14,4)
72) Dynamics of Linkers in Metal–Organic Framework Glasses
Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF=14,4)
Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF=14,4)
74) Engineering of a Layered Ferromagnet via Graphitization: An Overlooked Polymorph of GdAlSi
Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF=14,4)
75) Visualization of Brain Tumors with Infrared-Labeled Aptamers for Fluorescence-Guided Surgery
Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF=14,4)
Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF=14,4)
Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF=14,4)
Advanced Science (IF=14,3)
79) Record‐High Thermoelectric Performance in Al‐Doped ZnO via Anderson Localization of Band Edge States
Advanced Science (IF=14,3)
80) Targeting immunogenic cell death for glioma immunotherapy
Trends in Cancer (IF=14,3)
Advanced Science (IF=14,3)
Advanced Science (IF=14,3)
83) Extreme Electron‐Photon Interaction in Disordered Perovskites
Advanced Science (IF=14,3)
Journal of Energy Chemistry (IF=14)
85) Modification of contact lenses via metal‐organic frameworks for glaucoma treatment
Aggregate (IF=13,9)
Aggregate (IF=13,9)
Energy Economics (IF=13,6)
Energy Economics (IF=13,6)
Energy Economics (IF=13,6)
Energy Economics (IF=13,6)
91) Fast liquid-free patterning of SWCNT films for electronic and optical applications
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13,3)
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13,3)
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13,3)
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13,3)
95) Catalytic activity of ceria-based solid solutions with low-content dopants
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13,3)
96) Enhancement of the alloyed CdZnSeS/ZnS quantum dots photoluminescence by thiol ligands capping
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13,3)
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13,3)
Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13,3)
99) Nano-bio interaction of magnetic nanoparticles with cells in a tumor at the single-cell level
Nano Today (IF=13,2)
100) Optical Properties Prediction for Red and Near-Infrared Emitting Carbon Dots Using Machine Learning
Small (IF=13)
Small (IF=13)
102) Emerging 2D Ferromagnetism in Graphenized GdAlSi
Small (IF=13)
103) Laser‐Induced Synthesis of Tin Sulfides
Small (IF=13)
Small (IF=13)