Princess Sumaya University of Technology

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Most cited in 5 years

Keshta I., Odeh A.
Egyptian Informatics Journal scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-07-01 citations by CoLab: 225 Abstract  
Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) can provide many benefits to physicians, patients and healthcare services if they are adopted by healthcare organizations. But concerns about privacy and security that relate to patient information can cause there to be relatively low EMR adoption by a number of health institutions. Safeguarding a huge quantity of health data that is sensitive at separate locations in different forms is one of the big challenges of EMR. A review is presented in this paper to identify the health organizations’ privacy and security concerns and to examine solutions that could address the various concerns that have been identified. It shows the IT security incidents that have taken place in healthcare settings. The review will enable researchers to understand these security and privacy concerns and solutions that are available.
Al-Dmour H., Masa’deh R., Salman A., Abuhashesh M., Al-Dmour R.
2020-08-19 citations by CoLab: 220 Abstract  
Background Despite the growing body of literature examining social media in health contexts, including public health communication, promotion, and surveillance, limited insight has been provided into how the utility of social media may vary depending on the particular public health objectives governing an intervention. For example, the extent to which social media platforms contribute to enhancing public health awareness and prevention during epidemic disease transmission is currently unknown. Doubtlessly, coronavirus disease (COVID-19) represents a great challenge at the global level, aggressively affecting large cities and public gatherings and thereby having substantial impacts on many health care systems worldwide as a result of its rapid spread. Each country has its capacity and reacts according to its perception of threat, economy, health care policy, and the health care system structure. Furthermore, we noted a lack of research focusing on the role of social media campaigns in public health awareness and public protection against the COVID-19 pandemic in Jordan as a developing country. Objective The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of social media platforms on public health protection against the COVID-19 pandemic via public health awareness and public health behavioral changes as mediating factors in Jordan. Methods A quantitative approach and several social media platforms were used to collect data via web questionnaires in Jordan, and a total of 2555 social media users were sampled. This study used structural equation modeling to analyze and verify the study variables. Results The main findings revealed that the use of social media platforms had a significant positive influence on public health protection against COVID-19 as a pandemic. Public health awareness and public health behavioral changes significantly acted as partial mediators in this relationship. Therefore, a better understanding of the effects of the use of social media interventions on public health protection against COVID-19 while taking public health awareness and behavioral changes into account as mediators should be helpful when developing any health promotion strategy plan. Conclusions Our findings suggest that the use of social media platforms can positively influence awareness of public health behavioral changes and public protection against COVID-19. Public health authorities may use social media platforms as an effective tool to increase public health awareness through dissemination of brief messages to targeted populations. However, more research is needed to validate how social media channels can be used to improve health knowledge and adoption of healthy behaviors in a cross-cultural context.
Alhijawi B., Awajan A.
Evolutionary Intelligence scimago Q2 wos Q3
2023-02-03 citations by CoLab: 153 Abstract  
A genetic algorithm (GA) is an evolutionary algorithm inspired by the natural selection and biological processes of reproduction of the fittest individual. GA is one of the most popular optimization algorithms that is currently employed in a wide range of real applications. Initially, the GA fills the population with random candidate solutions and develops the optimal solution from one generation to the next. The GA applies a set of genetic operators during the search process: selection, crossover, and mutation. This article aims to review and summarize the recent contributions to the GA research field. In addition, the definitions of the GA essential concepts are reviewed. Furthermore, the article surveys the real-life applications and roles of GA. Finally, future directions are provided to develop the field.
Hamdan S., Ayyash M., Almajali S.
Sensors scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2020-11-11 citations by CoLab: 134 PDF Abstract  
The rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications and their interference with our daily life tasks have led to a large number of IoT devices and enormous sizes of IoT-generated data. The resources of IoT devices are limited; therefore, the processing and storing IoT data in these devices are inefficient. Traditional cloud-computing resources are used to partially handle some of the IoT resource-limitation issues; however, using the resources in cloud centers leads to other issues, such as latency in time-critical IoT applications. Therefore, edge-cloud-computing technology has recently evolved. This technology allows for data processing and storage at the edge of the network. This paper studies, in-depth, edge-computing architectures for IoT (ECAs-IoT), and then classifies them according to different factors such as data placement, orchestration services, security, and big data. Besides, the paper studies each architecture in depth and compares them according to various features. Additionally, ECAs-IoT is mapped according to two existing IoT layered models, which helps in identifying the capabilities, features, and gaps of every architecture. Moreover, the paper presents the most important limitations of existing ECAs-IoT and recommends solutions to them. Furthermore, this survey details the IoT applications in the edge-computing domain. Lastly, the paper recommends four different scenarios for using ECAs-IoT by IoT applications.
Abu Zayyad H.M., Obeidat Z.M., Alshurideh M.T., Abuhashesh M., Maqableh M., Masa’deh R.
2020-02-14 citations by CoLab: 108 Abstract  
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a vital construct in the banking industry due to its influence on brand credibility, positive word of mouth, and repeat purchases. The purpose of this resea...
Albulayhi K., Abu Al-Haija Q., Alsuhibany S.A., Jillepalli A.A., Ashrafuzzaman M., Sheldon F.T.
Applied Sciences (Switzerland) scimago Q2 wos Q2 Open Access
2022-05-16 citations by CoLab: 97 PDF Abstract  
The Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem has experienced significant growth in data traffic and consequently high dimensionality. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are essential self-protective tools against various cyber-attacks. However, IoT IDS systems face significant challenges due to functional and physical diversity. These IoT characteristics make exploiting all features and attributes for IDS self-protection difficult and unrealistic. This paper proposes and implements a novel feature selection and extraction approach (i.e., our method) for anomaly-based IDS. The approach begins with using two entropy-based approaches (i.e., information gain (IG) and gain ratio (GR)) to select and extract relevant features in various ratios. Then, mathematical set theory (union and intersection) is used to extract the best features. The model framework is trained and tested on the IoT intrusion dataset 2020 (IoTID20) and NSL-KDD dataset using four machine learning algorithms: Bagging, Multilayer Perception, J48, and IBk. Our approach has resulted in 11 and 28 relevant features (out of 86) using the intersection and union, respectively, on IoTID20 and resulted 15 and 25 relevant features (out of 41) using the intersection and union, respectively, on NSL-KDD. We have further compared our approach with other state-of-the-art studies. The comparison reveals that our model is superior and competent, scoring a very high 99.98% classification accuracy.
Alauthman M., Aslam N., Al-kasassbeh M., Khan S., Al-Qerem A., Raymond Choo K.
2020-01-01 citations by CoLab: 95 Abstract  
The use of bot malware and botnets as a tool to facilitate other malicious cyber activities (e.g. distributed denial of service attacks, dissemination of malware and spam, and click fraud). However, detection of botnets, particularly peer-to-peer (P2P) botnets, is challenging. Hence, in this paper we propose a sophisticated traffic reduction mechanism, integrated with a reinforcement learning technique. We then evaluate the proposed approach using real-world network traffic, and achieve a detection rate of 98.3%. The approach also achieves a relatively low false positive rate (i.e. 0.012%).
Maayah B., Moussaoui A., Bushnaq S., Abu Arqub O.
Demonstratio Mathematica scimago Q2 wos Q1 Open Access
2022-01-01 citations by CoLab: 90 PDF Abstract  
Abstract COVID-19, a novel coronavirus disease, is still causing concern all over the world. Recently, researchers have been concentrating their efforts on understanding the complex dynamics of this widespread illness. Mathematics plays a big role in understanding the mechanism of the spread of this disease by modeling it and trying to find approximate solutions. In this study, we implement a new technique for an approximation of the analytic series solution called the multistep Laplace optimized decomposition method for solving fractional nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations. The proposed method is a combination of the multistep method, the Laplace transform, and the optimized decomposition method. To show the ability and effectiveness of this method, we chose the COVID-19 model to apply the proposed technique to it. To develop the model, the Caputo-type fractional-order derivative is employed. The suggested algorithm efficacy is assessed using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, and when compared to it, the results show that the proposed approach has a high level of accuracy. Several representative graphs are displayed and analyzed in two dimensions to show the growth and decay in the model concerning the fractional parameter α values. The central processing unit computational time cost in finding graphical results is utilized and tabulated. From a numerical viewpoint, the archived simulations and results justify that the proposed iterative algorithm is a straightforward and appropriate tool with computational efficiency for several coronavirus disease differential model solutions.
Alshurideh M.T., Al Kurdi B., AlHamad A.Q., Salloum S.A., Alkurdi S., Dehghan A., Abuhashesh M., Masa’deh R.
Informatics scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2021-04-30 citations by CoLab: 80 PDF Abstract  
Recent years have seen an increasingly widespread use of online learning technologies. This has prompted universities to make huge investments in technology to augment their position in the face of extensive competition and to enhance their students’ learning experience and efficiency. Numerous studies have been carried out regarding the use of online and mobile phone learning platforms. However, there are very few studies focusing on how university students will accept and adopt smartphones as a new platform for taking examinations. Many reasons, but most recently and importantly the COVID-19 pandemic, have prompted educational institutions to move toward using both online and mobile learning techniques. This study is a pioneer in examining the intention to use mobile exam platforms and the prerequisites of such intention. The purpose of this study is to expand the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by including four additional constructs: namely, content quality, service quality, information quality, and system quality. A self-survey method was prepared and carried out to obtain the necessary basic data. In total, 566 students from universities in the United Arab Emirates took part in this survey. Smart PLS was used to test the study constructs and the structural model. Results showed that all study hypotheses are supported and confirmed the effect of the TAM extension factors within the UAE higher education setting. These outcomes suggest that the policymakers and education developers should consider mobile exam platforms as a new assessment platform and a possible technological solution, especially when considering the distance learning concept. It is good to bear in mind that this study is initial and designed to explore using smartphones as a new platform for student examinations. Furthermore, mixed-method research is needed to check the effectiveness and the suitability of using the examination platforms, especially for postgraduate higher educational levels.
Aljarah I., Habib M., Faris H., Al-Madi N., Heidari A.A., Mafarja M., Elaziz M.A., Mirjalili S.
2020-09-01 citations by CoLab: 79 Abstract  
Developing intelligent analytical tools requires pre-processing data and finding relevant features that best reinforce the performance of the predictive algorithms. Feature selection plays a significant role in maximizing the accuracy of machine learning algorithms since the presence of redundant and irrelevant attributes deteriorates the performance of the learning process and increases its complexity. Feature selection is a combinatorial optimization problem that can be formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem with the purpose of maximizing the classification performance and minimizing the number of irrelevant features. It is considered an NP hard optimization problem since having a number of (n) features produces a large search space of size ( 2 n ) of different permutations of features. An eminent type of optimizer for tackling such an exhausting search process is evolutionary, which mimic evolutionary processes in nature to solve problems in computers. Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) is a well-established metaheuristic that was inspired by the foraging behavior of salps in deep oceans and has proved to be beneficial in estimating global optima for optimization problems. The objective of this article is to promote and boost the performance of the multi-objective SSA for feature selection. Therefore, it proposes an enhanced multi-objective SSA algorithm (MODSSA-lbest) that adopts two essential components: the dynamic time-varying strategy and local fittest solutions. These components assist the SSA algorithm in balancing exploration and exploitation. Thus, it converges faster while avoiding locally optimal solutions. The proposed approach (MODSSA-lbest) is tested on 13 benchmark datasets and compared with the well-regarded Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). The results show that the MODSSA-lbest achieves significantly promising results versus its counterpart algorithms.
from 3 chars
Publications found: 1087
On the Optimal Evaluation of the Irradiance Angle and the Orientation in OIRS-Aided Vehicle Communication Systems
Singh A., Ayyash M., Salameh H.B., Almajali S.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
On the Recursive Sequence xn+1=axn−1b+cxnxn−1
Al-Hdaibat B., Sabra R., DarAssi M.H., Al-Ashhab S.
Mathematics 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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In this paper, we investigate the dynamical behaviors of the rational difference equation xn=(axn−1)/(b+cxnxn−1) with arbitrary initial conditions, where a, b, and c are real numbers. A general solution is obtained. The asymptotic stability of the equilibrium points is investigated, using a nonlinear stability criterion combined with basin of attraction analysis and simulation to determine the stability regions of the equilibrium points. The existence of the periodic solutions is discussed. We investigate the codim-1 bifurcations of the equation. We show that the equation exhibits a Neimark–Sacker bifurcation. For this bifurcation, the topological normal form is computed. To confirm our theoretical results, we performed a numerical simulation as well as numerical bifurcation analysis by using the Matlab package MatContM.
The Impact of Social Media Influencers’ Interaction on Customer Journey
Abuhashesh M., Abu Ajamieh L.M., Omeish F., Al Kurdi B.
Springer Nature
Artificial Intelligence in Data and Big Data Processing 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The study examines the impact of social media influencers’ interaction on online customer journey. The research, conducted among Jordanian social media users, found that these factors significantly influence the customer’s purchasing journey, from product awareness to decision-making and loyalty. The study population is comprised of social media users in Jordan with online purchasing experiences influenced by their interactions with social media influencers. 411 questionnaires were distributed and gathered using a non-probabilistic convenience sampling method. Employing Quantitative research methodology. Descriptive analysis by SPSS, Multiple regression, ANOVA tests and AMOS software statistical analysis tests were employed to analyze the data collected from participants in Jordan. The study emphasizes the importance of social media influencers in markeing strategies, with personality having the highest impact on the customer journey. The study has underscored the importance of social media influencers to marketers, making them a crucial part of their strategic marketing plans and promotional campaigns. Moreover, personality has the highest level of effect on customer journey.
Investigating Tuberculosis Dynamics Under Various Control Strategies: A Comprehensive Analysis Using Real Statistical Data
Al‐Hdaibat B., DarAssi M.H., Ahmad I., Altaf Khan M., Algethamie R.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
ABSTRACTIn the present investigation, a mathematical model with vaccination, treatment, and environmental impact under real data is presented. Initially, we present the model without any interventions, followed by an examination of its equilibrium points. The stability analysis indicates the confirmation of the local asymptotical stability of the disease‐free equilibrium (DFE), , whenever . Moreover, we demonstrate the global asymptotical stability of for . We also investigate the endemic equilibria and show that there exists a unique endemic equilibrium, , which confirms that the model does not exhibit the backward bifurcation. Utilizing real TB data from Pakistan (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) over a specific timeframe, we parameterize the model accordingly. We perform sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of model parameters on , with the results depicted graphically. Subsequently, we extend the model to include vaccination and an optimal control framework, deriving the relevant outcomes. The numerical solutions for the optimal control model are presented under various control strategies, demonstrating that simultaneous activation of all four controls yields effective results in managing TB. The impact of four control strategies on TB management through a numerical optimal control framework is shown. The results reveal that all four controls, vaccination, awareness, screening, and pathogens clearance, simultaneously yield the most effective reduction in both exposed and infected cases, highlighting the necessity for an integrated approach to TB prevention and control.
A Student-centric Perspective on Leveraging of the Metaverse in Higher Education
Qutaishat F., Abushakra A., Al-Omari M.
World Scientific
Journal of Information and Knowledge Management 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Using the metaverse in education is one of the numerous new application areas that have recently evolved. The overall aim of this research study was to investigate the factors that influence university students’ acceptance of using the metaverse in education. A modified version of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology developed specifically for the metaverse was employed. In addition, common moderating constructs were added to the modified version of the employed model (namely, level of experience and gender) to further broaden the scope of the analysis. A survey questionnaire was administered to collect data from a sample of 326 students from the King Talal School of Business at Princess Sumaya University for Technology. Subsequently, data were analysed using structural equation modelling via the SmartPLS software. Results of this study revealed that the construct’s performance expectancy, social influence, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions all had significant positive effects on students’ satisfaction with using the metaverse in education. Furthermore, students’ satisfaction demonstrated a significant positive effect on students’ intention to continue using the metaverse in education. Contrary to expectations, the constructs, including level of experience and gender, did not have any significant effect on the results. The research study findings provided several theoretical and practical implications which would assist educational institutions and metaverse providers in their efforts to incorporate such an immersive platform into the educational domain.
A constructionist approach to Arabic active participles
Yasin A., Abdelghafer O.
Taylor & Francis
Cogent Arts and Humanities 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
Calibration of parameters and predictive control strategy of a wind turbine for improvement of energy harvesting
Aljundi A., Mohamed O., Abu Elhaija W.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Applied mathematical modeling of the various energy resources has contributed widely in their design and operation improvements. Among renewable energy sources, wind energy systems have gained a significant attention for their rapid and continuous growth, which resulted from their cost effectiveness and clean power generation. However, research effort on the industry and university levels is still needed to enhance the characteristics of existing wind turbines and allow larger amounts of their share. This thesis presents an accurate model of a wind turbine (TWT-1.65) system for time-based dynamic simulations. The parameters of the power coefficient have been identified, calibrated and verified using different meta-heuristic optimization techniques, which are the Wild Horse Optimizer (WHO), Whale Optimizer (WO), and Genetic Algorithm (GA) to enhance the model accuracy over the previously related studies. The new version of the parameters has resulted in a higher accuracy while being practically meaningful, with the best achieved MSE of 0.006. The system model has been then integrated with two predictive controllers which are the linear Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Neural Network Predictive Control (NNPC) to regulate the pitch angle trends for the target of maximum energy harvesting. With proper selection of the controllers’ parameters, off-line simulation studies have shown improved production trends of the power output with constrained and safe trajectory of the pitch angle, which can be translated to be an improve in the total average harvested power of 34% and 44.5% over the complete time window of 5760 min using NNPC and Linear MPC respectively.
Impact of Loads and Photovoltaic Uncertainties on Cascaded Failure in Transmission Networks of Future Power Grids
Al-Rousan W., Aljarrah R., Karimi M., Obeidat F., Salem Q.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE Access 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
A Developed Model Based on Machine Learning Algorithms for Phishing Website Detection
Abdel-jaber H., Al Bazar H., Naser M.
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Introduction: Users are accessing websites for many purposes, such as obtaining information about a particular topic, buying items, accessing their accounts, etc. Cybercriminals use phishing websites to attain the sensitive information of the users, like usernames and passwords, credit card details, etc. Detecting phishing websites helps in protecting the information and the money of people. Machine learning algorithms can be applied to detect phishing websites. Methods: In this paper, a model based on various machine learning algorithms is developed to detect phishing websites. The machine learning algorithms used in this model are Decision Tree, Random Forest, Extra Trees, K-Nearest Neighbors, Multilayer Perceptron and Support Vector Machine. The dataset of phishing websites is taken from the Kaggle website. The algorithms mentioned above of the developed model are compared together to identify which algorithm has better classification results. Results: The extra trees algorithm offers the best results for accuracy, precision, and F1- Score. This paper also compares the developed model with a previous model that uses the same dataset and relies upon decision tree, random forest, and support vector machine to determine which model has better classification report results. The developed model, depending on the Decision Tree and SVM, offers better classification results than those of the previous models. The developed model is compared with another preceding model relying upon Decision Tree and Random Forest algorithms to determine which model generates better results for accuracy, precision, recall/sensitivity, and F1-Score. Conclusion: The developed model, depending on the Decision Tree, presents better results for accuracy, recall, and F1-Score than the results of accuracy, sensitivity, and F1-Score for the preceding model based on the Decision Tree.
Evaluating GPT models for clinical note de-identification
Altalla’ B., Abdalla S., Altamimi A., Bitar L., Al Omari A., Kardan R., Sultan I.
Springer Nature
Scientific Reports 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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The rapid digitalization of healthcare has created a pressing need for solutions that manage clinical data securely while ensuring patient privacy. This study evaluates the capabilities of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models in de-identifying clinical notes and generating synthetic data, using API access and zero-shot prompt engineering to optimize computational efficiency. Results show that GPT-4 significantly outperformed GPT-3.5, achieving a precision of 0.9925, a recall of 0.8318, an F1 score of 0.8973, and an accuracy of 0.9911. These results demonstrate GPT-4’s potential as a powerful tool for safeguarding patient privacy while increasing the availability of clinical data for research. This work sets a benchmark for balancing data utility and privacy in healthcare data management.
Impact of IPSAS Adoption on Governance and Corruption: A Comparative Study of Southern Europe
Maali B.M., Morshed A.
Journal of Risk and Financial Management 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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This study examines the impact that International Public Sector Accounting Standards adoption might have on governance quality and corruption control in Spain, Portugal, and Italy. IPSAS was designed to globally enhance public transparency and accountability thanks to accrual accounting. However, its effectiveness in fighting corruption and steering better governance has varied across institutional contexts and implementation phases. This paper examines, using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and comparative analysis, how legal systems, political stability, and anti-corruption measures mediate the relationship. The results indicate that full IPSAS adoption, as in the case of Spain, significantly enhances governance if the institutional framework is solid and, by extension, reduces corruption. Partial adoption, such as that by Portugal, exposes moderate improvements, but Italy, still in the preparation of the process, shows the poorest result. The study identifies that the legal system, along with complementary reforms like capacity building and political stability, is a very crucial factor in enhancing the IPSAS impact. This covers the evidential gaps and provides actionable insights for policymakers, while at the same time underlining institutional strength as a key driver for IPSAS adoption, contributing to broader discussions on advancing public sector accounting reforms.
Magnetostriction Effect on Vibration and Acoustic Noise in Switched Reluctance Motor
Cai Y., El-Faouri F.S., Saikawa N., Chiba A., Yoshizaki S.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Assessing the Role of Vaccination in the Control of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease Transmission
Alqahtani Z., DarAssi M.H., AbuHour Y., Almuneef A.
Mathematics 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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The impact of vaccination on the dynamics of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) transmission is explored in this paper, considering a fractional-order derivative system of equations. This model provides vaccination strategies and characterizes local and global stability using Lyapunov functions. This work computes the basic reproduction number (R0) to represent the endemic and epidemic scenarios. Additionally, sensitivity analysis was performed to identify the most critical parameters responsible for the disease dissemination. Our results indicate that vaccination plays a crucial role in controlling HFMD, significantly reducing its prevalence. These findings align with existing research, supporting the importance of effective vaccination strategies and public health interventions against HFMD. The fractional-order model captures the memory effect in infectious disease dynamics, providing further insight into modeling HFMD transmission compared to a traditional integer-order model. The results would contribute to effective vaccination strategies and public health interventions against HFMD.
A Mathematical Model for Controlling the Alcohol Addiction: Stability and Numerical Analysis
Bushnaq S., Zeb A., Iqbal S., Djilali S., Ansari K.J.
World Scientific
Fractals 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The aim of this work is to develop a model of alcohol that takes drug features into account. We assess the model feasibility and explain its formulation in terms of a nonlinear differential equation. Using the subsequent matrix generation technique, we ascertain the reproductive number in order to assess the dynamics of the model. We also examine the system equilibrium points, namely the positive and free alcohol equilibrium points. To gain insights into the stability properties of the model, we utilize the Lyapunov function and the Routh–Hurwitz criterion. Through these methods, we investigate both the local stability and global stability of the considered model. Furthermore, we employ numerical simulations to complement and illustrate the theoretical results obtained. These simulations provide visual representations that enhance the understanding of the model dynamics and behavior.
Exploring Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms in the Context of Textual Cyberharassment: A Systematic Review
Shannaq F., Shehab M., Alshorman A., Hammad M., Hammo B., Al‐Omari W.
Expert Systems 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
ABSTRACTThe digital landscape and rapid advancement of Information and Communication Technology have significantly increased social interactions, but it has also led to a rise in harmful behaviours such as offensive language, cyberbullying, and HS. Addressing online harassment is critical due to its severe consequences. This study offers a comprehensive evaluation of existing studies that employed metaheuristic optimization algorithms for detecting textual harassment content across social media platforms, highlighting their strengths and limitations. Using the PRISMA methodology, we reviewed and analysed 271 research papers, ultimately narrowing down the selection to 36 papers based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. By analysing key factors such as optimization techniques, feature engineering strategies, and dataset characteristics, we identify crucial trends and challenges in the field. Finally, we offer practical recommendations to improve the accuracy of predictive models, including adopting hybrid approaches, enhancing multilingual capabilities, and expanding models to operate effectively across various social media platforms.

Since 1998

Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average authors per publication
Metrics description


Fields of science

Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 144, 14.8%
Software, 127, 13.05%
Computer Networks and Communications, 105, 10.79%
Computer Science Applications, 91, 9.35%
Hardware and Architecture, 91, 9.35%
General Engineering, 79, 8.12%
General Computer Science, 66, 6.78%
Information Systems, 60, 6.17%
Artificial Intelligence, 49, 5.04%
Applied Mathematics, 44, 4.52%
General Materials Science, 43, 4.42%
Control and Systems Engineering, 43, 4.42%
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, 42, 4.32%
General Mathematics, 40, 4.11%
Business and International Management, 36, 3.7%
Algebra and Number Theory, 34, 3.49%
Strategy and Management, 31, 3.19%
Signal Processing, 30, 3.08%
Media Technology, 30, 3.08%
Human-Computer Interaction, 28, 2.88%
Education, 28, 2.88%
Management Information Systems, 28, 2.88%
Theoretical Computer Science, 27, 2.77%
Energy Engineering and Power Technology, 26, 2.67%
Analysis, 26, 2.67%
Information Systems and Management, 26, 2.67%
Instrumentation, 22, 2.26%
Control and Optimization, 21, 2.16%
Geography, Planning and Development, 21, 2.16%
General Physics and Astronomy, 20, 2.06%





With other organizations


With foreign organizations


With other countries

USA, 103, 10.59%
UAE, 85, 8.74%
Saudi Arabia, 83, 8.53%
Iran, 50, 5.14%
United Kingdom, 39, 4.01%
Pakistan, 30, 3.08%
Canada, 29, 2.98%
Australia, 28, 2.88%
India, 15, 1.54%
China, 13, 1.34%
Egypt, 13, 1.34%
Germany, 12, 1.23%
South Africa, 12, 1.23%
Qatar, 11, 1.13%
Malaysia, 10, 1.03%
Turkey, 10, 1.03%
Japan, 10, 1.03%
Republic of Korea, 9, 0.92%
Finland, 9, 0.92%
Argentina, 8, 0.82%
Spain, 8, 0.82%
Tunisia, 8, 0.82%
Italy, 7, 0.72%
Kuwait, 7, 0.72%
North Macedonia, 7, 0.72%
Singapore, 7, 0.72%
Belgium, 6, 0.62%
Hungary, 6, 0.62%
Greece, 6, 0.62%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.
  • Publications published earlier than 1998 are ignored in the statistics.
  • The horizontal charts show the 30 top positions.
  • Journals quartiles values are relevant at the moment.