Research and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the Moscow Health Care Department

Research and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the Moscow Health Care Department
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Russia, Moscow
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Digital Diagnostics (93 publications)
Medical Visualization
Medical Visualization (17 publications)
Radiatsionnaya Gygiena
Radiatsionnaya Gygiena (17 publications)
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Publications found: 749
Statute of Limitation on Corruption-Related Offences: International Experience
Ganhuyag B., Zumberlham D.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The article examines international experience in establishing the statute of limitations for corruption offences depending on the category of crime, as well as in calculating the statute of limitations based on the scale of the corruption crime and the public danger. In the current policy of Mongolia, especially in view of the loss of differentiation between serious and minor crimes in determining the statute of limitations, the theoretical concepts of this process remain unclear, which is the subject of consideration and scientific analysis from the point of view of legal regulation.
Criminological Aspects of the Motivation of Individuals Belonging to Organized Criminal Groups of an Extremist Nature
Aripshev A.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of criminological aspects of the motivation of persons joining organized criminal groups of an extremist nature. The author of the study analyzes various factors that may contribute to involvement in criminal groups and their illegal activities in such groups, the motives for their participation in extremist activities. The article examines the psychological, social and ideological factors that influence the formation and support of the motivation of participants in organized criminal groups with an extremist nature. Examples of interactions between various individual and social factors that contribute to the formation of radical beliefs and readiness to commit extremist acts are given. In addition, the features of the motivation of individuals belonging to organized extremist groups are analyzed with the aim of their classification. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that understanding the motivation of individuals who join extremist organized criminal groups is important for developing appropriate tactics and methods for preventing and suppressing extremist activities. Overall, the article represents a comprehensive study of the criminological aspects of the motivation of individuals belonging to organized criminal groups with an extremist nature, and is an important contribution to the field of criminology and criminal activity.
Meta-Analysis of the Problem of Rehabilitation of Chemically Dependent Persons in Russian and Foreign Literature
Dergach I.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 1  |  Abstract
The article analyzes the domestic and foreign literature of recent years, aimed at studying the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process of chemically dependent persons. However, most of the results obtained by the researchers are not comparable with each other. Firstly, the reasons are related to differences in the theoretical approaches of the authors of the goals, objectives and mechanisms of the rehabilitation process, as well as the "blurring" of the effectiveness criteria. In Russian narcology the criterion for the success of the rehabilitation process is the persistence, duration and quality of the achieved remissions. As scientific and practical studies show, the persistence of remission is achievable when the period of abandonment of substance is complemented by a long rehabilitation period, thanks to which the individual's ability to function in society is restored. Foreign researchers who consider recovery as a "process", not as an "end point", come to the conclusion that after all the necessary stages of rehabilitation, it is necessary to provide constant long-term support. A significant amount of international research confirms the need for long-term support in the post-rehabilitation period. From the point of view of some Russian authors, rehabilitation is a multi-level process that includes an environment with a certain atmosphere in which both rehabilitators and specialists interact. However, there are currently no training manuals and recommendations that would collect and systematize scientific and practical information for specialists working in the field of rehabilitation of minors prone to substance use. In modern narcology it is necessary to improve the organizational principles and legislative framework of the entire system of rehabilitation process of chemically dependent persons.
The Scale of the Personality as a Socio-Psychological Phenomenon
Radzion N.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 1  |  Abstract
In modern cultural and historical conditions, the problem of finding human in a human being is relevant. The purpose of the work is to identify psychological manifestations of the personality that determine its scale. The object of study is the phenomenon of “personality scale”. The conducted associative experiment and the subsequent content-analysis of the obtained results allowed to make a specialized semantic differential, the factor analysis of which presented a detailed five-factor scale model of personality. The resulting model of the scale of personality includes such psychological manifestations as charismatic, tolerant, will, authority, patronage. Thus, a complex understanding of the personality scale allowing to consciously manage its activity by the subject to achieve maximum self-realization has been proposed.
Issues of Organization of Strategic Sports Management
Gorbatenko T., Kichigina I., Liang A.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
he issues of quality management in sports have special significance today. Back in 2017, the country declared a decade of sports, and there is very posi­tive statistics of involvement in sports and physical culture. However, the structure of sports itself, which has developed in the post-Soviet space, remains illogical and cannot fully meet the needs of society in modern services. The article aims to search the most effective mechanisms for managing sports activities based on the theoretical developments of strategic management. Methodologically, the article is based on lo­gical justification, comparison, deduction of forms and methods of management pre­sent in management theory and strategic management. As a result of the conducted research, we believe that the most important components can be: individually formed mission of a sport or educational organization, individually selected balanced scorecard indicators of efficiency. The parallels presented during the research — from kindergarten to university, taking into account the involvement in sports today, respond to the mass demand for health care. This is why the issue of strategic sports management should remain on the agenda.
On the Classification of Typical Methods of Fraud in the Field of Construction at the Expense of the Federal Budget
Tereshchenko A.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Currently, in the context of sanctions pressure exerted on our state from outside, the need to ensure the effective spending of budget funds allocated for the construction of significant industrial and infrastructure facilities is of particular importance in ensuring economic security. Improving the search and cognitive activities of law enforcement agencies investigating fraud in the field of construction at the expense of the federal budget is one of the measures aimed at achieving such a goal. When developing and improving provisions on a private forensic methodology for investigating a crime of any individual type, one cannot do without a thorough study of the method of its commission. At the same time, the approach to considering the very concept of the method of committing a crime has significant differences in various branches of scientific knowledge. In forensic science, there are also generally accepted ideas for the study of this scientific category. In our study of criminal activity in the field of construction at the expense of the federal budget, we also applied traditional forensic methods and techniques. In particular, we used the method of classifying the described concept from the generally accepted provisions of forensic systematics. This made it possible to identify and systematically present some patterns in a typical mechanism for committing the type of crimes we are considering. Some of the results we have obtained are presented in this article.
Rough Edges of the Status of a Foreign Agent. Problems of Legislative Regulation
Grigorev E., Gulyaev T., Maximova S.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The Institute of Foreign Agents has gained particular importance in modern Russian legal reality. The adoption of the new federal law contributed to the unification of the regulation of this institution, but the current legislation needs in-depth study. The article is devoted to the legal understanding of the status of a foreign agent - a domestic short story in the constitutional model of rights and freedoms. It was established that the legal regulation of the status of a foreign agent meets the constitutionally significant goals of protecting the foundations of the constitutional system, rights and freedoms, and ensuring the security of the state. The need for legislative consolidation of this institution in Russia corresponds to the evolution of public-political relations. Based on the conducted comparative legal analysis of foreign experience, the contours of the legal model for securing such status in Russia are defined, the problems of the status of a foreign agent as a subject of legal regulation are identified. The authors consider the status of persons affiliated with foreign agents, their role in relation to foreign agents. An analysis of the norms of administrative and criminal legislation regulating legal relations, which arise in violation of legal instructions established for foreign agents is carried out. Based on the results of the scientific study, practical recommendations are proposed for improving and modernizing domestic legislation on foreign agents.
Liability for Legalization (Laundering) of Funds or Other Property Obtained by Criminal Means: Chinese Experience
Myakhanova A., Konovalova Z., Sinkov D.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The article presents the results of studying the experience of Russia and China in the fight against money laundering. The main goal of this study is to develop an effective strategy to combat this type of crime. Particular attention is paid to the experience of China, as a state with one of the strongest economies in the world, which indicates an effective system for combating economic crimes in the country. The study of comparative legal aspects made it possible to identify the most successful methods and techniques in the fight against money laundering, which can be applied in other countries to increase the effectiveness of combating this problem. A generalized analysis of these factors is presented in this study. An analysis of the legislation of Russia and China in terms of combating money laundering was carried out. Based on the content analysis of the media, various money laundering schemes are presented.
Problems of Exercising the Victim's Right to Familiarize with the Criminal Case file in the Event of Its Termination or Suspension
Bufetova M.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The victim is a central procedural figure in criminal proceedings, who is involved in criminal proceedings due to the fact his rights are violated by the crime. In connection with the constitutional provisions and provisions of the criminal procedure legislation, the violated rights of the victim are subject to protection. At the same time, according to many proceduralists, including the author of the article, the current provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation), are more aimed at protecting the rights of the suspect and the accused, the rights of the victim are residual in comparison with the legal guarantees of the accused, that negatively affects not only the possibility of the victim exercising his legal status, but also in general on the protection of his rights in the field of criminal proceedings. This indicates serious shortcomings in the legislation in the field of protecting the rights of victims, which are systemic. The object of the study is exercising the right of the victim and his/ her representative to familiarize with the criminal case file in the event of its completion, termination, termination or suspension. In this sphere, serious shortcomings of the current legislation were revealed in terms of the formation of the procedure for familiarizing the victim, his representative with the materials of the investigation at the time of the suspension of the criminal case. It was concluded that amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation were necessary to address the shortcomings identified, in a manner similar to chapter 30 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which provides for the procedure for familiarization with the materials of a criminal case after the preliminary investigation. These amendments will help to safeguard the private interests of the victim and to implement the purpose of criminal proceedings - protection of the rights and legitimate interests of victims of crime.
Promising Trends in the Development of Rural Settlement Architecture — the Trend Towards Eco-Settlements
Vorontsova N., Zhdanova O., Toropov A.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The purpose of the work is to study the architecture of eco-settlements. The relevance is due to the fact that the trend towards eco-settlements is one of the promising directions in the development of rural settlement architecture. This is due to the growing recognition of the need to develop sustainable, self-sufficient communities capable of meeting their own energy, food and water needs while minimizing their environmental impact. Eco-settlements are designed to be compact, comfortable for walking and integrated with the surrounding nature. As a rule, they feature buildings built using locally renewable materials and designed in such a way that they are energy efficient and low-cost. Renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines are used to provide residents with electricity. In such settlements, attention is paid to the social interaction of residents, community involvement through the use of public spaces, public gardens and other amenities. In the course of the work, the world experience was summarized and general trends were identified. It is concluded that the functional typology of settlements is a reflection of the foundations of its existence. It reflects the peculiarities of the industrial activity of the population, the role and place of the territory in the local economy, etc. The historical features of the emergence and development of rural settlements, the cultural traditions of the inhabitants, and the geographical characteristics of the area have an impact on the modern appearance. In general, the trend towards the spread of eco-settlements represents a promising step torward in the development of rural settlement architecture. By prioritizing sustainable development, self-sufficiency and community engagement, eco-settlements help to rethink what it means to live in a rural community in the 21st century.
World Experience in Use of Indices to Assess the Urban Environment
Meshcheryakova N.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
In the last decade, the issues of comfortable living in an urban environment have become relevant. Whereupon, public spaces are constantly improved, and human habitation in it is improving. Quality assessing of the created conditions for comfortable living remains a difficult task due to the constantly changing human needs. Many countries including Russia solve this task, offering their own assessment methods. The article presents an analysis of international experience in the application of urban environment assessment indices and various ratings based on the obtained indices. The assessing methods of a comfortable urban environment are presented on the example of European countries and Russia. Since the use of indices for assessment the urban environment in Russia began much later than in other countries, the article presents an analysis of regulations and the essence of the methodology currently used. As a result, the purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the international and Russian experience in the use of indices for assessment of comfortable living conditions for people in an urban environment, the possibility of using this experience in Russian practice.
The End-to-End Testing of the Material Accounting and Analytical Support System of Organizations
Kukartseva D., Ivakina I., Pechenkina A.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Relevance. Economic activity of organizations in modern market conditions leads to the need of constant search of ways to improve the accounting of materials and control over their movement, as well as the management of expenditure of these resources for production, which is one of the most important sources of growth in the efficiency of production activities, the growth of competitiveness of the economic entity and its financial stability. Novelty. Many authors (S. Kukushkin, V. Pozdnyakov, O. Pshenichnikova, E. Sitikova, L. Bobrovskaya, N. Kondrakov, O. Shvyreva, N. Kazakova and others) have considered the issues of planning, analysis, accounting and control within the system of accounting and analytical support of materials, but each of them chose a specific block for research, because of which there is no holistic understanding of the process of providing the organization with the necessary working capital. The end-to-end testing is not a well-studied tool of internal control at all. The methods used in the study of the issue of development and implementation of accounting and analytical support of materials in manufacturing enterprises are analysis, modelling, deduction, concretization, description, and interview with various experts in the field of accounting, external audit and internal control. As a result of the study, a flowchart of the business process related to the acquisition, storage and disposal of inventories was developed, and the end-to-end testing was implemented as a tool to control the movement and use of such working capital in economic entities of the production organizations. These recommendations will help to make management decisions in a relevant and qualitative manner.
Assessment of Financial Stability Indicators of Organizations
Pyatak A.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
A reliable assessment of the financial stability of an organization plays an important role in the prosperity, expansion and stability of any organization. It is important to understand that bankruptcy is not always a sign of a failed business or the debtor's insolvency. In some cases, bankruptcy is used as a debt restructuring tool, especially in situations where financial difficulties have arisen due to temporary circumstances. This article examines the indicators that affect the strategic management of an organization, analyzes the methods of preventing bankruptcy of organizations. The author provides recommendations that can help the company cope with financial difficulties and avoid bankruptcy.
LMS Moodle as Seen through the Eyes of Students: Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Educational Environment
Egorova M., Luts S.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The Moodle learning management system has been successfully implemented in a variety of training courses for distance or blended learning in the educational system of higher education institutions. The study presents the results devoted to the analysis of the use of the virtual educational environment Moodle in the educational process of Baikal State University. The main purpose of the article is to consider the possibilities of the Moodle learning management system from the point of view of students enrolled in bachelor's and specialist programs in full-time format, followed by the development of recommendations to improve the quality of courses creation. The research methodology is based on the statistical analysis of the data (quantitative and qualitative) obtained as a result of the survey (empirical method). The novelty of the work lies in an attempt to look at the problem from the prospective of the end user and the electronic educational environment user, in this case, the student. Anticipating the start of the development of electronic courses that form general professional competencies at Baikal State University, the relevance of the research is beyond doubt, and its results can be useful to a wide range of e-courses creators. As a part of the survey, students evaluated their computer skills, selected the key functions of LMS Moodle that they needed to study at a university, evaluated the pros and cons of this tool and chose the preferred type of training. Conclusions were drawn about the expediency of introducing a hybrid learning model using LMS Moodle, combining various forms of distance and face-to-face learning.
Microfinance in the Russian Federation: Changes in Industry Indicators in the Context of Global Challenges
Rubtsova N.
Baikal State University
Baikal Research Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
The purpose of the study was to predict the state of microfinance organizations in the Russian Federation, verify the trends that determine their development in the context of global geopolitical challenges. The research was carried out using logical and empirical methods. The article analyzes changes in the main indicators of the functioning of microfinance organizations (MFOs) in the Russian Federation over a ten-year period (2014–2023). Based on an analysis of changes in key indicators characterizing domestic microfinance organizations (the number of microfinance organizations, the volume of microloans issued and their structure in the context of online and offline formats, the main segments of microfinance), the author comes to the conclusion that microfinance activities in the Russian Federation are highly resistant to negative impacts environmental factors. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the verification of the main trends in the development of domestic microfinance, which include tightening regulation of microfinance organizations by the Central Bank of Russia, further consolidation, industry concentration, development of non-core activities, BNPL services, dominance of online microcredit, deterioration in the quality of debt servicing, reducing the investment attractiveness of the industry. In conclusion, the author identified the forecast values of the main performance indicators of MFOs for the period 2024–2027, and possible restrictions on the future development of this.

Since 2019

Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average authors per publication
Metrics description


Fields of science

Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging, 59, 17.25%
General Medicine, 52, 15.2%
General Environmental Science, 29, 8.48%
General Earth and Planetary Sciences, 29, 8.48%
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine, 20, 5.85%
Radiological and Ultrasound Technology, 20, 5.85%
Surgery, 18, 5.26%
Medicine (miscellaneous), 13, 3.8%
Biomedical Engineering, 13, 3.8%
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, 11, 3.22%
Automotive Engineering, 11, 3.22%
Health Informatics, 9, 2.63%
Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design, 7, 2.05%
Medical Laboratory Technology, 7, 2.05%
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 7, 2.05%
Computer Science Applications, 6, 1.75%
Internal Medicine, 6, 1.75%
Biophysics, 5, 1.46%
Neurology (clinical), 5, 1.46%
Oncology, 4, 1.17%
General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, 4, 1.17%
General Physics and Astronomy, 4, 1.17%
Nuclear and High Energy Physics, 4, 1.17%
Materials Chemistry, 3, 0.88%
Pharmacology (medical), 3, 0.88%
Condensed Matter Physics, 3, 0.88%
Instrumentation, 3, 0.88%
Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis, 3, 0.88%
Pollution, 3, 0.88%
Neurology, 3, 0.88%





With other organizations


With foreign organizations


With other countries

USA, 14, 4.09%
Germany, 10, 2.92%
Italy, 9, 2.63%
France, 8, 2.34%
Belgium, 7, 2.05%
Netherlands, 7, 2.05%
United Kingdom, 6, 1.75%
Austria, 4, 1.17%
Spain, 4, 1.17%
Czech Republic, 4, 1.17%
Portugal, 3, 0.88%
Brazil, 3, 0.88%
Denmark, 3, 0.88%
Israel, 3, 0.88%
Canada, 3, 0.88%
Greece, 2, 0.58%
Ireland, 2, 0.58%
Romania, 2, 0.58%
Turkey, 2, 0.58%
Kazakhstan, 1, 0.29%
China, 1, 0.29%
Australia, 1, 0.29%
Armenia, 1, 0.29%
UAE, 1, 0.29%
Republic of Korea, 1, 0.29%
Saudi Arabia, 1, 0.29%
Singapore, 1, 0.29%
Turkmenistan, 1, 0.29%
Switzerland, 1, 0.29%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.
  • Publications published earlier than 2019 are ignored in the statistics.
  • The horizontal charts show the 30 top positions.
  • Journals quartiles values are relevant at the moment.