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Most cited in 5 years

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Publications found: 517
Model of Continuous Professional Education of Specialists
Domnyshev A., Ganieva I.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
The article presents a model of continuous professional education through school, college, and university to the company level. The model provides career in-school guidance as a basis for professional skills to be developed further at institutions of secondary and higher education. It also provides specialists with a time-efficient corporate career track. By ensuring their current and future needs in qualified personnel, companies achieve strategic goals, develop new products, and introduce modern technologies. The regional economy depends on its basic industries, which require specialists that are able to adapt to the most complex local tasks. The model assumes a high level of interaction between all stakeholders, i.e., employers, schools, technical colleges, universities, regional Departments of Education, municipal Education Councils, academic committees, etc. The authors studied the interaction experience between EVRAZ West Siberian Metallurgical Complex and the regional education institutions in 2022–2024.
Methodological Approaches to Assessing Social and Economic Differentiation of Economic Space
Mel'kov V., Zhidkova E.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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This article introduces a system of contemporary methodological approaches to assessing the socio-economic differentiation of the economic space in the Russian Federation. Each approach is a set of indicators that can be applied to Russia’s socio-economic system for assessment and analysis of its territorial differentiation. The research methodology included a review, content analysis, dialectical, approach, and systemic approach, as well as the methods of economic statistics, graphical representation, and econometric analysis. The resulting scheme of Logical stages of assessing socio-economic territorial differentiation made it possible to identify the key factors behind the interregional differences. A case study shows how the choice of appropriate indicators and may affect the results and conclusions of a territorial differentiation assessment. Well-chosen analytical tools provide effective regional policies. Russia’s socio-economic heterogeneity needs a comprehensive approach, especially in the context of the current economic and social challenges to the domestic territorial spatial development.
Current Issues of Information Disclosure in Integrated Reporting of Economic Entities
Karpova O., Dymova I.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
Domestic integrated reporting combines various types of reports generated by economic entities in order to improve the quality of information, develop integrated thinking, and create long-time values. The article introduces a new approach to the composition and content of integrated reporting. The research revealed some problems regarding the application of legislative norms in the field of classification and generalization of analytical, financial, and non-financial data. The authors analyzed the integrated reports available in the library of corporate non-financial reports of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. The analysis made it possible to summarize the presentation sequence of integrated reporting by Russian economic entities and its total share in the industry affiliation. The integrated reporting structure included eight elements with their specified names, content, and issues. Further research may improve the process of integrating financial and non-financial information into a single format. Integrated reporting can become an effective synthesis tool for organizing certain disparate parts into a single entity.
Populism as Threat to Democracy
Shaveko N.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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In scientific and political discourse, populism is usually considered as a negative phenomenon that threatens democracy. In this study, the author aimed to define populism in this vein and to perform a critical analysis of the most popular approaches to this phenomenon. While refuting the idea of populism as anti-elitism or anti-pluralism, the article introduces an authentic definition of populism as manipulation of the masses by a politician. The new definition makes it possible to explain why heterogeneous phenomena designated by different authors as populism share similar negative characteristics. Populism poses a threat to democracy because it decomposes democratic culture, which can eventually destroy democratic institutions and result in authoritarianism. Moreover, it leads to rational ignorance and tyranny of the masses. Regardless of the specific reasons for the surge of populism in the late XX and early XXI centuries, its fundamental cause lies in the fallibility of human nature, which makes it a permanent threat to democracy.
Development of Project Management Skills at the University as a Driver of Regional Development
Belchik T.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
The article summarizes the experience of developing project management skills in university students in the Kemerovo Region. Management skills give graduates a competitive advantage, thus developing the laborpotential of the region. However, project management as a teaching area is not free of terminological errors. Theresearch revealed a lack of systematic approach in teaching project management in the Kemerovo Region, as well as some other training problems. The author developed a set of recommendations based on monitoring the activities of the regional universities and their websites, as well as on the expert assessments from interviews with university management. The Kemerovo State University develops project management competencies in school students at the School of Young Strategists, not to mention a number of additional education programs. Unfortunately, the efforts are not sufficient enough to develop project management skills of required quality.Students need to be involved in real projects of regional, municipal, and university level to consolidate their skills and motivate them to perform similar tasks after graduation. By using a decent financial reward to attract new graduates to project team work, the regional authorities could partially solve the problem of the outflow of job migration.
Mental Concept of Professional Identification in Youth: Part III
P'yankova L.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 1
Open Access
Open access
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The Kemerovo Region is a poorly diversified subject of the Russian Federation, which needs to transform its human capital and overcome the existing managerial and technological transaction costs. The article describes the problem issues of the regional market, as well as the current measures in the sphere of education. Regional universities are ready to implement anthropological and convergent approaches in order to develop meta-professional competencies and complex industrial skills by integrating professionalization and social intentions. Internalization is an internal mechanism that supports self-identification. Personal, social, and professional identification are to go in line with the country’s development strategies through 6–8 years. They should be guided by the factors of domestic socio-economic growth to level the ideological contradictions between individualism and collectivism in Russia. The strategies are the vectors of the managerial, financial, technological, socio-economic, and cultural policy of the state in formal and informal institutions. The proposed concept is based on the transformation of personal and social worldview to motivate improving the quality of human capital and develop high-tech jobs that require digitalization skills.
Assessing Financial Management Centralization in Multicorporate Enterprises (Groups of Companies): Methodological Potential of Traditional Financial Performance Indicators
Vasikov R., Yudina S.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
In conditions of volatile cash flow caused by external factors, multicorporate enterprises need to look for new methods of optimal financial distribution. This is especially important for multi-industry organizational entities that want to ensure their solvency and liquidity. Centralized financial management eases the complex distribution of management objects, i.e., subsidiaries and dependent companies. The article describes the process of financial management centralization in large Russian conglomerates. The research objective was to develop a methodology for efficiency assessment based on open data and official financial statements of three groups of companies in the domestic fuel and energy sector. An attempt was made to assess the manageability of liquidity, stability, and profitability. Most manageability indicators were distributed unevenly among the enterprises within the conglomerates, more than a third of them sliding below the standard. However, the groups proved quite successful in managing receivables and payables, which indicates good prospects for further search for methodological solutions in centralization efficiency assessment for multicorporate enterprises.
Language Policy in Post-Soviet Latvia
Lyu C., Sun C.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Republic of Latvia has been altering its language policy towards the Russian language as a language of national minority. The article describes the evolution of language-related laws, as well as the social and role of the Russian language in Latvia. The authors combined various methods of linguistics, history, and politics to establish the importance of the Russian language in Latvian education and socio-cultural life. The current language policy focuses on consolidation, self-identity, and historical memory of the Latvian population. The resulting social tension requires more diversity and inclusivity to maintain the balance between the languages and preserve the cultural heritage. Stronger language rights for ethnic minorities could improve the social development and unity of Latvia. Latvia’s experience is important for China as a multinational country as it strives to find a balance between promoting the state language and protecting the languages of national minorities. The study of Latvia’s modern language policy and its historical roots contributes to the mutual cooperation between Latvia and China in economics, education, and culture. A good understanding of the national language is a key factor for business communications and cultural exchange.
Regional Anti-Corruption Policy: Modern Management Practices
Bannyh G., Palivoda I.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
The current transformation of Russia’s state administration reveals the need to update the instruments and mechanisms for implementing state policy in the regions. Anti-corruption policy has been developing since 2008, but corruption still lacks a clear definition and remains a crisis phenomenon for modern society. The article describes the current management practices of regional anti-corruption policy in the Russian Federation. Anti-corruption measures are part of federal goals and directions determined by the President of the Russian Federation; however, they require an individual approach based on the socio-economic, political, and cultural characteristics of each region. The process needs a coherent system for monitoring, control, and analysis to measure the effectiveness of the measures taken. Such a system could fuel the fight against corruption, as well as make its management transparent and accountable. The research included the methods of document, statistic, formal legal, and comparative data analysis. The authors developed their own methodology for studying management practices of anti-corruption policy implementation. Its most important areas included coordinating the efforts between federal and regional authorities and a more active interaction with civil society institutions. The main management practices involved coordinated structures for policy implementation, a closer interaction between territorial federal and regional bodies, a wider range of civil society institutions, more innovative technologies, etc. Some regions demonstrated unique practices in variability, responsibilities, anti-corruption measures, control of the authorities and employees, etc.
Imaginary Political Reality: Constructing the National Image
Scherbinina N., Avanesova E.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
The ontology of contemporary political reality is subjective, because it is an artificial national world that provides a vivid semantic reality in order to resist the deconstruction of political semantics. A nation is an imaginary construct that can be analyzed at two levels. Theoretical research covers some general characteristics of imaginary worlds and identifies them. Empirical level provides the symbolic practice of constructing imaginary political realities. The authors studied the example of Arab-Israeli antithetical representations to define the concept of imaginary political world, as well as to identify the semantic practices of constituting the national image. The study relied on the political-constructivist approach to reconstruct the nation as a narrative in order to identify the semantic structure of the imaginary world based on myths and heroic symbols applied as facts aka. constructs to a particular political reality. The authors came up with an idea of a modern nation reassembled as a new structure and an imaginary political reality renovated symbolically and axiologically as a result of a protracted legitimacy crisis. The new images of nations get incorporated in the communicative sphere of mediatized politics to become a new political reality.
Russian Practice of Marketing Management by Value Proposition
Suvorova T.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
As a method of marketing management, value proposition means that the business strategy relies on a promise of value. It is a value offer that represents the product or service as unique, thus increasing the customer loyalty. This approach is regarded as efficient both by marketeers and entrepreneurs because a well-designed value proposition is usually profitable for the company. The author developed an up-to-date definition for value proposition and analyzed specific cases of successful value propositions as a marketing strategy. Standard research methods made it possible to describe the stages of managing the company’s value proposition management, define the existing model of value proposition tools, and identify the goals of value proposition. The illustrative part of the research involved a comprehensive analysis of Russian value proposition practice, i.e., presentation methods, promotion tools, stages, and customer orientation. Value proposition creates a lasting connection between the brand and the consumer, ensuring loyalty and repeat sales as companies employ multiple marketing channels to ensure optimal conversion metrics and deliver the product’s value proposition to the customer.
Effect of Legalization of Agricultural Land Plots on Regional Budget
Gavrilenko I., Komarova A., Nikitina O., Fedulova E.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
The Russian Federation has a great number of land plots to be used for a particular purpose, which depends on the category and type of the land. Agricultural land plots are of particular importance for the regional economy because they are subject to the local tax, established by the municipalities, i.e., land tax makes up a significant share of local budget revenues. Prompt and correct accounting of agricultural land improves the local budget. The authors determined the area of agricultural land in the Kemerovo Region and calculated the budget effect from their use. They also identified the potential income to the regional budget. The appropriate land measurement and classification proved to have a positive impact on the budget of the Kemerovo Region. The article contains an assessment of potential tax fees to the budget of the Kemerovo Region, as well as the amount of fines for irrational or improper use of agricultural lands.
Cooperating with Higher Education Institutions as Part of Innovative Strategizing of Science-Based Companies
Galayko V., Yurkovskaya G., Harebin A.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
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Science-based enterprises may cooperate with universities to increase their competitive advantage in the radio-electronic industry. The article describes advantages and disadvantages of this strategy on the market of civil products with patent protection for high-tech radio-electronic enterprises. The academic cooperation may offer a solution to the problem of increasing the percentage of high-tech civilian products in the total volume of a high-tech enterprise. The authors interpreted numerous definitions of the concept of strategy of innovative development to develop one of their own. The new strategy of cooperation between high-tech enterprises and universities presupposes creating an innovative ecosystem at university departments. The resulting definition of the concept of the innovative ecosystem of a university department was compared with those available. By obtaining a new line of civilian products with competitive advantages, science-based enterprises are sure to benefit from the cooperation with universities in the fieldof radio-electronic production.
Mental Concept of Professional Identification in Youth: Part IV
P'yankova L.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
The article introduces the initial psychological and economic conditions for a professional self-identification program for young people as the final component of the constructed mental concept. Interiorization is an internal mechanism and a psychological prerequisite that immanently represents the behavioral scheme of stimulus-response as an integral response in the form of cognitive, axiological, motivational, and behavioral patterns. The preference for internal or external determinants, which are assumed as stimuli, reflects the type of identification, cognitive or affective. These stimuli are in fact economic prerequisites that determine the strategies of the country’s socio-economic development. They create factors for its growth, as well as allow people to realize their intentions as homo economicus, i.e., stable full-time employment, professional skills, long-term career plans, etc. This model can be illustrated by the methods of personnel stimulation and motivation at the level of corporate culture. The proposed algorithm of mental mediation involves stage-by-stage goal-setting, stimulation (external motivations), and group mediation, where there is a gravitation towards the Western, Eastern, or mixed civilizational model, individual mediation, as well as the transfer of motivational interventions to professional groups and their effect on professional behavior. It makes it possible to reduce the resistance to polar civilizational models, i.e., individualism vs. collectivism, in order to follow the existing axiological attraction.
Options for Modeling Social Rational-Value Networks: Congruence Issues
Kondratenko K.
Kemerovo State University
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University Series Political Sociological and Economic sciences 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
 |  Abstract
The article introduces a new concept designed to describe the social and sociotechnical processes that were triggered by digital transformation and, in their turn, resulted in Industry 5.0. The author described and modelled egocentric, communicative, convergent, and cause-and-effect rational-semantic networks, in which rationality relies on the semantic model of the system and forms some rational concern for its values and meanings to be implemented in behavior. The theoretical side of the research could be represented as a pyramid of conceptual levels that concentrate from philosophy and general science to particular research with statistical, network, and other methods. The author introduced the term of rational-semantic system to study the network contexts of behavior, including that of social network users. The term was also applied to the phenomena and effects of network interaction, e.g. the legitimacy of network power and its effect on user behavior patterns. The methodological character of this research allows for a broader study of social and political networks. The network context revealed some congruence issues, i.e., compatibility of rational-semantic systems. The author believes that eventually all systems can be combined into a single whole.

Since 1888

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Metrics description


Fields of science

General Medicine, 4098, 9.5%
Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, 2117, 4.91%
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation, 1996, 4.63%
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, 1995, 4.63%
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics, 1746, 4.05%
Sociology and Political Science, 1683, 3.9%
Education, 1662, 3.85%
Molecular Biology, 1573, 3.65%
Biochemistry, 1545, 3.58%
Genetics, 1529, 3.55%
Psychiatry and Mental health, 1460, 3.39%
Health (social science), 1204, 2.79%
Plant Science, 1200, 2.78%
History, 1067, 2.47%
Cell Biology, 985, 2.28%
Rehabilitation, 958, 2.22%
Health Policy, 956, 2.22%
Developmental and Educational Psychology, 948, 2.2%
Neurology (clinical), 948, 2.2%
Multidisciplinary, 919, 2.13%
Medicine (miscellaneous), 863, 2%
Ecology, 835, 1.94%
Physiology, 830, 1.92%
Computer Science Applications, 780, 1.81%
Cultural Studies, 776, 1.8%
Economics and Econometrics, 774, 1.79%
Animal Science and Zoology, 765, 1.77%
Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous), 726, 1.68%
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, 700, 1.62%
General Nursing, 686, 1.59%





With other organizations


With foreign organizations


With other countries

USA, 4504, 10.44%
United Kingdom, 3862, 8.96%
China, 2212, 5.13%
Canada, 1523, 3.53%
Germany, 1386, 3.21%
Sweden, 1137, 2.64%
New Zealand, 1122, 2.6%
Netherlands, 769, 1.78%
France, 694, 1.61%
Japan, 590, 1.37%
Italy, 587, 1.36%
Singapore, 516, 1.2%
Switzerland, 503, 1.17%
Spain, 500, 1.16%
Denmark, 470, 1.09%
South Africa, 446, 1.03%
Brazil, 409, 0.95%
India, 409, 0.95%
Norway, 394, 0.91%
Ireland, 371, 0.86%
Belgium, 358, 0.83%
Malaysia, 345, 0.8%
Saudi Arabia, 303, 0.7%
Vietnam, 296, 0.69%
Republic of Korea, 291, 0.67%
Finland, 277, 0.64%
Austria, 250, 0.58%
Iran, 248, 0.58%
Israel, 243, 0.56%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.
  • Publications published earlier than 1888 are ignored in the statistics.
  • The horizontal charts show the 30 top positions.
  • Journals quartiles values are relevant at the moment.