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Dickel P., Eckardt G.
2020-02-12 citations by CoLab: 95
Afflerbach A., Rohrandt C., Brändl B., Sönksen M., Hench J., Frank S., Börnigen D., Alawi M., Mynarek M., Winkler B., Ricklefs F., Synowitz M., Dührsen L., Rutkowski S., Wefers A.K., et. al.
Clinical Chemistry scimago Q1 wos Q1
2023-08-25 citations by CoLab: 32 Abstract  
Abstract Background Molecular brain tumor diagnosis is usually dependent on tissue biopsies or resections. This can pose several risks associated with anesthesia or neurosurgery, especially for lesions in the brain stem or other difficult-to-reach anatomical sites. Apart from initial diagnosis, tumor progression, recurrence, or the acquisition of novel genetic alterations can only be proven by re-biopsies. Methods We employed Nanopore sequencing on cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and analyzed copy number variations (CNV) and global DNA methylation using a random forest classifier. We sequenced 129 samples with sufficient DNA. These samples came from 99 patients and encompassed 22 entities. Results were compared to clinical diagnosis and molecular analysis of tumor tissue, if available. Results 110/129 samples were technically successful, and 50 of these contained detectable circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) by CNV or methylation profiling. ctDNA was detected in samples from patients with progressive disease but also from patients without known residual disease. CNV plots showed diagnostic and prognostic alterations, such as C19MC amplifications in embryonal tumors with multilayered rosettes or Chr.1q gains and Chr.6q losses in posterior fossa group A ependymoma, respectively. Most CNV profiles mirrored the profiles of the respective tumor tissue. DNA methylation allowed exact classification of the tumor in 22/110 cases and led to incorrect classification in 2/110 cases. Only 5/50 samples with detected ctDNA contained tumor cells detectable through microscopy. Conclusions Our results suggest that Nanopore sequencing data of cfDNA from CSF samples may be a promising approach for initial brain tumor diagnostics and an important tool for disease monitoring.
Steinhauer K., Meister T.L., Todt D., Krawczyk A., Paßvogel L., Becker B., Paulmann D., Bischoff B., Pfaender S., Brill F.H., Steinmann E.
Journal of Hospital Infection scimago Q1 wos Q1
2021-05-01 citations by CoLab: 32 Abstract  
Summary The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is triggering a global health emergency alert. Until vaccination becomes available, a bundle of effective preventive measures is desperately needed. Recent research is indicating the relevance of aerosols in the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Thus, in this study commercially available antiseptic mouthwashes based on the active ingredients chlorhexidine digluconate and octenidine dihydrochloride (OCT) were investigated regarding their efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 using the European Standard 14476. Based on the requirement of EN 14476 in which reduction of at least four decimal logarithms (≥4 log10) of viral titre is requested to state efficacy, the OCT-based formulation was found to be effective within a contact time of only 15 s against SARS-CoV-2. Based on this in-vitro data the OCT mouthwash thus constitutes an interesting candidate for future clinical studies to prove its effectiveness in a potential prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission by aerosols.
Niemann C.C., Mai R., Dickel P.
Journal of Business Research scimago Q1 wos Q1
2022-02-01 citations by CoLab: 24 Abstract  
• Organizational and individual-level drivers of employee engagement in corporate entrepreneurial projects were investigated. • Engagement was split into willingness to participate and willingness to lead corporate entrepreneurial projects. • Individual-level intrapreneurial orientation moderates the effects of organizational drivers on the willingness to participate in corporate entrepreneurial projects. • The willingness to lead corporate entrepreneurial projects is found to be driven by intrapreneurial orientation only. Corporate entrepreneurship has become a fundamental strategy for securing firms’ survival in rapidly changing environments. Despite broad theoretical consensus on the role of organizational drivers (top management support, rewards, work discretion, time availability) for employee engagement in corporate entrepreneurship, empirical studies provided ambiguous results, which might derive from not accounting for individual factors. Based on person-organization fit theory, this study analyses the interplay of organizational drivers and individual-level intrapreneurial orientation on (a) employee willingness to participate and (b) their willingness to lead corporate entrepreneurial projects. Our experimental study demonstrates that organizational drivers foster the willingness to participate in such projects, especially when individuals exhibit a strong intrapreneurial orientation. Regarding the willingness to lead corporate entrepreneurial projects, intrapreneurial orientation is the central factor, while organizational drivers are less effective. In short, our findings support that individual intrapreneurial orientation (nature), and not organizational drivers (nurture) alone, are key to fostering corporate entrepreneurship.
Gardashov R., Eminov M., Kara G., Emecen Kara E.G., Mammadov T., Huseynova X.
2020-03-01 citations by CoLab: 21 Abstract  
It is well known, that for the efficient usage of solar energy the choosing the optimal location and direction of solar panels is one of most important issues. Finding the correct solution for this problem is especially significant in mountain regions that have a complex topography. A new method for the determination of the optimal daily panel direction is presented. The method is based on a simple mathematical model of solar radiation, which determines the amount of solar energy for any instant of time and any point taking into account shadowing of the Sun caused by surrounding relief. The optimal direction of the solar panel is determined analytically, as a solution of the derived system of equations. An algorithm for the determination of daily, monthly, seasonal and annual optimal directions is realised. The results of calculations and measurements for the chosen site are presented and the adequacy of the method is tested. The method can be especially useful for the smart determination of optimal direction and installation of panels in mountain regions which have high touristic potential and require clean energy usage.
Magouh N., Dietze M., Bakhti H., Solterbeck C., Azrar L., Es-Souni M.
2020-08-01 citations by CoLab: 14 Abstract  
• The dielectric constant of 0–3 ceramic-polymer composites is very well predicted by finite element analysis (FEA) • FEA is a powerful tool to simulate the pyroelectric properties of the composites. • The through-thickness distribution of the pyroelectric coefficient can be accurately calculated. • FEA allows the component-resolved spatial distribution of the pyroelectric response to be simulated. Dielectric and pyroelectric thick film materials are of growing interest for applications in medicine, advanced sensors, energy storage and energy harvesting. In the present work, thick 0–3 composite films consisting of particles of a relaxor material embedded in the ferroelectric co-polymer PVDF-TrFE are characterized in terms of dielectric and pyroelectric properties. The experimentally measured properties are compared with the predictions of analytical models and finite element analysis (FEA). A three-dimensional numerical model has been developed via FEA to calculate the effective dielectric constant as a function of the volume fraction (0–30%) of the ceramic particles. An electro-thermal coupled model is proposed to calculate the pyroelectric coefficient. Furthermore, the distribution of the pyroelectric coefficient in different layers of the ferroelectric composite with 30 % ceramic volume fraction together with the component-resolved spatial distribution of the pyroelectric response are analyzed. Overall, simulation and experiment results show very good agreement. In particular, by analyzing the temperature distribution in the thick film, it is demonstrated that the pyroelectric coefficient increases from top to bottom surfaces. Ceramic particle distribution also affects the pyroelectric current.
Steinhauer K., Meister T.L., Todt D., Krawczyk A., Paßvogel L., Becker B., Paulmann D., Bischoff B., Eggers M., Pfaender S., Brill F.H., Steinmann E.
Journal of Hospital Infection scimago Q1 wos Q1
2021-06-01 citations by CoLab: 13 Abstract  
Summary In the ongoing SARS CoV-2 pandemic, effective disinfection measures are needed, and guidance based on the methodological framework of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) may enable the choice of effective disinfectants on an immediate basis. This study aimed to elucidate whether disinfectants claiming ‘virucidal activity against enveloped viruses' as specified in the European Standard EN 14476 as well as in the German Association for the Control of Viral Diseases/Robert Koch Institute (DVV/RKI) guideline are effectively inactivating SARS-CoV-2. Two commercially available formulations for surface disinfection and one formulation for hand disinfection were studied regarding their virucidal activity. Based on the data of this study the enveloped SARS-CoV-2 is at least equally susceptible compared to the standard test virus vaccinia used in the EN 14476 and DVV/RKI guidelines. Thus, chemical disinfectants claiming ‘virucidal activity against enveloped viruses' based on the EN 14476 and DVV/RKI guidelines will be an effective choice to target enveloped SARS-CoV-2 as a preventive measure.
Dickel P., Sienknecht M., Hörisch J.
2020-02-25 citations by CoLab: 13 Abstract  
Understanding the antecedents of social entrepreneurship is critical for unleashing the potential of social entrepreneurship and thus for tackling social problems. While research has provided valuable insights into imprinting of the conventional entrepreneur, research on differences between social and conventional entrepreneurship suggests that social entrepreneurs evolve differently. Using survey data of 148 social entrepreneurs, we draw on the concepts of imprinting and critical incident recognition as a framework for understanding how social entrepreneur’s childhood experiences and parental exposure to social entrepreneurship affect social entrepreneurial activity in adulthood. First, our results suggest that social entrepreneurs are imprinted by their childhood experiences but not by parental exposure to social entrepreneurship. Second, imprints tend to persist over time when they are linked to critical incidents regarding social entrepreneurship. These insights contribute to a deeper understanding of imprinting mechanisms in social entrepreneurship contexts and highlight the importance of making examples of social entrepreneurship tangible to children.
Schnack J., Bruckner S., Suncksen H., Schumann U., Mallwitz R.
2021-06-01 citations by CoLab: 11 Abstract  
An increasing demand of electronic components suitable for high-speed switching in automotive applications has driven the development of high-frequency dc-link capacitors. Aluminum (Al)-electrolytic capacitors symbolize a promising, high-energy-density capacitor technology suitable for low-cost high-voltage automotive applications. However, the parasitic elements still represent a technological barrier of Al-electrolytic capacitors. In order to develop a novel capacitor, this article aims to develop guidelines for Al-electrolytic capacitors with reduced parasitic elements. This article concludes with the introduction of an automotive inverter concept, which benefits from the developed capacitors.
from 3 chars
Publications found: 479
Dissimilar metal joints on macro- and micro scales: Impact on PEO processing-A review
Wu T., Blawert C., Serdechnova M., Zheludkevich M.L.
Journal of Materials Science and Technology 2025 citations by CoLab: 2  |  Abstract
Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) processing of light metals has been established for decades and is in increasing industrial use, even as an alternative surface treatment to produce multifunctional coatings with environmental-friendly processing concept. One of the benefits of PEO processing claimed already a couple of years ago was the ability to treat dissimilar metal joints, which can obviously improve the surface homogeneity and stability at the interface of the dissimilar components, especially impeding the galvanic corrosion due to the different electrochemical properties of each component. However, the progress and breakthrough develop slowly especially for the macro scales due to the much larger gap between each component. This literature review firstly demonstrates the still low number of studies reporting successful PEO treatment of material combination such as Mg/Al, Mg/Ti, Al/Ti and scarcely light metal combinations with steel. The main issues and challenges to performing PEO processing on the macro-scale dissimilar weldments were stated. On the other hand, dissimilar metal joints also widely exist in micrometer scale in alloys and metal matrix composites (MMCs). Moreover, there is a huge knowledge base on PEO treatment of such multiphase substrates. PEO processing of such complicated mixed microstructures is reviewed as well to reveal the basic problems. To some certain degree, these PEO-related studies on alloys and MMCs can be good examples to have an insight into the coating formation mechanism on macro-scaled dissimilar metal joints. Conclusions are drawn from the micro- to macroscale. Finally, critical access to the problems is given and possible solutions and reaming limitations are discussed.
Modelle zur Torsionstragfähigkeit für den Neubau und für Bestandsbauwerke
Görtz S., Widell P.
Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
AbstractIm Rahmen eines von der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen beauftragten Forschungsvorhabens wurde eine Datenbank mit 1530 Torsionsversuchen erstellt und hieran Bemessungsmodelle im Kontext der DIN EN 1992 bzw. der Nachrechnungsrichtlinie systematisch ausgewertet. Zielsetzung war es, einerseits Sicherheitsdefizite zu identifizieren und darüber hinaus Traglastpotenziale im Hinblick auf die Nachrechnung von Bestandsbauwerken aufzuzeigen.
Nachhaltigkeit in der Controlling-Lehre
Vanini U.
Springer Nature
Controlling & Management Review 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Wie kann Gender Mainstreaming-Beratung für Fachvorhaben in einer Landesverwaltung gelingen?
Thege B., Jansen-Schulz B.
Springer Nature
Organisationsberatung Supervision Coaching 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag beschreibt erste Erfahrungen einer externen Gender Mainstreaming Beratung von Beteiligten verschiedener Fachvorhaben einer Landesverwaltung. Darin wurden die Anwendung einer 4‑Schritte-Matrix zur Genderanalyse erprobt und chancengerechte Umsetzungsmaßnahmen für die jeweiligen Fachvorhaben entwickelt. Die Beratung bezog sich auf die Befähigung der Beteiligten, gleichstellungsrelevante Aspekte bereits in der Planung eines Vorhabens identifizieren zu können, um mögliche geschlechtsspezifische Diskriminierungen zu vermeiden oder bestehende Nachteile auszugleichen.
Designing for those who are Overlooked - Investigating long-term Impacts of Social Robotics for People with Advanced Dementia, Caregivers and Relatives in a Secured Care Environment
Rass E., Unbehaun D., Aal K., Tandler J., Lenz G., Wulf V.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 2025 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
This paper presents the results of a long-term exploratory study that examined the social and emotional impact of using a social robot with a variety of applications to promote activities for people with advanced dementia and their caregivers. Qualitative data was collected over 10-months in a secured care environment in which we explored the appropriation of a social robot by 23 participants, including 13 PwAD, their family members, and professional caregivers. Our findings indicate that the use of the social robot demonstrated the potential to improve well-being, engagement, and social interaction of PwAD, even demonstrating the ability to create new memories and experiences. We discuss requirements and challenges in integrating social robots into secured care environments to provide a nuanced understanding for future research aiming for appropriate and inclusive care outcomes and socially embedded innovations that address the social actors involved and thus contribute to practical solutions for professional care.
Eryngo essential oil nanoemulsion stabilized by sonicated-insect protein isolate: An innovative edible coating for strawberry quality and shelf-life extension
Gharibzahedi S.M., Altintas Z.
Food Chemistry 2025 citations by CoLab: 1  |  Abstract
New bioactive coatings with eryngo essential oil (EEO) nanoemulsions stabilized by ultrasonically-treated lesser mealworm protein isolate (LMPI) were developed to extend strawberry shelf life and quality. EEO due to high carvone (43.03 %), phenolics (87.45 mg gallic acid equivalent/g), flavonoids (13.56 mg quercetin equivalent/g), and carotenoids (635.07 mg/kg) contents exhibited a significant antioxidant activity comparable to ascorbic acid (AA) and BHT. Nanoemulsions stabilized with 9 % sonicated LMPI showed smaller droplet size, higher negative ζ-potential, and greater stability, turbidity, and encapsulation efficiency of EEO compared to those stabilized with native LMPI. The FTIR spectra showed that sonicated LMPI had structural changes enhancing its emulsifying activity, with key peaks indicating the presence of hydrogen bonds, carbonyl groups, and protein conformations in both EEO and LMPI. Strawberries coated with optimal EEO-loaded nanoemulsions showed superior quality with minimal storage-dependent physicochemical, textural, color, and sensory changes compared to control samples. This edible coating also maintained higher total monomeric anthocyanin and AA contents with lower peroxidase activity during storage than EEO-based coatings. However, no significant difference in superoxide dismutase activity between samples covered by EEO and EEO-loaded nanoemulsions over 14 days of storage was found. Bioactive nanoemulsions stabilized by insect proteins would be an eco-friendly and safe approach to upholding quality standards in stored fruits and vegetables.
Multiheterogeneous AUV Swarm Technology Exemplified by the MAUS Project: Cooperation, Mission Planning and Hybrid Communication
Badri-Hoeher S., Wilts T., Schaefer L., Westphalen J., Winkler J., Isokeit C., Harlakin A., Hott M., Placzek J.M., Marx S., Volz M., Maehle E., Hoeher P.A.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2025 citations by CoLab: 0
Awareness and Knowledge About Preconception Healthcare: A Cross-Sectional Study of Early Years UAE Medical Students
Maki S., Al Awar S., Alhosani S., Alshamsi L., Alzaabi S., Ali Alsaadi M., Alhammadi M., Alhosani H., Salam G.S., Wójtowicz S., Zaręba K.
Journal of Clinical Medicine 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access
PDF  |  Abstract
Background: Preconception health is critical for improving maternal and child health. The main objective of the study was to explore medical students’ health habits, quality of life, and knowledge of preconception healthcare. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study between 15 March 2023 and 31 May 2024 among medical students at United Arab Emirates University. To determine awareness and knowledge of preconception health, we administered a survey consisting of an author’s questionnaire with 35 questions covering sociodemographic characteristics and general knowledge of preconception health, as well as the WHO Quality of Life Scale-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF). Results: The participants were predominantly under 25 years old (98.5%), Emirati (91.1%), single (92.6%), and female (95.8%); only 3.4% had been pregnant before. Regarding health awareness and behaviors, a significant number of females (58.0%) had never visited a gynecologist. The majority of students (72.4%) participated in sports activities. The overall level of knowledge was low, with a mean level of 7.5 (SD = 6.36) out of 24. The Internet (webpages, blogs, webinars) (64.5%) was the major source of knowledge regarding healthcare information, followed by social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram) and mobile applications (57.5%), books (48.6%), and family members (57.0%). There was a statistically significant correlation between knowledge levels and the Internet (p < 0.004) or family (p < 0.001) as a source of knowledge. Additionally, there was a statistically significant positive correlation between knowledge and quality of life across all four WHOQOL domains. Conclusions: Medical knowledge might positively affect general well-being. Fostering stronger social networks and support systems could benefit preconceptional awareness and knowledge.
“G” and ESG Strategy Integration and Disclosure: Exploring the Governance‐Related Factors That Influence Companies' Decision‐Making
Krasodomska J., Eisenschmidt K.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
ABSTRACTIntegrating environmental and social considerations into business strategies is critical to progress toward achieving sustainable development. The paper utilizes a sample comprising 364 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) to identify the relationship between companies' corporate governance mechanisms and their environmental, social, and governance (ESG)‐related strategic and reporting decisions. The timeframe of the study takes into account a key moment characterized by significant changes to the WSE's corporate governance code of best practice. According to the study findings, companies are more likely to integrate social issues into business strategies than they are to integrate environmental concerns. The logit regression results suggest a significant positive relationship between the implementation of both a diversity policy on corporate governance bodies and remuneration mechanisms and the decision to integrate environmental and social issues into a company's business strategy and ESG strategy disclosure. In contrast, the implementation of effective internal management systems is significantly associated only with the decision to integrate social issues into a company's business strategy.
Surface modification of PVDF ultrafiltration membranes using spacer arms and synthetic receptors for virus capturing and separation
Olivares Moreno C.A., Ghaddar N., Sehit E., Schomäcker R., Altintas Z.
Talanta 2024 citations by CoLab: 3  |  Abstract
Although membrane technology has demonstrated outstanding pathogen removal capabilities, current commercial membranes are insufficient for removing small viruses at trace levels due to certain limitations. The theoretical and practical significance of developing a new form of hydrophilic, anti-fouling, and virus-specific ultra-purification membrane with high capturing and separation efficiency, stability, and throughput for water treatment is of the utmost importance. In this study, molecularly imprinted membranes (MIMs) were fabricated from polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes utilizing novel surface hydrophilic modification techniques, followed by the immobilization of virus-specific molecularly imprinted nanoparticles (nanoMIPs) as synthetic receptors. Three distinct membrane functionalization strategies were established and optimized for the first time: membrane functionalization with (i) polyethyleneimine (PEI) and dopamine (DOP), (ii) PEI and 3-(chloropropyl)-trimethoxysilane (CTS), and (iii) chitosan (CS). Hydrophilicity was enhanced significantly as a result of these modification strategies. Additionally, the modifications enabled spacer arms between the membrane surface and the nanoMIPs to decrease steric hindrance. The surface chemistry, morphology, and membrane performance results from the characterization analysis of the MIMs demonstrated excellent hydrophilicity (e.g., the functionalized membrane presented 37.84° while the unmodified bare membrane exhibited 128.94° of water contact angle), higher permeation flux (145.96 L m
Dauerhafte und nachhaltige Brückenkappen aus nichtmetallischer Bewehrung und Recyclingbeton
Görtz S., Lengert K., Glomb D., Kustermann A., Dauberschmidt C., Burgard S.
Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
AbstractAufgrund chloridinduzierter Korrosion müssen Brückenkappen aus Stahlbeton regelmäßig bzw. vielfach häufiger als geplant erneuert werden. Im Rahmen eines vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz geförderten ZIM‐Projekts wurden Brückenkappen aus einer nichtmetallischen Basaltfaserstabbewehrung und einem Recyclingbeton entwickelt, sodass die Schwachstelle der Korrosion entschärft wird und die Materialien im Hinblick auf den Materialkreislauf zugleich besser ausgenutzt werden. Hierzu wurden gebogene Bewehrungselemente aus chloridunempfindlicher Basaltfaserstabbewehrung sowie ein Beton mit hohem Frost‐Tausalz‐Widerstand entwickelt, der aus bis zu 100 % recyclierter Gesteinskörnung besteht. Alle Teilentwicklungen wurden zu einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz vereint und ein Prototyp einer ressourcenschonenden und dauerhaften Brückenkappe erfolgreich hergestellt und getestet.
Developing innovative point-of-care electrochemical sensors empowered by cardiac troponin I-responsive nanocomposite materials
Chen J.N., Hasabnis G.K., Akin E., Gao G., Usha S.P., Süssmuth R., Altintas Z.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 2024 citations by CoLab: 3  |  Abstract
This study integrates dopamine (DA) electropolymerization, epitope imprinting, and nanomaterials (i.e., gold nanoparticles (AuNP) and graphene quantum dots (GQD)) to develop three distinct electrochemical sensors (DA-AuNP-MIP, DA-GQD-MIP, and DA-AuNP-GQD-MIP) for detecting cardiac troponin I (cTnI) with assessing their sensitivity, selectivity, and specificity profiles. The sensors exhibited high affinity for the target biomarker, enabling detection within a concentration range of 0.01-20 ng mL-1, with dissociation constants ranging from 2.7-69 pM. The successful fabrication of sensors was also confirmed through atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), fluorescence microscopy, contact angle measurements, cyclic voltammetry (CV), square wave voltammetry (SWV), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The cTnI selectivity assessment of imprinted nanosensors compared to their non-imprinted counterparts at 0.01-2.5 ng mL-1 showed that the DA-AuNP-GQD-MIP sensor yielded a maximum imprinting factor of 5.9. A negligible cross-reactivity for DA-AuNP-MIP and DA-AuNP-GQD-MIP sensors was found against glucose, adenovirus epitope, another cTnI epitope, bovine serum albumin (BSA), transferrin, and neuron-specific enolase (NSE). Epitope specificity at various concentrations (10 - 60 nM), concentration-dependent cTnI detection in human serum (0.01 - 10 ng mL-1) and sensor recovery rates (0.1-10 ng mL-1) in human serum were determined with the best-performing sensor (i.e., DA-AuNP-GQD-MIP). The sensor demonstrated very high epitope specificity in comparison to another cTnI epitope as well as excellent detection performances in human serum studies. The newly engineered epitope-mediated electrochemical sensing platform showcases considerable potential for precise and straightforward diagnosis of coronary artery diseases, aiming to materialize a cost-effective Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) system.
Oxidation of sulfur, hydrogen, and iron by metabolically versatile Hydrogenovibrio from deep sea hydrothermal vents
Laufer-Meiser K., Alawi M., Böhnke S., Solterbeck C., Schloesser J., Schippers A., Dirksen P., Brüser T., Henkel S., Fuss J., Perner M.
Oxford University Press
ISME Journal 2024 citations by CoLab: 1  |  Abstract
Abstract Chemolithoautotrophic Hydrogenovibrio are ubiquitous and abundant at hydrothermal vents. They can oxidize sulfur, hydrogen or iron, but none are known to use all three energy sources. This ability though would be advantageous in vents hallmarked by highly dynamic environmental conditions. We isolated three Hydrogenovibrio strains from vents along the Indian Ridge, which grow on all three electron donors. We present transcriptomic data from strains grown on iron, hydrogen or thiosulfate with respective oxidation and autotrophic CO2 fixation rates, RubisCO activity, SEM, and EDX. Maximum estimates of one strain’s oxidation potential were 10, 24, and 952 mmol for iron, hydrogen and thiosulfate oxidation and 0.3, 1, and 84 mmol CO2 fixation, respectively, per vent per hour indicating their relevance for element cycling in-situ. Several genes were up- or downregulated depending on the inorganic electron donor provided. Although no known genes of iron-oxidation were detected, upregulated transcripts suggested iron-acquisition and so far unknown iron-oxidation-pathways.
Evaluation of the PROMET model for yield estimation and N fertilization in on-farm research
Brandenburg B., Reckleben Y., Griepentrog H.W.
Springer Nature
Precision Agriculture 2024 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
Satellite-sourced data have become a valuable resource for precision agriculture because they provide crucial insights into various parameters that are essential for effective crop management. An array of practical agricultural tools provides comprehensive data for assessing crop biomass, soil conditions, and plant stress symptoms, predicting yields, and performing other functions. Satellite data, when combined with in situ data from different sources, can significantly enhance biomass and yield estimations. The ability of the “PROcesses of radiation, Mass and Energy Transfer” (PROMET) model to predict crop biomass and grain yield and to optimize nitrogen fertilization during the vegetation period was investigated. Field trials were conducted to assess the accuracy and limitations of biomass and yield predictions. The predicted yields were sufficiently accurate on a whole-field basis, and site-specific values showed strong correlations. In additional field trials with different fertilization strategies, the highest yield and nitrogen efficiency were observed for the PROMET-based strategy. Additional experiments with different crops and greater durations are needed to draw a more reliable conclusion.
US-Wahlen: Das Hoffen auf Kamala Harris
Bandholz H.
Walter de Gruyter
Wirtschaftsdienst 2024 citations by CoLab: 0
Open Access
Open access

Since 1974

Total publications
Total citations
Citations per publication
Average publications per year
Average authors per publication
Metrics description


Fields of science

Condensed Matter Physics, 36, 9.4%
General Materials Science, 32, 8.36%
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials, 28, 7.31%
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 26, 6.79%
Materials Chemistry, 23, 6.01%
General Chemistry, 23, 6.01%
Mechanical Engineering, 22, 5.74%
General Medicine, 20, 5.22%
Mechanics of Materials, 20, 5.22%
Surfaces, Coatings and Films, 18, 4.7%
General Physics and Astronomy, 17, 4.44%
Metals and Alloys, 15, 3.92%
General Chemical Engineering, 12, 3.13%
Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics, 12, 3.13%
Ceramics and Composites, 11, 2.87%
Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment, 11, 2.87%
Education, 11, 2.87%
Instrumentation, 9, 2.35%
Ocean Engineering, 9, 2.35%
Visual Arts and Performing Arts, 9, 2.35%
Computer Science Applications, 8, 2.09%
Surfaces and Interfaces, 8, 2.09%
Strategy and Management, 8, 2.09%
Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous), 7, 1.83%
General Engineering, 7, 1.83%
Civil and Structural Engineering, 7, 1.83%
Economics and Econometrics, 7, 1.83%
Language and Linguistics, 7, 1.83%
Communication, 7, 1.83%
Biomaterials, 6, 1.57%





With other organizations


With foreign organizations


With other countries

Denmark, 18, 4.7%
France, 16, 4.18%
Morocco, 10, 2.61%
USA, 8, 2.09%
United Kingdom, 8, 2.09%
Sweden, 8, 2.09%
Russia, 6, 1.57%
Estonia, 6, 1.57%
Australia, 5, 1.31%
Netherlands, 5, 1.31%
Switzerland, 5, 1.31%
Canada, 4, 1.04%
Norway, 3, 0.78%
Turkey, 3, 0.78%
Finland, 3, 0.78%
China, 2, 0.52%
Austria, 2, 0.52%
Azerbaijan, 2, 0.52%
Belgium, 2, 0.52%
Iran, 2, 0.52%
Italy, 2, 0.52%
Poland, 2, 0.52%
Singapore, 2, 0.52%
Brazil, 1, 0.26%
Brunei, 1, 0.26%
India, 1, 0.26%
Spain, 1, 0.26%
Pakistan, 1, 0.26%
Tunisia, 1, 0.26%
  • We do not take into account publications without a DOI.
  • Statistics recalculated daily.
  • Publications published earlier than 1974 are ignored in the statistics.
  • The horizontal charts show the 30 top positions.
  • Journals quartiles values are relevant at the moment.