Kiel University of Applied Sciences
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4 178
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Green Energy and Technology
(32 publications)

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(15 publications)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(10 publications)
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Kiel University
(53 publications)

University of Southern Denmark
(16 publications)

University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
(10 publications)
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University of Southern Denmark
(16 publications)

Chalmers University of Technology
(3 publications)

University of Western Australia
(3 publications)
Most cited in 5 years
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Publications found: 479
Dissimilar metal joints on macro- and micro scales: Impact on PEO processing-A review
Wu T., Blawert C., Serdechnova M., Zheludkevich M.L.
Modelle zur Torsionstragfähigkeit für den Neubau und für Bestandsbauwerke
Görtz S., Widell P.
Nachhaltigkeit in der Controlling-Lehre
Controlling & Management Review
citations by CoLab: 0
Vanini U.

Wie kann Gender Mainstreaming-Beratung für Fachvorhaben in einer Landesverwaltung gelingen?
Thege B., Jansen-Schulz B.
Designing for those who are Overlooked - Investigating long-term Impacts of Social Robotics for People with Advanced Dementia, Caregivers and Relatives in a Secured Care Environment
Rass E., Unbehaun D., Aal K., Tandler J., Lenz G., Wulf V.
Multiheterogeneous AUV Swarm Technology Exemplified by the MAUS Project: Cooperation, Mission Planning and Hybrid Communication
Badri-Hoeher S., Wilts T., Schaefer L., Westphalen J., Winkler J., Isokeit C., Harlakin A., Hott M., Placzek J.M., Marx S., Volz M., Maehle E., Hoeher P.A.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
citations by CoLab: 0

“G” and ESG Strategy Integration and Disclosure: Exploring the Governance‐Related Factors That Influence Companies' Decision‐Making
Krasodomska J., Eisenschmidt K.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
citations by CoLab: 0

Surface modification of PVDF ultrafiltration membranes using spacer arms and synthetic receptors for virus capturing and separation
Olivares Moreno C.A., Ghaddar N., Sehit E., Schomäcker R., Altintas Z.
Dauerhafte und nachhaltige Brückenkappen aus nichtmetallischer Bewehrung und Recyclingbeton
Görtz S., Lengert K., Glomb D., Kustermann A., Dauberschmidt C., Burgard S.
Developing innovative point-of-care electrochemical sensors empowered by cardiac troponin I-responsive nanocomposite materials
Chen J.N., Hasabnis G.K., Akin E., Gao G., Usha S.P., Süssmuth R., Altintas Z.
Oxidation of sulfur, hydrogen, and iron by metabolically versatile Hydrogenovibrio from deep sea hydrothermal vents
Laufer-Meiser K., Alawi M., Böhnke S., Solterbeck C., Schloesser J., Schippers A., Dirksen P., Brüser T., Henkel S., Fuss J., Perner M.
Evaluation of the PROMET model for yield estimation and N fertilization in on-farm research
Brandenburg B., Reckleben Y., Griepentrog H.W.
US-Wahlen: Das Hoffen auf Kamala Harris
Bandholz H.