International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education

A Systematic Literature Review of Research-based Interventions and Strategies for Students with Disabilities in STEM and STEAM Education

Jonathan Á Ariza 1, 2
Carola Hernandez 2
Department of Technology in Electronics, Engineering Faculty, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO, Bogotá, Colombia
Engineering Faculty, Education and Evaluation in the Disciplines Research Group, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2025-02-12
scimago Q1
wos Q2
Impact factor1.9
ISSN15710068, 15731774

Statistical studies performed mainly in the U.S. have depicted that students with disabilities (SWDs) are excluded from the educational process and are prone to several gaps and barriers in terms of special accommodations, learning opportunities, and socio-emotional support in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)-Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM) education. To clarify this, we conducted a systematic literature review focused on interventions and strategies in STEM and STEAM education for SWDs based on 263 studies retrieved from the databases SCOPUS, Web of Science (WoS), and ERIC from 2013–2024. The studies cover proposals from early childhood to tertiary education. After the screening and appraisal stages, 39 interventions with 21 strategies were identified. The outcomes mostly reveal the following: (1) The studies are mainly focused on the U.S. and in students with autism, learning disabilities, or behavioral disorders between low and medium severity levels. (2) Interventions for autistic students use robotics and coding to foster cognitive, social, and communicative skills. (3) Interventions for deaf or hard-of-hearing students focus on creating a science identity and the issues with non-standardized STEM concepts in American sign language (ASL); in contrast, visually impaired students focus on assistive technologies and the accessibility of educational materials. (4) Little attention has been paid to other disabilities apart from autism, intellectual or learning ones, as well as the perspective of educators to support SWDs in classrooms. And (5) New machine learning, metaverse, and AI models are being used to assess the cognitive-emotional states of the SWDs. The conclusions and insights derived from this study can help educators and researchers to create new methodologies or strategies that sustain SWDs in STEM-STEAM education.

Wang K.D., McCool J., Wieman C.
2024-02-21 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
AbstractNeurodivergent students exhibit an inclination towards Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields, yet their learning experiences in STEM courses remain underexamined. Utilizing an online survey of neurodivergent (n = 60) and neurotypical (n = 83) US college students, this study identified various factors influencing their self‐perceived learning experiences, including interest in the course content, instruction quality and performance outcomes. Compared to their neurotypical peers, neurodivergent students attributed negative experiences in STEM courses less frequently to performance‐related factors and more often to a mismatch between their interests and the course content. Both groups also articulated a variety of strengths and challenges encountered in their STEM studies. Neurodivergent students were more likely to report having interest and passion for STEM and less likely to report having peer support and effective study skills and habits as their primary strength for studying STEM. Conversely, while neurotypical students cited difficult content as their central challenge, neurodivergent students more commonly faced challenges with focus and attention. Despite the study's limited sample size, it revealed emerging patterns that emphasize the importance of developing inclusive teaching methods and specific support mechanisms to cater to the unique strengths and challenges of neurodivergent students in higher education.
Murthi K., Chen Y., Martin W., Riccio A., Patten K.
Research in Science Education scimago Q1 wos Q1
2024-01-30 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
AbstractCurrent research underscores that there are only a few evidence-based programs that teach STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) as part of their curriculum, especially for autistic students. Even fewer programs focus on engineering and design learning. Hence, we developed an informal afterschool maker program to develop autistic and non-autistic students’ interests in engineering to understand their experiences learning STEM concepts and values while applying the engineering mindset to develop projects. This qualitative study aimed to explore and understand students’ experiences participating in STEM activities in the maker club. We interviewed twenty-six students (seventeen autistic and nine non-autistic), nine teachers, and thirteen parents representing diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds across three public middle schools in a large urban metropolitan city between 2018 and 2019. Our thematic analysis yielded four themes: (1) active participation in STEM; (2) curiosity about STEM topics, concepts, and practices, (3) capacity-building to engage in STEM learning; and 4) understanding of the importance of STEM education in daily life. The results of this study enabled us to understand that students were deeply engaged with the content and curriculum of our program, expanded their knowledge base about scientific concepts, used engineering-specific scientific terminologies, and engaged with the engineering design process to conceptualize, test, improvise, and problem-solve. Furthermore, this afterschool engineering education program created a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment for students to build engineering readiness skills.
Sari H., Çevik M., Çevik Ö.
Support for Learning scimago Q3 wos Q4
2023-12-06 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
AbstractThe aim of this research is to examine the effect of STEAM (STEM + Arts) education, which is an interdisciplinary approach that has been frequently used in developed countries in recent years, on the science course learning outcomes of students with specific learning disabilities. The model of the research was structured as a mixed design and was realized with an explanatory sequential design. In this context, the research took place in two separate interactive stages. In the first stage, a quantitative method was applied. In this section, a one‐group pretest–posttest pre‐experimental model was used. The research was carried out with 4 students who were studying in a state primary school in a province in the Southern Region of Anatolia and who were diagnosed with specific learning disabilities. As data collection tools, an academic achievement test and STEAM process rubric were used. Means and standard deviations were used in the analysis of the data collected from the pretest, posttest, persistence test and rubrics. In the qualitative section of the study, interviews were conducted with the participants in order to evaluate STEAM education in the light of the quantitative stage, and diaries were kept for the participants in the context of a more in‐depth and objective examination of the process. The data collected by qualitative data tools were subjected to content analysis and direct quotations were made from the opinions and diaries of the participants. As a result of the research, it was determined that the quantitative findings overlapped with the qualitative findings. It was observed that the STEAM activities increased the academic success of the participants, that their motivation was high, and that they were curious and eager for the activities. In addition, it was revealed that they made an effort to use the knowledge and experience they had gained from the STEAM activities in other courses.
Mystakidis S., Theologi-Gouti P., Iliopoulos I.
2023-10-31 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
The Metaverse is the three-dimensional iteration of the Internet, a perpetual open web of persistent, networked environments merging physical reality with digital virtuality. Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics (STEAM) education bridges two knowledge domains often perceived as disjointed: science and technology with art, humanities and social studies. This paper presents the design and development of a multi-school transdisciplinary STEAM project orchestrated by the University of Patras Science and Technology Museum. The deliverables of the project were analog and digital artifacts produced by K-12 primary and secondary school students on digital literacy and future citizenship. These were presented in an innovative virtual reality exhibition that was open and accessible in a web-based 3D online environment. The study employs an exploratory case study design involving deaf high school students and teachers. Data was collected from observation and semi-structured interviews. Results showed that the exhibition of deaf student creations in a multiuser platform in the Metaverse produced a series of social ripple effects around the students themselves, school peers, with and without hearing difficulties as well as educators. Its main contribution is the practical demonstration of the social affordances of the Metaverse in educational projects for children and adolescents with hearing disabilities.
Peleg R., Lahav O., Hagab N., Talis V., Levy S.T.
2023-10-18 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
AbstractBackgroundStudents who are blind are integrated into public schools in many countries, yet are often excluded from full participation in science since most learning materials are visual. To create a compensatory route, an existing model‐based inquiry‐learning environment was adapted by means of sonification (addition of non‐speech sounds that represent dynamic information). The learning environment uses agent‐based models and a complex systems approach to teach the Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) and Gas Laws. The models are accompanied by a workbook consisting of text (printed or auditory) and images (printed or tactile).ObjectivesThe current research examined whether such perceptual compensation creates a comparable learning environment for learners who are blind compared with learners who are sighted using the original learning environment. The aim of the study is to expand knowledge about how the auditory channel may compensate the visual channel among individuals who are blind.MethodsConceptual learning in science and reasoning about complex systems were assessed using pre‐ and post‐questionnaires. To explore learners' learning progression throughout the unit, four progression analysis ‘windows’ were selected. These were groups of adjacent or nearly adjacent items in the workbook that permitted a glimpse of learners' progression.ResultsThe sonified environment not only supported the learning of learners who are blind compared with the learning of learners who are sighted using visual material, but even furthered their learning with respect to diffusion, one of the more challenging concepts in KMT. It seems the types of sonified representations used in this study increased listeners' sensitivity to the micro‐level interactions in a way less accessible in visual representations.TakeawaysSonified environments can be provide learners who are blind with equitable participation by compensating and complementing the visual channel. Sonification can have implications for students who are blind as well as students who are sighted.
Radević L., Milovanović I.
2023-10-14 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract  
The aim of this study was to investigate current trends in research of math anxiety (MA) through bibliometric perspective. Three main clusters were formed based on author keywords: cognitive correlates (working memory, attention, numerical cognition, mental arithmetic), psychological factors and effects (self-concept and self-efficacy, motivation, confidence, attitudes), and educational context (PISA, measurement, gender differences, math achievement, math education, assessment). Analysis of the index keywords revealed somewhat different organization with two dominant clusters: the experimental cluster in which the most frequent are psychophysiological measures and terms and the correlational cluster in which the topics of MA psychosocial factors are most represented. The map of bibliographic coupling showed several relatively separated groups of authors with different focus in cited references. However, a map of co-citation of authors revealed closeness of these separated groups, with Beilock, S. L. and Ashcraft, M. H. by far the most-cited authors in this field.
Zaghi A.E., Grey A., Hain A., Syharat C.M.
Education Sciences scimago Q2 wos Q1 Open Access
2023-07-28 citations by CoLab: 3 PDF Abstract  
Recent studies have suggested a link between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and increased creativity and ingenuity. Clinical work suggests that individuals with ADHD generally gravitate toward exploratory rather than exploitative thinking. Yet, these theories have not been tested in the field. This paper is a case study of a transformative undergraduate summer research program that allows engineering students with ADHD to spend 10 weeks in engineering labs at a research-intensive (R1) university. The program intends to show that students with ADHD can excel in engineering and STEM fields when placed in research environments that align with their natural cognitive processes and preferences. Using an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) on post-program participant interviews, this paper suggests that engineering students with ADHD perceive that they learn more effectively when given the opportunity to explore academic material via hands-on research. The traditional structure of STEM education, with its focus on lectures and rigid curricula, causes significant harm to these students, leading to struggles, anxiety, and even thoughts of dropping out. In contrast, the research environment appears to foster creativity and motivation in students with ADHD, as it allows for exploration, provides real-world problem-solving opportunities, and offers tangible, hands-on experiences. This paper highlights the need for a paradigm shift in engineering pedagogy to better engage with and retain this neurodiverse student population and fully harness their creative potential.
Wegwerth S.E., Manchester G.J., Winter J.E.
2023-03-01 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
Introduction: Visual model comprehension and application are important for success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses. As educational materials shift to primarily digital content with dynamic interactive visuals, students with visual impairments are at risk for being disadvantaged, since few interactives are born accessible. To fill this gap of accessible digital STEM learning tools, we designed and tested the Kasi Learning System. Kasi uses tactile manipulatives and computer vision with audio-based augmented reality algorithms to provide a multisensory experience of an interactive digital image. Methods: Ten high school students who are visually impaired (ie, blind or have low vision) participated in an underpowered random control study to evaluate the feasibility and usability of Kasi by completing an active learning lesson. The control group was instructed by a human, whereas the Kasi group was instructed by a computer. Follow-up interviews with both students and their instructors provided further insight. Results: Comparing the experiences of the two groups suggests that Kasi is an effective instructor for completing the activity. Comparison of students who chose to use braille versus large-print pieces revealed that braille users found the system to be easier to use. Discussion: All students efficiently identified the pieces. Regarding the audio, students who do not typically use a screen reader repeated the prompts more frequently and took longer to adapt to the system. Those in the Kasi group demonstrated increased engagement as shown by the increase in submitted answers. Overall, Kasi users’ performance improved significantly during the lesson. Implications for Practitioners: Kasi is most readily adapted and used by those who do not rely on vision. However, students with low vision may benefit from using a tool like Kasi earlier in their schooling to strengthen their auditory and tactile skills. Kasi appears to have the potential to provide students independence in studying STEM diagrams.
Li Y., Xiao Y., Wang K., Zhang N., Pang Y., Wang R., Qi C., Yuan Z., Xu J., Nite S.B., Star J.R.
2022-12-22 citations by CoLab: 21 PDF Abstract  
AbstractThe formation of an academic field is evidenced by many factors, including the growth of relevant research articles and the increasing impact of highly cited publications. Building upon recent scoping reviews of journal publications in STEM education, this study aimed to provide a systematic review of high impact empirical studies in STEM education to gain insights into the development of STEM education research paradigms. Through a search of the Web of Science core database, we identified the top 100 most-cited empirical studies focusing on STEM education that were published in journals from 2000 to 2021 and examined them in terms of various aspects, including the journals where they were published, disciplinary content coverage, research topics and methods, and authorship’s nationality/region and profession. The results show that STEM education continues to gain more exposure and varied disciplinary content with an increasing number of high impact empirical studies published in journals in various STEM disciplines. High impact research articles were mainly authored by researchers in the West, especially the United States, and indicate possible “hot” topics within the broader field of STEM education. Our analysis also revealed the increased participation and contributions from researchers in diverse fields who are working to formulate research agendas in STEM education and the nature of STEM education scholarship.
Husaeni D.N., Nandiyanto A.B., Maryanti R.
Special needs education is a field of study that focuses on providing educational services to children with special needs who have learning and developmental challenges. The goal of this research is to combine mapping analysis with the VOSviewer app. The Publish or Perish application is used to find publications that are relevant to the keywords that have been entered. The term "Special Needs Education" was utilized in this study as a keyword. According to the search results, 400 relevant articles were published between 2017 and 2021. The number of publications published on "Special Needs Education" has declined every year, according to the research findings. This study should aid researchers in conducting and determining the research theme.
Lu S., Wu C., Huang Y.
Sustainability scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2022-01-08 citations by CoLab: 16 PDF Abstract  
This research aims to discuss the impact of the STEAM curriculum on students with learning disabilities and their learning outcomes and creativity. Teaching for creative thinking is the strategy to deliver a STEAM-structured curriculum and to reach the SDG4 targets. The content is designed in line with project-based learning (PBL), while the micro:bit and paper cutting are used as materials to support it. Methods and Procedures: The single-case research approach (A-B-M) was applied to study three students with special educational needs in primary school. The entire curriculum takes up to 10 weeks with 12 STEAM lessons with activities. The independent variable was the PBL-oriented STEAM curriculum, and the dependent variables were the learning outcomes and TTCT results of pre-tests and post-tests for creativity. There were immediate learning outcomes and retention effects found on the three participants. This paper addresses that the STEAM curriculum had a positive impact on their creativity, which gives affirmative feedback on the curriculum. Conclusion: This PBL-oriented STEAM curriculum under the SDG4 targets gave students with disabilities creativity competency and positive learning outcomes in these case studies. These teaching materials enable teachers to deliver the STEAM curriculum to students with learning disabilities.

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