Telematics and Informatics, volume 49, pages 101366

Traces of mobility: Examining location disclosure on social networks with mobile location tagging

Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2020-06-01
scimago Q1
wos Q1
Impact factor7.6
ISSN07365853, 1879324X
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Computer Networks and Communications
The prevailing adoption of mobile devices has facilitated individuals’ engagement with location tagging; thus, location-based information sharing, which allows geolocation specificity and interaction on the Internet platforms, has become a popular activity in the space of social media. This spatiotemporal information provides a great potential opportunity for marketers as photos or videos shared among friends on social networking sites can be viewed as a type of word-of-mouth that may increase brand awareness and attract more users. Thus, understanding the underlying factors driving location tagging intentions provides significant value for practitioners. However, despite its importance, our understanding of this topic is limited. This research draws from social exchange theory and the theory of impression management to exemplify the underlying factors driving individuals to engage in photo or video sharing with location tagging on social media. Using an online survey, we recruited 402 users. We find that location tagging intention is driven by a facilitating route involving social benefits and functional benefits and an impeding route involving perceived risk related to privacy concerns. Our findings provide important academic and managerial implications.
Li P., Cho H., Goh Z.H.
Telematics and Informatics scimago Q1 wos Q1
2019-08-01 citations by CoLab: 51 Abstract  
Through the integration of the perspectives from regulatory focus theory and privacy calculus, this study built a model to distinguish between two forms of privacy antecedents (social awareness vs. privacy concerns and prior experience) and privacy behaviors (self-disclosure vs. privacy management). Using survey data collected from 525 active Facebook users, we found that promotion-focused privacy behavior (i.e., self-disclosure) is primarily determined by a promotion-related factor (benefits of social awareness), whereas prevention-focused ones (i.e., privacy management strategies) by prevention-related factors such as privacy concerns. Further, in line with the privacy calculus, we found a significant interaction effect between social awareness and privacy concerns on privacy management strategies. Their effects also vary across privacy management strategies that users employ at different usage stages. The findings demonstrate the utility of our novel research model in examining the dynamic, goal-oriented, and temporal nature of privacy management.
Barth S., de Jong M.D., Junger M., Hartel P.H., Roppelt J.C.
Telematics and Informatics scimago Q1 wos Q1
2019-08-01 citations by CoLab: 126 Abstract  
Research shows that people's use of computers and mobile phones is often characterized by a privacy paradox: Their self-reported concerns about their online privacy appear to be in contradiction with their often careless online behaviors. Earlier research into the privacy paradox has a number of caveats. Most studies focus on intentions rather than behavior and the influence of technical knowledge, privacy awareness, and financial resources is not systematically ruled out. This study therefore tests the privacy paradox under extreme circumstances, focusing on actual behavior and eliminating the effects of a lack of technical knowledge, privacy awareness, and financial resources. We designed an experiment on the downloading and usage of a mobile phone app among technically savvy students, giving them sufficient money to buy a paid-for app. Results suggest that neither technical knowledge and privacy awareness nor financial considerations affect the paradoxical behavior observed in users in general. Technically-skilled and financially independent users risked potential privacy intrusions despite their awareness of potential risks. In their considerations for selecting and downloading an app, privacy aspects did not play a significant role; functionality, app design, and costs appeared to outweigh privacy concerns.
Youn S., Shin W.
Telematics and Informatics scimago Q1 wos Q1
2019-05-01 citations by CoLab: 48 Abstract  
This study examines how cognitive (benefit-risk appraisal) and social factors (parent and peer communication) are associated with teenagers’ privacy concerns as well as individual and social coping strategies in dealing with Facebook newsfeed advertising. A survey conducted with U.S. teen Facebook users demonstrates that benefit appraisal (ad value and relevance) induces greater ad engagement, while risk perceptions (goal impediment, ad intrusiveness, and sponsorship deceptiveness) result in reactive coping strategies such as privacy concerns, ad avoidance, and regulatory control. Parental mediation has a positive impact on teens’ privacy concerns and ad avoidance, whereas peer communication makes teens less critical about advertising practices. Teens’ privacy concerns lead to ad disengagement and support for government regulation. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
Liu Y., Liu A., Liu X., Huang X.
Information Sciences scimago Q1
2019-04-01 citations by CoLab: 67 Abstract  
Offline event marketing has become increasingly popular. As a large amount of data from location-based social networks (LBSNs), such as Foursquare, Gowalla, and Facebook, becomes available, how to make use of these data to analyze users’ social behaviors is an important issue for offline event marketing. To provide some valuable guidance for businesses, this paper presents a statistical inference approach to optimally selecting participants who have a high probability of visiting an offline event. Technically, we formulate participant selection as a constraint optimization problem . In particular, our marketing cost model takes into account key factors such as distance, loyalty influence, and recommendation index. In addition, four participant-based strategies and a detailed algorithm are presented. Experiments on real-world datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed approach and the quantitative model.
Choi T.R., Sung Y.
Telematics and Informatics scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-12-01 citations by CoLab: 107 Abstract  
With the increasing popularity of image-based social networking applications (apps), such as Snapchat and Instagram, social media users express multifaceted aspects of their self-concept online, while remaining concerned about privacy issues. This study investigates the determinants behind the choice to use a social networking site (SNS) platform and predicts that the type of self an individual wants to express through the platform and their level of privacy concerns will play an important role in this choice. A total of 547 SNS users completed an online survey. Expression of multiple aspects of the self – true, actual, and ideal self – and online privacy concerns were empirically tested as the key determinants of SNS platform choice. The findings show that the expression of true and actual self are significant determinants for using Snapchat as a primary SNS, whereas the expression of ideal self and greater privacy concerns are associated with active Instagram use. The authors discuss the implications of these findings and recommend future research.
Lowe-Calverley E., Grieve R.
Telematics and Informatics scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-10-01 citations by CoLab: 43 Abstract  
This study aimed to investigate the thoughts that social media users have prior to posting or ‘liking’ images on social media; particularly exploring the presence of egoistic, self-presentation considerations. Responses to two open-ended questions regarding considerations prior to posting (n = 203) and ‘liking’ (n = 195) images on social media were analysed using thematic analysis. Egoistic motivations influenced both posting and ‘liking’ an image on social media; suggesting an awareness that self-presentation can be affected (and therefore manipulated) through image posting and ‘liking’. Users also considered who would see their content or behaviour, and the effect this might have on others. Finally, ‘liking’ actually represents liking, with enjoyment and image value considered prior to providing public, online appreciation.
Li P., Chang L., Chua T.H., Loh R.S.
Telematics and Informatics scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-10-01 citations by CoLab: 40 Abstract  
Through a survey of 296 female students in Singapore aged 12–18 years regarding their selfie-posting behaviors on Instagram, this study explored teenage girls’ perspectives on the importance of receiving peer feedback on selfies. The associations between peer feedback importance and self-esteem as well as depressed mood were also examined. Drawing on coping theory, this study further investigated how the importance of peer feedback and depressed mood influence girls’ coping responses to the stress from lacking feedback. The results of structural equation modeling demonstrate that self-esteem exerts a negative effect on the importance of peer feedback and depressed mood, but the importance of peer feedback is positively associated with depressed mood. In addition, both the importance of peer feedback and depressed mood positively impact problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies. The results suggest that peer feedback has become a “KPI” of selfie-posting behaviors for teenage girls, and these girls handle the involved stress by a concomitant adoption of both types of coping.
Bij de Vaate A.J., Veldhuis J., Alleva J.M., Konijn E.A., van Hugten C.H.
Telematics and Informatics scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-08-01 citations by CoLab: 54 Abstract  
Although self-presentation has been studied for decades, social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook have produced novel opportunities for visual online self-presentation. Posting selfies is currently a popular mode of consciously constructing visual online self-presentations, yet most prior research is limited to selfie-posting alone. This study aimed to profile selfie-makers’ motivations and behavior, and examine the extent to which underlying mechanisms preceding selfie-posting are interconnected. Results of a survey (N = 224; 79.9% females; Mage = 21.66, SDage = 2.08) regarding selfie-behavior on SNS (e.g., Facebook and Instagram) characterized selfie-makers in emerging adulthood as mainly concerned with the social aspects of selfies. Entertainment and moment-retention were identified as main motivations for selfie-making. Findings supported the proposed Selfie-Stadium Model, representing various steps of selfie-taking and underlying motives as well as selection and editing before actual posting. This study on profiling selfie-makers and their self-presentation taps into a fairly new media use research domain.
Tseng T.H., Lee C.T.
Telematics and Informatics scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-08-01 citations by CoLab: 58 Abstract  
Although many brands develop mobile applications (apps) to build relationships with consumers, most branded apps fail to retain consumers’ loyalty. This study examines the facilitation of consumer loyalty toward branded apps (continuance intention, in-app purchase intention, and word-of-mouth intention) from the dual-route perspective. One route is the affective (relationship) route, where brand benefits (functional benefits, experiential benefits, symbolic benefits, and monetary benefits) drive parasocial interactions between consumers and the brand, which, in turn, influences branded app loyalty. The other route is the utility route, where system characteristics (system quality and information quality) affect perceived usefulness, which, in turn, facilitates branded app loyalty. An online survey was conducted, and the research model was empirically tested using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The findings support the dual-route perspective according to which both affective and utilitarian paths facilitate branded app loyalty. The key theoretical contribution of this study is that it moves beyond the utilitarian path and finds the affective (relationship) path to give a more complete picture of the facilitation of consumer loyalty in the branded app context. A strategy is provided to suggest to practitioners how to design branded apps to facilitate consumer loyalty.
Elueze I., Quan-Haase A.
American Behavioral Scientist scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-07-18 citations by CoLab: 51 Abstract  
There is a growing literature on teenage and young adult users’ attitudes toward and concerns about online privacy, yet little is known about older adults and their unique experiences. As older adults join the digital world in growing numbers, we need to gain a better understanding of how they experience and navigate online privacy. This article fills this research gap by examining 40 in-depth interviews with older adults (65+ years) living in East York, Toronto. We found Westin’s typology to be a useful starting point for understanding privacy attitudes and concerns in this demographic. We expand Westin’s typology and distinguish five categories: fundamentalist, intense pragmatist, relaxed pragmatist, marginally concerned, and cynical expert. We find that older adults are not a homogenous group composed of privacy fundamentalists; rather, there is considerable variability in terms of their privacy attitudes, with only 13% being fundamentalists. We also identify a group of cynical experts who believe that online privacy breaches are inevitable. A large number of older adults are marginally concerned, as they see their online participation as limited and harmless. Older adults were also grouped as either intense or relaxed pragmatists. We find that some privacy concerns are shared by older adults across several categories, the most common being spam, unauthorized access to personal information, and information misuse. We discuss theoretical implications based on the findings for our understanding of privacy in the context of older adults’ digital lives and discuss implications for offering training appropriate for enhancing privacy literacy in this age group.
Jugend D., Jabbour C.J., Alves Scaliza J.A., Rocha R.S., Junior J.A., Latan H., Salgado M.H.
Technovation scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-06-01 citations by CoLab: 95 Abstract  
This work extends knowledge concerning the relationships among open innovation, innovative performance and government support for innovation within Brazilian firms. Data were obtained from two different firm samples (Sample A, on incremental innovation, and Sample B, on radical innovation). The main research results are as follows. First, in considering government support for innovation, Sample B, based on radical innovation, played a superior and stronger role than Sample A. Secondly, for both samples, the cooperation of external firms has a positive effect on firms’ innovative performance, which was positively controlled by the size of the firms. Thirdly, in general, radical innovation requires synergy and a more intense focus regarding the constructs considered therein. This work also adds value in methodological terms, as this is the first research to have tested different models of samples with different levels of radicalism in innovation. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd
Dehghani M., Kim K.J., Dangelico R.M.
Telematics and Informatics scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-05-01 citations by CoLab: 110 Abstract  
This study aims to deepen our understanding of the underlying factors affecting the intention to continue using increasingly popular wearable technology. A new theoretical model is developed and validated to extend traditional technology acceptance theories by identifying several value drivers of the continuous intention and actual usage of wearable devices. Hypotheses were tested using partial least squares path modeling on data collected from 383 actual smartwatch users. The results provide wearable device manufacturers with practical guidance for optimizing competition strategies. They also offer policy-making insights for practitioners to promote better wearable devices on the market, especially during the early stages of adoption.
Roy S.K., Balaji M.S., Quazi A., Quaddus M.
2018-05-01 citations by CoLab: 197 Abstract  
In recent decades, rapid advances in Internet technology have led to numerous innovative smart technologies. This research investigates the customer acceptance of and resistance to smart technologies in the retail sector, by integrating the literature on technology acceptance model, system characteristics, technology readiness, and store reputation. Data were collected using a quantitative survey and analysed using symmetrical PLS path modelling and asymmetrical fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Results show complex relationships among perceived technology readiness, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, superior functionality, perceived adaptiveness, and store reputation in determining customers’ attitudes and behavioural intentions towards smart retail technologies. The findings also show that technology readiness does not directly affect customer attitude but does indirectly through perceived innovation characteristics. The findings indicate that retail stores should focus on smart technologies that are simple, yet offer enhanced customer value through improved shopping efficiency. Findings also suggest that retail stores can engage in brand management strategies to improve customers’ acceptance of smart technologies.
Huguenin K., Bilogrevic I., Machado J.S., Mihaila S., Shokri R., Dacosta I., Hubaux J.
2018-04-01 citations by CoLab: 31 Abstract  
Location check-ins contain both geographical and semantic information about the visited venues. Semantic information is usually represented by means of tags (e.g., “restaurant”). Such data can reveal some personal information about users beyond what they actually expect to disclose, hence their privacy is threatened. To mitigate such threats, several privacy protection techniques based on location generalization have been proposed. Although the privacy implications of such techniques have been extensively studied, the utility implications are mostly unknown. In this paper, we propose a predictive model for quantifying the effect of a privacy-preserving technique (i.e., generalization) on the perceived utility of check-ins. We first study the users' motivations behind their location check-ins, based on a study targeted at Foursquare users (N 1/4 77). We propose a machine-learning method for determining the motivation behind each check-in, and we design a motivation-based predictive model for the utility implications of generalization. Based on the survey data, our results show that the model accurately predicts the fine-grained motivation behind a check-in in [43%] of the cases and in [63%] of the cases for the coarse-grained motivation. It also predicts, with a mean error of [0.52] (on a scale from 1 to 5), the loss of utility caused by semantic and geographical generalization. This model makes it possible to design of utility-aware, privacy-enhancing mechanisms in location-based online social networks. It also enables service providers to implement locationsharing mechanisms that preserve both the utility and privacy for their users.
Pan L., Lee C.T.
Computers in Human Behavior scimago Q1 wos Q1
2024-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
With the proliferation of social media, researchers have begun exploring novel forms of literacy. One emerging concept is life aesthetic literacy (LAL), or the capacity to interpret and assign meaning to artistic and creative content perceptively. This study explores the impact of LAL on social media platforms. To do so, it draws on probability-proportional-to-size sampling in the Taiwan Communication Survey to investigate 1,776 social media–savvy adults and adopts structural equation modeling, path analysis, latent class analysis, and multi-group analysis to validate the proposed models. The findings show that increased exposure to and involvement with artistic material on social media platforms positively influence LAL. Furthermore, enhanced LAL extends to improved perceived self-expansion and self-concept clarity. These findings provide empirical evidence that social media use has a multifaceted impact on contemporary literacy and self-perception. The findings provide practical guidelines for platforms to cultivate LAL through tailored content and engagement strategies.
Bhagat S., Kim D.J.
2024-02-06 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
Geo-tagging features in social media apps allow users to announce their precise location with great ease and convenience, but geo-tagging poses some serious risks to users' privacy since it involves revelation of one's physical location, a form of personal data, to other users within and across social networks, making them vulnerable to various online and offline attacks, ranging from users being stalked to their identities being stolen. Despite these risks, geo-tagging is increasingly becoming a popular culture in the virtual realm of social media. This study explores why individuals geo-tag on social media by drawing from self-determination theory and privacy calculus to illustrate the underlying factors that influence users to engage in geo-tagging behavior on social media platforms. Based on an online survey administered to 834 active users of social media, this study contends that users' interpersonal competence and self-regulation influence their online affiliation need, which, in turn, affects their geo-tagging behavior. Additionally, we find that perceived benefit and risk have moderation effects on the association between users' online affiliation need and their geo-tagging behavior.
Wang K., Ashraf A.R., Tek Thongpapanl N., Nguyen O.
Journal of Business Research scimago Q1 wos Q1
2023-11-01 citations by CoLab: 19 Abstract  
Drawing on augmented reality (AR) and social networks literatures, this study investigates social AR’s influence in building relationships among customers through a shared social experience that includes shared sense of place, social interaction, and social identity. The study recruited 528 active users of a social AR application and used the Structural Equation Modeling (with AMOS 27) for hypothesis testing. Results show that shared sense of place, social interaction, and social identity mediate the influence of social AR usage on customer-to-customer relationships, which consequently enhance customers’ continued intention to use the social AR application. Additionally, the moderated mediation analysis result revealed that the indirect effect of social AR usage on customer-to-customer relationship is positively moderated by extraversion, such that the mediated relationship becomes stronger at a higher level of extraversion. These findings offer important contributions to the social media marketing and AR marketing literature and add valuable insights for practitioners to advance the use of AR technology.
Kuo K.
2023-10-11 citations by CoLab: 0 PDF Abstract  
AbstractAn awareness of antecedents of acceptance of digital contact tracing (DCT) can enable healthcare authorities to design appropriate strategies for fighting COVID-19 or other infectious diseases that may emerge in the future. However, mixed results about these antecedents are frequently reported. Most prior DCT acceptance review studies lack statistical synthesis of their results. This study aims to undertake a systematic review and meta-analysis of antecedents of DCT acceptance and investigate potential moderators of these antecedents. By searching multiple databases and filtering studies by using both inclusion and exclusion criteria, 76 and 25 studies were included for systematic review and meta-analysis, respectively. Random-effects models were chosen to estimate meta-analysis results since Q, I2, and H index signified some degree of heterogeneity. Fail-safe N was used to assess publication bias. Most DCT acceptance studies have focused on DCT related factors. Included antecedents are all significant predictors of DCT acceptance except for privacy concerns and fear of COVID-19. Subgroup analysis showed that individualism/collectivism moderate the relationships between norms/privacy concerns and intention to use DCT. Based on the results, the mean effect size of antecedents of DCT acceptance and the potential moderators may be more clearly identified. Appropriate strategies for boosting the DCT acceptance rate can be proposed accordingly.
Kante M., Michel B.
2023-05-01 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
Structural equation modelling (SEM) is a statistical technique used in the field of Information Systems amongst others. The technique has been paid attention thanks to its flexibility and predictive power. However, there is a paucity of guidelines in the application of the technique in the field of Behavioural Information Security. Hence, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive guide of using PLS-SEM in disclosure and privacy studies on Social Network Sites (SNSs). Data has been gathered using papers (n=21) published between 2006 and 2022 from scholarly databases such as Google Scholar, Association for Information Systems eLibrary (AISeL), IEEE Xplore and Science Direct. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA 2020) was used to analyse and synthesize the status of the field. Our systematic review covers data characteristics, reasons for using PLS-SEM, the evaluation of measurement models, the evaluation of the structural model and reporting best practices. The review proposed guidelines for the use of PLS-SEM in the discipline of Behavioural Information Security with a focus on disclosure and privacy on SNSs studies and other fields as well.
Huang T., Tsiotsou R.H., Liu B.S.
2023-04-01 citations by CoLab: 14 Abstract  
Consumers in a good mood seek positive experiences to maintain a good mood. In contactless digital service journeys, such as augmented reality (AR) mirror, maintaining consumers' positive mood throughout the purchase decision process is a highly desired outcome. Despite its importance, our understanding of the phenomenon in AR service experiences is limited. To close the void in the literature, we draw from mood maintenance theory to develop a research model including the antecedents and consequences of mood maintenance in an AR service context (tourism). Using a scenario-based survey, we collected data from 320 consumers via a quasi-experiment to validate the research model using AMOS 20. The study results reveal the pivotal role of AR body representation and AR selfie-sharing activities of mood maintenance in inducing consumer virtual purchase behavior and future purchase intentions (e.g., visit intentions to a tourism destination). The findings of our study unlock the psychological mechanisms of mood maintenance in an AR-mediated service context, enriching the extant literature on the topic. Furthermore, our findings can benefit managers in designing contactless service journeys using AR mirror applications to maintain a positive mood and influence consumers' current and future behavioral intentions.
Van Binh T., Minh D.T., Linh L.T., Van Nhan T.
2023-03-27 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
Along with the development of social networking sites, sharing location is becoming mainstream, offering many opportunities and promoting sustainable business performance of firm. Based on a survey of 433 Facebook users and the application of quantitative method, the paper found that the privacy concern substantially influences the perceived risk of location sharing. In addition, tendency is witnessed on trust in the social networking site providers and members. Also, impression management and incentive provision are strongly involved in the perceived benefits of location information disclosure intention. Both perceived risks and perceived benefits illustrate distinctive effects on sharing users’ location. The impact of subjective norms on sharing information related to a users’ location and observing the potential influence of culture, played as moderator. The finding also confirms subjective norms positively impact location information disclosure intention, while the moderating of culture does not play a contribution role.
Hsieh S.H., Lee C.T.
2022-07-05 citations by CoLab: 11 Abstract  
PurposeMobile promotion has become an important and popular mechanism for mobile commerce, with many companies using this approach to increase sales and drive brand satisfaction toward the use of mobile apps. Despite the crucial nature of this topic, knowledge on the value of mobile promotion remains insufficient. Drawing upon consumption value theory (CVT), this study aims to examine the underlying mechanism that drives app satisfaction and in-app purchase.Design/methodology/approachIn this research, the authors selected retail mobile apps for empirical testing. The authors recruited 476 users to complete a survey and analyzed the results using partial least squares structural equation modeling.FindingsThe results revealed that functional (monetary savings and localization), social (self-expression), emotional (entertainment), epistemic (exploration) and conditional (personalization) value increase the desirability of mobile promotion, thereby facilitating app satisfaction and in-app purchase.Originality/valueAmid the vast business opportunities of mobile commerce, numerous brands have developed mobile apps that function as platforms for the promotion, provision and purchase of products and services. With the prevalence of mobile app downloads, apps have become the primary mobile platform for conducting mobile promotion. This research contributes to the literature and offers retailers insight into how to create value that can increase app satisfaction and in-app purchasing through mobile promotion.
Rout A., Nitoslawski S., Ladle A., Galpern P.
2021-11-01 citations by CoLab: 26 Abstract  
With the near-ubiquitous presence of smartphones among urban dwellers in many parts of the world, we are living in an age where the public can act as continuous sensors of urban spaces. As such, data collected from GPS sensors in phones are particularly suited to support understanding human spatial behaviors in cities, and their potential for societal monitoring has been much anticipated. Yet, the field is still emerging and practical steps for utilizing smartphone-GPS in human behavior research remain unclear. Over a decade after the introduction of smartphones, we review the use of GPS data collected by these devices (smartphone-GPS data) as a tool for researching human behavior in cities. Using methods and findings from 96 papers that investigate human behaviors using smartphone-GPS data, we present seven application themes that describe domains where these data have been used thus far: sports and physical activity, environmental conditions, health and wellbeing, places and movement, neighborhoods and society, tourism, and single amenity use. We also describe the methodological factors, including parameters and variables, that have shaped how researchers have used smartphone-GPS data to understand relationships between pedestrian-scale human behaviors and urban environments. Based on these findings, we make recommendations for future researchers using smartphone-GPS data to understand relationships between humans and urban environments, at the pedestrian scale. • A review of 96 research papers using GPS data from smartphones to understand pedestrian scale human behaviors. • Thematic groupings of smartphone-GPS research in human behavioral research. • Recommendations for future researchers using smartphone-GPS data to answer urban questions. • Variables derived from smartphone-GPS data in relevant studies.
Sun Y., Liu C., Zhang C.
2021-10-25 citations by CoLab: 4 PDF Abstract  
The prevalence of mobile technology has been significant in transport research. Despite a growing application spectrum of smartphone uses and interests in mobility inference, little effort has been put into discussing theories, models, and research topics based on a systematic study of scholarly sources rooted in the interdisciplinary area of mobile technology and transport. Therefore, a timely and comprehensive synthesis of the current state of research is deemed to be required. A literature analysis, following PRISMA guidelines, aims to identify the successful development and implementation of the mobile technology that can be employed for behavior studies in transport. A review of the Web of Science Core Collections, JSTOR and SAGE databases, is performed. A rigorous screening process is used to collect key articles to construct the general image of existing knowledge. In addition, this study suggests an integrated research model to summarize how previous studies attain behavioral outcomes and a research agenda to identify unresolved research questions that future research can address. Two hundred fourty-eight papers meet the inclusion criteria. This study demonstrates that mobile technology is helpful for a better understanding of the various types of transport behaviors. They can be categorized according to their system designs and research topics: (1) Smartphone apps in sustainable transport and travel planning were studied in a remarkable collection of articles. (2) As individual’s mobility was under question, cellular signaling data were prominent for the formulation of analytical models. (3) CDRs, WiFi, and GPS data have increasingly been used, but the share of the modeling techniques for all mobile information systems has remained low. It shows that system designers could supply more desirable and appealing features in most areas. However, applications for the movement of goods are limited, although freighting has moved toward digitalization.
Xing Y., Li Y., Wang F.
2021-06-02 citations by CoLab: 16 Abstract  
PurposeCOVID-19, an infectious disease first identified in China, has resulted in an ongoing pandemic all over the world. Most of the countries have been experiencing a difficult period during the fighting of this pandemic. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of privacy concerns and cultural differences on public opinion related to the pandemic. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of public opinion in the US and in China as a case study, in order to determine the results.Design/methodology/approachNational policies on important issues faced during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US and in China were examined through a comparative analysis. The authors used text clustering and visualization to mine public opinion on two popular social media platforms, Twitter and Weibo. From the perspectives of concern for privacy and of national culture, this study combines qualitative and quantitative analysis to discover the acceptance level of national policies by the public in the two countries.FindingsThe anti-pandemic policies and measures of the US and China reflect the different characteristics of their respective political systems and national cultures. When considering the culture of the US, it is hard to establish and enforce a rigorous regulation on either mask wearing in public or home quarantine on the national level. The opinions of US people are diverse, regarding national COVID-19 policies, but they are rather unified on privacy issues. On the other hand, Chinese people show a high acceptance of national policies based on their mask-wearing customs and their culture of collectivism.Originality/valuePrior studies have paid insufficient attention to the ways in which user privacy and cultural difference affect public opinion on national policies between the US and China. This case study that compares public opinion on current and topical issues which are closely bound up with public life shows originality, as it innovatively provides a cross-cultural perspective on the research of public opinion dissemination during emergencies by considering the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.





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