Open Access
Open access
Nucleic Acids Research, volume 53, issue D1, pages D678-D690

MIBiG 4.0: advancing biosynthetic gene cluster curation through global collaboration

Mitja M Zdouc 1
Kai Blin 2
Nico L L Louwen 1
Chantal D Bader 3
Constance B Bailey 4
Lena Barra 5
Thomas J. Booth 2
Kenan A J Bozhüyük 3, 6
José D D Cediel-Becerra 7
Zachary Charlop-Powers 8
Marc G Chevrette 7, 9
Yit Heng Chooi 10
Paul M Dagostino 3, 11
Tristan De Rond 12
Elena Del Pup 1
Katherine R. Duncan 13
Wenjia Gu 14
Novriyandi Hanif 15
Eric J N Helfrich 16, 17, 18
Matthew Jenner 19, 20
Yohei Katsuyama 21, 22
Aleksandra Korenskaia 23
Daniel Krug 3, 24, 25
Vincent Libis 26, 27
George A. Lund 28
Shrikant Mantri 29, 30
Kalindi D Morgan 31
Charlotte Owen 32
Chin-Soon Phan 33
Benjamin Philmus 34
Zachary L Reitz 35
Serina L. Robinson 36
Kumar Saurabh Singh 1, 37, 38
Robin Teufel 39
Yaojun Tong 40
Fidele Tugizimana 41, 42
Dana Ulanova 43, 44
Jaclyn M Winter 45
César Aguilar 46, 47
Daniel Y. Akiyama 48
Suhad A A Al-Salihi 49
Mohammad Alanjary 1
Fabrizio Alberti 50
Gajender Aleti 51
Shumukh A. Alharthi 52
Mariela Y Arias Rojo 53
Amr A Arishi 10, 54
Hannah E Augustijn 1, 55
Nicole E Avalon 56
J Abraham Avelar-Rivas 57
Kyle K. Axt 34
Hellen B Barbieri 48
Julio Cesar J Barbosa 48
Lucas Gabriel Barboza Segato 58
Susanna E. Barrett 59, 60
Martin Baunach 61
Christine Beemelmanns 3, 24
Dardan Beqaj 62
Tim Berger 63
Jordan Bernaldo-Agüero 64, 65, 66
Sandra M Bettenbühl 16, 17
Vincent A Bielinski 67
Friederike Biermann 1, 16, 17
Ricardo M Borges 68
Rainer Borriss 69, 70
Milena Breitenbach 16, 17
Kevin M Bretscher 55, 71, 72
Michael W Brigham 73
Larissa Buedenbender 74
Brodie W. Bulcock 10
Carolina Cano-Prieto 2
João Capela 75
Victor J Carrion 55, 71, 76
Riley S. Carter 59, 60
Raquel Castelo-Branco 77
Gabriel Castro-Falcón 56
Fernanda O Chagas 68
Esteban Charria-Girón 25, 78
Ayesha Ahmed Chaudhri 16, 17
Vasvi Chaudhry 79
Hyukjae Choi 80, 81
Yukyung Choi 82
Roya Choupannejad 83
Jakub Chromy 84
Melinda S Chue Donahey 7
Melinda Chue Donahey 7
Jérôme Collemare 83
Jack A. Connolly 84
Kaitlin E Creamer 85, 86
Max Crüsemann 61
Andres Arredondo Cruz 53
Andres Cumsille 7
Jean-Felix Dallery 87
Luis Caleb Damas-Ramos 2
Tito Damiani 88
Martinus de Kruijff 3
Belén Delgado Martín 76
Gerardo Della Sala 89
Jelle Dillen 90
Drew T Doering 91
Shravan R Dommaraju 59, 60
Suhan Durusu 16, 17
Susan Egbert 58
Mark Ellerhorst 92
Baptiste Faussurier 26, 27
Artem Fetter 13
Marc Feuermann 93
David P. Fewer 94
Jonathan Foldi 84
Andri Frediansyah 95, 96
Erin A. Garza 97
Athina Gavriilidou 23
Andrea Gentile 98, 99
Jennifer Gerke 100
Hans Gerstmans 101, 102, 103
Juan Pablo Gomez-Escribano 104
Luz A. González-Salazar 46
Natalie E. Grayson 56
Claudio Greco 52
Juan E Gris Gomez 46
Sebastian Guerra 7, 9
Shaday Guerrero Flores 105
Alexey Gurevich 3, 24
Karina Gutiérrez-García 106
Lauren Hart 107, 108
Kristina Haslinger 109
Beibei He 110
Teo Hebra 88
Jethro L Hemmann 111
Hindra Hindra 112, 113
Lars Höing 39
Darren C. Holland 10
Jonathan E Holme 114
Therese Horch 2
Pavlo Hrab 1, 115
Jie Hu 116
Thanh-Hau Huynh 117, 118
Ji-Yeon Hwang 119
Riccardo Iacovelli 120
Dumitrita Iftime 62
Marianna Iorio 98
Sidharth Jayachandran 2
Eunah Jeong 82
Jiayi Jing 1
Jung J Jung 117, 118
Yuya Kakumu 16, 17
Edward Kalkreuter 121
Kyo Bin Kang 82
Sangwook Kang 117, 118
Wonyong Kim 122
Geum Jin Kim 81, 123
Hyunwoo Kim 124
Hyun Uk Kim 125
Martin Klapper 126
Robert A Koetsier 1
Cassandra Kollten 11
Ákos T. Kovács 55, 127
Yelyzaveta Kriukova 3, 11
Noel Kubach 23
Aditya M Kunjapur 128
Aleksandra K Kushnareva 3, 24
Andreja Kust 85, 86
Jessica Lamber 3, 24, 129
Martin Larralde 130
Niels J Larsen 2
Adrien P Launay 131
Ngoc-Thao-Hien Le 26
Sarah Lebeer 90, 132
Byung Tae Lee 125
Kyungha Lee 82
Katherine L Lev 107, 108
Shu-Ming Li 63
Yong-Xin Li 110
Cuauhtémoc Licona-Cassani 46, 133, 134
Annette Lien 1
Jing Liu 110
Julius Adam V Lopez 135, 136
Nataliia V Machushynets 55
Marla I Macias 137
Taifo Mahmud 34
Matiss Maleckis 138
Añadir Maharai Martinez-Martinez 46
Yvonne Mast 104, 139
Marina F. Maximo 48
Christina M Mcbride 107, 108
Rose M Mclellan 140, 141
Khyati Mehta Bhatt 83
Chrats Melkonian 1, 142
Aske Merrild 143
Mikko Metsä-Ketelä 144
Douglas A. Mitchell 59
Alison V. Müller 3, 24, 129
Giang-Son Nguyen 114
Hera T Nguyen 10
Timo H J Niedermeyer 145
Julia H O’Hare 68
Adam Ossowicki 71, 76
Bohdan O Ostash 146, 147
Hiroshi Otani 91, 148
Leo Padva 61
Sunaina Paliyal 29
Xinya Pan 55, 71, 72
Mohit Panghal 29, 30
Dana S Parade 3
Jiyoon Park 117, 118
Jonathan Parra 149, 150, 151
Marcos Pedraza Rubio 71, 76
Huong T. PHAM 82
Sacha J. Pidot 152
Jörn Piel 153
Bita Pourmohsenin 23
Malik Rakhmanov 39
Sangeetha Ramesh 154
Michelle H Rasmussen 155
Adriana Rego 77
Raphael Reher 63
Andrew J Rice 59
Augustin Rigolet 55
Adriana Romero-Otero 2, 138
Luis Rodrigo Rosas-Becerra 55, 57
Pablo Y Rosiles 131
Adriano Rutz 156
Byeol Ryu 56
Libby-Ann Sahadeo 58
Murrel Saldanha 7
Eduardo Sánchez-Carvajal 157
Christian Santos-Medellin 116
Nicolau Sbaraini 10
Sydney M. Schoellhorn 158
Clemens Schumm 3, 129, 159
Ludek Sehnal 62, 160
Nelly Selem 105
Anjali D. Shah 161, 162
Tania K Shishido 83, 163
Simon Sieber 164
Velina Silviani 80, 81
Garima Singh 165, 166
Hemant Singh 29
Nika Sokolova 109
Eva C Sonnenschein 52
Margherita Sosio 98
Sven T Sowa 39
Karin Steffen 167
Evi Stegmann 62, 168
Alena B. Streiff 153
Alena Strüder 62
Frank Surup 25, 78
Tiziana Svenningsen 143
Douglas Sweeney 56
Judit Szenei 2
Azat Tagirdzhanov 3, 24
Bin Tan 16, 17
Matthew J. Tarnowski 52
Barbara R Terlouw 1
Thomas Rey 169, 170
Nicola U. Thome 55, 102
Laura Rosina Torres Ortega 1
Thomas Tørring 143
Marla Trindade 171
Andrew W Truman 172
Marie Tvilum 143
Daniel W Udwary 91
Christoph Ulbricht 61
Lisa Vader 2
Gilles P. van Wezel 55, 72
Max Walmsley 84
Randika Warnasinghe 58
Heiner G Weddeling 39
Angus N M Weir 101, 173
Katherine Williams 161, 174
Sam E Williams 2
Thomas E Witte 175
Steffaney M Wood Rocca 56, 97
Keith Yamada 144
Dong Yang 176
Dongsoo Yang 177
Jingwei Yu 178
Zhenyi Zhou 179
Nadine Ziemert 23
Lukas Zimmer 61
Alina Zimmermann 104
Christian Zimmermann 180
Tilmann Weber 2
Show full list: 289 authors
Myria Biosciences AG, Tech Park Basel , Hochbergstrasse 60C, 4057  Basel ,
Ginkgo Bioworks , 27 Drydock Avenue, 8th Floor, Boston , MA  02210 ,
Sutro Biopharma , 111 Oyster Point Blvd, South San Francisco , CA , 94080 ,
LOEWE Center for Translational Biodiversity Genomics (TBG) , Senckenberganlage 25, 60325  Frankfurt am Main,
Translational Genome Mining for Natural Products, Generare Bioscience , 75011  Paris , Île-de-France,
Computational Biology Lab, National Agri-Food and Biomanufacturing Institute (NABI) , Sector 81, S.A.S. Nagar , Mohali , Punjab  140306 ,
Regional Centre for Biotechnology, NCR Biotech Science Cluster , 3rd Milestone, Faridabad -Gurugram Expressway, Faridabad - 121001 Haryana (NCR Delhi ),
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, University of California , 1169 Biological Sciences II, Santa Barbara , CA  93106 ,
International Research and Development (R&D) Division , Omnia Nutriology, Omnia Holdings Ltd, Building H, Monte Circle, 178 Montecasino Blvd, Fourways , Sandton , 2055 ,
Department of Applied Sciences, University of Technology , Al-Sina’a St., 10066 , Baghdad ,
Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos , Av. Germán Amézaga S/N, Ciudad Universitaria, UNMSM, Lima  15081 ,
Department of Crop Protection, Instituto de Hortofruticultura Subtropical y Mediterránea “La Mayora” (IHSM-UMA-CSIC), Campus Universitario de Teatinos , 29010 , Málaga,
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Campus Universitario de Teatinos s/n, University of Málaga , 29010 Málaga,
Fungal Natural Products, Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute , Uppsalalaan 8, 3584CT  Utrecht ,
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California , 307 McCone Hall Berkeley, CA  94720-4767 ,
IOCB Prague, Czech Academy of Science , Flemingovo náměstí 542/2, 160 00  Praha 6,
Microbial and Environmental Genomics Group, J. Craig Venter Institute , 4120 Capricorn Lane, La Jolla , CA 92037,
NAICONS Srl , viale Ortles 22/4, 20139  Milan ,
Biosphere Sciences and Engineering Division, Carnegie Institution for Science , 3520 San Martin Dr, Baltimore , MD, 21218 ,
Department of Biotechnology and Nanomedicine , SINTEF Industry , P.O.Box 4760 Torgard, N- 7465 Trondheim,
Corteva Agriscience , 9330 Zionsville Road, Indianapolis , Indiana  46268 ,
Bioinformatics department , Endogenomiks, El Marqués, Querétaro,
U-MaMi Centre of Excellence , Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerp,
Integrative Biology Research Unit, The Institute for Obesity Research , Tecnológico de Monterrey, Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501  sur , Nuevo Leon, 64700 .
Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv , Hrushevskoho st 4, Lviv 79005 ,
German-Ukrainian Core of Excellence in Natural Products Research , Zelena str. 20, Lviv 79005 ,
Centro Nacional de Innovaciones Biotecnológicas (CENIBiot) , CeNAT-CONARE, 1174-1200 , San José,
DE SANGOSSE , Bonnel, 47480 , Pont-Du-Casse,
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2024-12-09
scimago Q1
wos Q1
Impact factor16.6
ISSN03051048, 13624962

Specialized or secondary metabolites are small molecules of biological origin, often showing potent biological activities with applications in agriculture, engineering and medicine. Usually, the biosynthesis of these natural products is governed by sets of co-regulated and physically clustered genes known as biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs). To share information about BGCs in a standardized and machine-readable way, the Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster (MIBiG) data standard and repository was initiated in 2015. Since its conception, MIBiG has been regularly updated to expand data coverage and remain up to date with innovations in natural product research. Here, we describe MIBiG version 4.0, an extensive update to the data repository and the underlying data standard. In a massive community annotation effort, 267 contributors performed 8304 edits, creating 557 new entries and modifying 590 existing entries, resulting in a new total of 3059 curated entries in MIBiG. Particular attention was paid to ensuring high data quality, with automated data validation using a newly developed custom submission portal prototype, paired with a novel peer-reviewing model. MIBiG 4.0 also takes steps towards a rolling release model and a broader involvement of the scientific community. MIBiG 4.0 is accessible online at






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