2021 46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz)

THz and IR spectroscopy of H2O@C60 endofullerene

V. Balos 2
Gabriela Hoffman 3
Shamim Alom 3
Martin Dressel 1, 4
George Razvan Bacanu 3
Mohsen Sajadi 5, 6
Show full list: 14 authors
Publication typeProceedings Article
Publication date2021-08-29
Time-domain terahertz and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy techniques are employed for investigating of the low-frequency dynamics of H 2 O@C 60 endofullerene at temperatures 6–300 K. A number of absorption lines associated with rotational transitions of water molecules entrapped inside C 60 cage are observed and assigned. Fitting absorption lines with Lorentzians allowed us to obtain the temperature dependences of the lines’ parameters – frequency position, strength and damping.

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