Open Access
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Science, volume 370, issue 6523, pages 1473-1479

An ultrapotent synthetic nanobody neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 by stabilizing inactive Spike

Michael Schoof 1, 2
Bryan Faust 1, 2, 3, 4
Reuben A Saunders 1, 5
Smriti Sangwan 1, 2
Nick Hoppe 3, 4
Morgane Boone 1, 2
Marcell Zimanyi 1, 2
Ishan Deshpande 3, 4
Jiahao Liang 3
Michael C. Thompson 4
Kaitlin Schaefer 4
Aditya A Anand 1, 2
Niv Dobzinski 1, 2
Beth S. Zha 7
Camille R. Simoneau 8, 9, 10
Kristoffer E Leon 8, 9, 10
Kris M White 11, 12
Un Seng Chio 4
Meghna Gupta 4
M Jin 4
Fei Li 4
Yanxin Liu 4
Kaihua Zhang 4
David Bulkley 4
Ming Sun 4
Joel M Smith 4
Frank R Moss 4
R Trenker 4
Sayan Gupta 13
Benjamin Barsi Rhyne 3
Vladislav Belyy 1, 2
Andrew W Barile Hill 14
Silke Nock 1, 2
Nevan J. Krogan 4, 5, 8, 9
Corie Y. Ralston 13
Danielle Swaney 4, 5, 8, 9
Adolfo García-Sastre 11, 12, 15, 16
Melanie Ott 8, 9, 10
Peter Walter 1, 2
Aashish Manglik 3, 4, 8, 17
Caleigh M. Azumaya
Cristina Puchades
Ming Sun
Julian R Braxton
Axel F Brilot
Fei Li
Kyle E Lopez
Arthur Melo
Frank Moss
Joana Paulino
Thomas H Pospiech
Sergei Pourmal
Alexandrea N Rizo
Paul V. Thomas
Feng Wang
Zanlin Yu
Miles Sasha Dickinson
Henry C Nguyen
Daniel Asarnow
Melody G Campbell
Cynthia M. Chio
Un Seng Chio
Devan Diwanji
Bryan Faust
Meghna Gupta
Mingliang Jin
Junrui Li
Yanxin Liu
Gregory E Merz
Smriti Sangwan
Tsz Kin Martin Tsui
Raphael Trenker
Donovan Trinidad
Eric Tse
Kaihua Zhang
Fengbo Zhou
Nadia Herrera
Huong T Kratochvil
Ursula Schulze-Gahmen
Michael C. Thompson
Iris D. Young
Justin Biel
Ishan Deshpande
Xi Liu
Christian Bache Billesbølle
Carlos Nowotny
Amber M. Smith
Jianhua Zhao
Alisa Bowen
Nick Hoppe
Yen-Li Li
Phuong Nguyen
Mali Safari
Kaitlin Schaefer
Natalie Whitis
Michelle Moritz
Tristan W Owens
Amy Diallo
Kate Kim
Jessica K Peters
Erron W Titus
Jenny Chen
Loan Doan
Sebastian Flores
Victor L Lam
Yang Li
Megan Lo
Aye C Thwin
Stephanie Wankowicz
Yang Zhang
David Bulkley
Arceli Joves
Almarie Joves
Liam Mckay
Mariano Tabios
Oren S Rosenberg
Kliment A. Verba
David A. Agard
Yifan Cheng
James S. Fraser
Adam Frost
Natalia Jura
Tanja Kortemme
Nevan J. Krogan
Aashish Manglik
Daniel R Southworth
Robert M. Stroud
Cytiva Life Sciences, Marlborough, MA, USA.
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2020-12-18
Journal: Science
Quartile SCImago
Quartile WOS
Impact factor56.9
ISSN00368075, 10959203
Nanobodies that neutralize

Monoclonal antibodies that bind to the spike protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) show therapeutic promise but must be produced in mammalian cells and need to be delivered intravenously. By contrast, single-domain antibodies called nanobodies can be produced in bacteria or yeast, and their stability may enable aerosol delivery. Two papers now report nanobodies that bind tightly to spike and efficiently neutralize SARS-CoV-2 in cells. Schoof et al. screened a yeast surface display of synthetic nanobodies and Xiang et al. screened anti-spike nanobodies produced by a llama. Both groups identified highly potent nanobodies that lock the spike protein in an inactive conformation. Multivalent constructs of selected nanobodies achieved even more potent neutralization.

Science , this issue p. 1473 , p. 1479


Citations by journals

Frontiers in Immunology
12 publications, 3.65%
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
10 publications, 3.04%
Nature Communications
8 publications, 2.43%
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
7 publications, 2.13%
5 publications, 1.52%
5 publications, 1.52%
Journal of Biological Chemistry
5 publications, 1.52%
Journal of Virology
5 publications, 1.52%
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
4 publications, 1.22%
Scientific Reports
3 publications, 0.91%
Journal of Nanobiotechnology
3 publications, 0.91%
Cell Reports
3 publications, 0.91%
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B
3 publications, 0.91%
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
3 publications, 0.91%
3 publications, 0.91%
3 publications, 0.91%
3 publications, 0.91%
Antiviral Research
3 publications, 0.91%
International Journal of Nanomedicine
2 publications, 0.61%
2 publications, 0.61%
2 publications, 0.61%
2 publications, 0.61%
Communications Biology
2 publications, 0.61%
2 publications, 0.61%
Current Opinion in Structural Biology
2 publications, 0.61%
2 publications, 0.61%
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
2 publications, 0.61%
Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy
2 publications, 0.61%
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects
2 publications, 0.61%

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Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
68 publications, 20.67%
58 publications, 17.63%
Springer Nature
50 publications, 15.2%
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30 publications, 9.12%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
23 publications, 6.99%
16 publications, 4.86%
Frontiers Media S.A.
15 publications, 4.56%
American Society for Microbiology
10 publications, 3.04%
Oxford University Press
7 publications, 2.13%
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
7 publications, 2.13%
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
7 publications, 2.13%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
6 publications, 1.82%
Taylor & Francis
6 publications, 1.82%
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
5 publications, 1.52%
Dove Medical Press
2 publications, 0.61%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
2 publications, 0.61%
EMBO press
2 publications, 0.61%
eLife Sciences Publications
2 publications, 0.61%
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1 publication, 0.3%
Microbiology Society
1 publication, 0.3%
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1 publication, 0.3%
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Schoof M. et al. An ultrapotent synthetic nanobody neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 by stabilizing inactive Spike // Science. 2020. Vol. 370. No. 6523. pp. 1473-1479.
GOST all authors (up to 50) Copy
Schoof M. et al. An ultrapotent synthetic nanobody neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 by stabilizing inactive Spike // Science. 2020. Vol. 370. No. 6523. pp. 1473-1479.
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RIS Copy
DO - 10.1126/science.abe3255
UR -
TI - An ultrapotent synthetic nanobody neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 by stabilizing inactive Spike
T2 - Science
AU - Schoof, Michael
AU - Faust, Bryan
AU - Saunders, Reuben A
AU - Sangwan, Smriti
AU - Rezelj, Veronica V
AU - Hoppe, Nick
AU - Boone, Morgane
AU - Billesbølle, Christian B
AU - Puchades, Cristina
AU - Azumaya, C. M.
AU - Kratochvil, H.
AU - Zimanyi, Marcell
AU - Deshpande, Ishan
AU - Liang, Jiahao
AU - Dickinson, Miles Sasha
AU - Nguyen, Kim Cuong
AU - Chio, Cynthia M
AU - Merz, Gregory E
AU - Thompson, Michael C.
AU - Diwanji, Devan
AU - Schaefer, Kaitlin
AU - Anand, Aditya A
AU - Dobzinski, Niv
AU - S. Zha, Beth
AU - Simoneau, Camille R.
AU - Leon, Kristoffer E
AU - White, Kris M
AU - Chio, Un Seng
AU - Gupta, Meghna
AU - Jin, M
AU - Li, Fei
AU - Liu, Yanxin
AU - Zhang, Kaihua
AU - Bulkley, David
AU - Sun, Ming
AU - Smith, Joel M
AU - Rizo, Alexandrea
AU - Moss, Frank R
AU - Brilot, Axel F.
AU - Pourmal, Sergei
AU - Trenker, R
AU - Pospiech, Thomas H
AU - Gupta, Sayan
AU - Barsi Rhyne, Benjamin
AU - Belyy, Vladislav
AU - Barile Hill, Andrew W
AU - Nock, Silke
AU - Krogan, Nevan J.
AU - Ralston, Corie Y.
AU - Swaney, Danielle
AU - García-Sastre, Adolfo
AU - Ott, Melanie
AU - Vignuzzi, Marco
AU - Walter, Peter
AU - Manglik, Aashish
AU - Azumaya, Caleigh M.
AU - Puchades, Cristina
AU - Sun, Ming
AU - Braxton, Julian R
AU - Brilot, Axel F
AU - Gupta, Meghna
AU - Li, Fei
AU - Lopez, Kyle E
AU - Melo, Arthur
AU - Merz, Gregory E
AU - Moss, Frank
AU - Paulino, Joana
AU - Pospiech, Thomas H
AU - Pourmal, Sergei
AU - Rizo, Alexandrea N
AU - Smith, Amber M.
AU - Thomas, Paul V.
AU - Wang, Feng
AU - Yu, Zanlin
AU - Dickinson, Miles Sasha
AU - Nguyen, Henry C
AU - Asarnow, Daniel
AU - Campbell, Melody G
AU - Chio, Cynthia M.
AU - Chio, Un Seng
AU - Diwanji, Devan
AU - Faust, Bryan
AU - Hoppe, Nick
AU - Jin, Mingliang
AU - Li, Junrui
AU - Liu, Yanxin
AU - Sangwan, Smriti
AU - Tsui, Tsz Kin Martin
AU - Trenker, Raphael
AU - Trinidad, Donovan
AU - Tse, Eric
AU - Zhang, Kaihua
AU - Zhou, Fengbo
AU - Herrera, Nadia
AU - Kratochvil, Huong T
AU - Schulze-Gahmen, Ursula
AU - Thompson, Michael C.
AU - Young, Iris D.
AU - Biel, Justin
AU - Deshpande, Ishan
AU - Liu, Xi
AU - Billesbølle, Christian Bache
AU - Nowotny, Carlos
AU - Zhao, Jianhua
AU - Bowen, Alisa
AU - Li, Yen-Li
AU - Nguyen, Phuong
AU - Safari, Mali
AU - Schaefer, Kaitlin
AU - Whitis, Natalie
AU - Moritz, Michelle
AU - Owens, Tristan W
AU - Diallo, Amy
AU - Kim, Kate
AU - Peters, Jessica K
AU - Titus, Erron W
AU - Chen, Jenny
AU - Doan, Loan
AU - Flores, Sebastian
AU - Lam, Victor L
AU - Li, Yang
AU - Lo, Megan
AU - Thwin, Aye C
AU - Wankowicz, Stephanie
AU - Zhang, Yang
AU - Bulkley, David
AU - Joves, Arceli
AU - Joves, Almarie
AU - Mckay, Liam
AU - Tabios, Mariano
AU - Rosenberg, Oren S
AU - Verba, Kliment A.
AU - Agard, David A.
AU - Cheng, Yifan
AU - Fraser, James S.
AU - Frost, Adam
AU - Jura, Natalia
AU - Kortemme, Tanja
AU - Krogan, Nevan J.
AU - Manglik, Aashish
AU - Southworth, Daniel R
AU - Stroud, Robert M.
PY - 2020
DA - 2020/12/18 00:00:00
PB - American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
SP - 1473-1479
IS - 6523
VL - 370
SN - 0036-8075
SN - 1095-9203
ER -
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author = {Michael Schoof and Bryan Faust and Reuben A Saunders and Smriti Sangwan and Veronica V Rezelj and Nick Hoppe and Morgane Boone and Christian B Billesbølle and Cristina Puchades and C. M. Azumaya and H. Kratochvil and Marcell Zimanyi and Ishan Deshpande and Jiahao Liang and Miles Sasha Dickinson and Kim Cuong Nguyen and Cynthia M Chio and Gregory E Merz and Michael C. Thompson and Devan Diwanji and Kaitlin Schaefer and Aditya A Anand and Niv Dobzinski and Beth S. Zha and Camille R. Simoneau and Kristoffer E Leon and Kris M White and Un Seng Chio and Meghna Gupta and M Jin and Fei Li and Yanxin Liu and Kaihua Zhang and David Bulkley and Ming Sun and Joel M Smith and Alexandrea Rizo and Frank R Moss and Axel F. Brilot and Sergei Pourmal and R Trenker and Thomas H Pospiech and Sayan Gupta and Benjamin Barsi Rhyne and Vladislav Belyy and Andrew W Barile Hill and Silke Nock and YUWEI LIU and Nevan J. Krogan and Corie Y. Ralston and Danielle Swaney and Adolfo García-Sastre and Melanie Ott and Marco Vignuzzi and Peter Walter and Aashish Manglik and Caleigh M. Azumaya and Cristina Puchades and Ming Sun and Julian R Braxton and Axel F Brilot and Meghna Gupta and Fei Li and Kyle E Lopez and Arthur Melo and Gregory E Merz and Frank Moss and Joana Paulino and Thomas H Pospiech and Sergei Pourmal and Alexandrea N Rizo and Amber M. Smith and Paul V. Thomas and Feng Wang and Zanlin Yu and Miles Sasha Dickinson and Henry C Nguyen and Daniel Asarnow and Melody G Campbell and Cynthia M. Chio and Un Seng Chio and Devan Diwanji and Bryan Faust and Nick Hoppe and Mingliang Jin and Junrui Li and Yanxin Liu and Smriti Sangwan and Tsz Kin Martin Tsui and Raphael Trenker and Donovan Trinidad and Eric Tse and Kaihua Zhang and Fengbo Zhou and Nadia Herrera and Huong T Kratochvil and Ursula Schulze-Gahmen and Michael C. Thompson and Iris D. Young and Justin Biel and Ishan Deshpande and Xi Liu and Christian Bache Billesbølle and Carlos Nowotny and Jianhua Zhao and Alisa Bowen and Yen-Li Li and Phuong Nguyen and Mali Safari and Kaitlin Schaefer and Natalie Whitis and Michelle Moritz and Tristan W Owens and Amy Diallo and Kate Kim and Jessica K Peters and Erron W Titus and Jenny Chen and Loan Doan and Sebastian Flores and Victor L Lam and Yang Li and Megan Lo and Aye C Thwin and Stephanie Wankowicz and Yang Zhang and David Bulkley and Arceli Joves and Almarie Joves and Liam Mckay and Mariano Tabios and Oren S Rosenberg and Kliment A. Verba and David A. Agard and Yifan Cheng and James S. Fraser and Adam Frost and Natalia Jura and Tanja Kortemme and Nevan J. Krogan and Aashish Manglik and Daniel R Southworth and Robert M. Stroud},
title = {An ultrapotent synthetic nanobody neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 by stabilizing inactive Spike},
journal = {Science},
year = {2020},
volume = {370},
publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)},
month = {dec},
url = {},
number = {6523},
pages = {1473--1479},
doi = {10.1126/science.abe3255}
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MLA Copy
Schoof, Michael, et al. “An ultrapotent synthetic nanobody neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 by stabilizing inactive Spike.” Science, vol. 370, no. 6523, Dec. 2020, pp. 1473-1479.
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