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Chronic Stress, volume 8

Modeling Sex-Bias in Anxiety: Pros and Cons of a Larval Zebrafish Model

Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2024-01-01
Journal: Chronic Stress
scimago Q1
Impact factor

Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric disorders, exhibiting strong female bias. Clinical studies implicate declining estradiol levels in the exacerbation of anxiety symptoms in the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle. This study aimed to simulate estradiol fluctuation-linked anxiety behavior in larval zebrafish, using an estradiol treatment withdrawal model. Contrary to model aims, estradiol treatment withdrawal decreased both basal activity and anxiety-like hyperlocomotion (ANOVA main effect of dose, P < 0.0001 and P < 0.01, respectively) in the light/dark transition test. The accuracy of the estradiol washout model was not improved by longer durations of treatment or withdrawal. Basal activity was slightly altered by supraphysiological concentrations of WAY-200070 in the absence of added estradiol. Estrogen receptor (ER) β expression was not upregulated in larvae exposed to physiologically relevant, low concentrations of estradiol. Longer exposure to low concentrations of estradiol increased antioxidant capacity ( P < 0.01). In addition, acute exposure to low concentrations of estradiol increased basal activity. Data suggest that in the current models, estradiol-associated altered activity levels were linked to more favorable redox status, rather than reflecting altered anxiety levels. As such, it is recommended that zebrafish larval behavioral analysis be conducted in parallel with mechanistic studies such as redox indicators, for investigations focused on ER signaling.

Pretorius L., Smith C.
2023-02-01 citations by CoLab: 8 Abstract  
Development of targeted therapeutics to alleviate gastrointestinal (GI) inflammation and its debilitating consequences are required. In this context, the trace aminergic system may link together sex, diet and inflammation. Utilising a zebrafish larval model of GI inflammation, the current study aimed to investigate mechanisms by which excess amounts of trace amines (TAs) may influence GI health. In addition, we probed the potential role of 17β-estradiol (E2) and its receptors, given the known female-predominance of many GI disorders. To assess GI functionality and integrity, live imaging techniques (neutral red staining) and post-mortem immunofluorescent staining of tight junction proteins (occludin and ZO-1) were analyzed respectively. In addition, behavioural assays, as an indication of overall wellbeing, as well as whole body H2O2 and prostaglandin E2 assays were performed to inform on oxidative and inflammatory status. Excess β-phenethylamine (PEA), tryptamine (TRP) and ρ-tyramine (TYR) resulted in adverse GI and systemic effects. In this regard, clear beneficial effects of E2 to modulate the effects of PEA, TRP and TYR was evident. Moreover, agmatine displayed potential protective effects on GI epithelium and whole body oxidative status, however, potential to induce systemic inflammation suggests the importance of dosage and administration optimisation. Taken together, TYR seems like the most prominent TA to have damaging GI effects, feasibly exacerbating GI inflammation. In this context, the relative lack of E2 may provide mechanistic insights into the reported female-predominance of GI disorders. Moreover, an effective therapeutic in this context may be required to maintain GI TA load despite fluctuating E2 levels.
Handy A.B., Greenfield S.F., Yonkers K.A., Payne L.A.
Harvard Review of Psychiatry scimago Q1 wos Q2
2022-03-10 citations by CoLab: 52 Abstract  
After participating in this activity, learners should be better able to:• Discuss and outline the general and overlapping effects of the menstrual cycle on women's mental health.A growing body of research demonstrates menstrual cycle-dependent fluctuations in psychiatric symptoms; these fluctuations can therefore be considered as prevalent phenomena. Possible mechanisms underlying these fluctuations posit behavioral, psychological, and neuroendocrine influences. Recent reviews document cyclic exacerbation of symptoms and explore these mechanisms in the context of specific and often single disorders. The question remains, however, as to whether there are general and overlapping effects of the menstrual cycle on women's mental health. To address this gap, we synthesized the literature examining the exacerbation of a variety of psychiatric symptoms across the menstrual cycle in adult women. Results show that the premenstrual and menstrual phases are most consistently implicated in transdiagnostic symptom exacerbation. Specifically, strong evidence indicates increases in psychosis, mania, depression, suicide/suicide attempts, and alcohol use during these phases. Anxiety, stress, and binge eating appear to be elevated more generally throughout the luteal phase. The subjective effects of smoking and cocaine use are reduced during the luteal phase, but fewer data are available for other substances. Less consistent patterns are demonstrated for panic disorder, symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, and borderline personality disorder, and it is difficult to draw conclusions for symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and trichotillomania because of the limited data. Future research should focus on developing standardized approaches to identifying menstrual cycle phases and adapting pharmacological and behavioral interventions for managing fluctuations in psychiatric symptoms across the menstrual cycle.
Cohen A., Popowitz J., Delbridge-Perry M., Rowe C.J., Connaughton V.P.
Frontiers in Pharmacology scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2022-02-28 citations by CoLab: 21 PDF Abstract  
Visual system development is a highly complex process involving coordination of environmental cues, cell pathways, and integration of functional circuits. Consequently, a change to any step, due to a mutation or chemical exposure, can lead to deleterious consequences. One class of chemicals known to have both overt and subtle effects on the visual system is endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). EDCs are environmental contaminants which alter hormonal signaling by either preventing compound synthesis or binding to postsynaptic receptors. Interestingly, recent work has identified neuronal and sensory systems, particularly vision, as targets for EDCs. In particular, estrogenic and thyroidogenic signaling have been identified as critical modulators of proper visual system development and function. Here, we summarize and review this work, from our lab and others, focusing on behavioral, physiological, and molecular data collected in zebrafish. We also discuss different exposure regimes used, including long-lasting effects of developmental exposure. Overall, zebrafish are a model of choice to examine the impact of EDCs and other compounds targeting estrogen and thyroid signaling and the consequences of exposure in visual system development and function.
Lovick T.A., Zangrossi H.
Frontiers in Psychiatry scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2021-08-31 citations by CoLab: 126 PDF Abstract  
Anxiety disorders are more prevalent in women than in men. In women the menstrual cycle introduces another variable; indeed, some conditions e.g., premenstrual syndrome, are menstrual cycle specific. Animal models of fear and anxiety, which form the basis for research into drug treatments, have been developed almost exclusively, using males. There remains a paucity of work using females and the available literature presents a confusing picture. One confound is the estrous cycle in females, which some authors consider, but many do not. Importantly, there are no accepted standardized criteria for defining cycle phase, which is important given the rapidly changing hormonal profile during the 4-day cycle of rodents. Moreover, since many behavioral tests that involve a learning component or that consider extinction of a previously acquired association require several days to complete; the outcome may depend on the phase of the cycle on the days of training as well as on test days. In this article we consider responsiveness of females compared to males in a number of commonly used behavioral tests of anxiety and fear that were developed in male rodents. We conclude that females perform in a qualitatively similar manner to males in most tests although there may be sex and strain differences in sensitivity. Tests based on unconditioned threatening stimuli are significantly influenced by estrous cycle phase with animals displaying increased responsiveness in the late diestrus phase of the cycle (similar to the premenstrual phase in women). Tests that utilize conditioned fear paradigms, which involve a learning component appear to be less impacted by the estrous cycle although sex and cycle-related differences in responding can still be detected. Ethologically-relevant tests appear to have more translational value in females. However, even when sex differences in behavior are not detected, the same outward behavioral response may be mediated by different brain mechanisms. In order to progress basic research in the field of female psychiatry and psychopharmacology, there is a pressing need to validate and standardize experimental protocols for using female animal models of anxiety-related states.
Penninx B.W., Pine D.S., Holmes E.A., Reif A.
The Lancet scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-03-01 citations by CoLab: 357 Abstract  
Anxiety disorders form the most common group of mental disorders and generally start before or in early adulthood. Core features include excessive fear and anxiety or avoidance of perceived threats that are persistent and impairing. Anxiety disorders involve dysfunction in brain circuits that respond to danger. Risk for anxiety disorders is influenced by genetic factors, environmental factors, and their epigenetic relations. Anxiety disorders are often comorbid with one another and with other mental disorders, especially depression, as well as with somatic disorders. Such comorbidity generally signifies more severe symptoms, greater clinical burden, and greater treatment difficulty. Reducing the large burden of disease from anxiety disorders in individuals and worldwide can be best achieved by timely, accurate disease detection and adequate treatment administration, scaling up of treatments when needed. Evidence-based psychotherapy (particularly cognitive behavioural therapy) and psychoactive medications (particularly serotonergic compounds) are both effective, facilitating patients' choices in therapeutic decisions. Although promising, no enduring preventive measures are available, and, along with frequent therapy resistance, clinical needs remain unaddressed. Ongoing research efforts tackle these problems, and future efforts should seek individualised, more effective approaches for treatment with precision medicine.
Nillni Y.I., Rasmusson A.M., Paul E.L., Pineles S.L.
Current Psychiatry Reports scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2021-01-06 citations by CoLab: 27 PDF Abstract  
This paper reviews the recent literature on menstrual cycle phase effects on outcomes relevant to anxiety and PTSD, discusses potential neurobiological mechanisms underlying these effects, and highlights methodological limitations impeding scientific advancement. The menstrual cycle and its underlying hormones impact symptom expression among women with anxiety and PTSD, as well as psychophysiological and biological processes relevant to anxiety and PTSD. The most consistent findings are retrospective self-report of premenstrual exacerbation of anxiety symptoms and the protective effect of estradiol on recall of extinction learning among healthy women. Lack of rigorous methodology for assessing menstrual cycle phase and inconsistent menstrual cycle phase definitions likely contribute to other conflicting results. Further investigations that address these limitations and integrate complex interactions between menstrual cycle phase–related hormones, genetics, and psychological vulnerabilities are needed to inform personalized prevention and intervention efforts for women.
Jaric I., Rocks D., Cham H., Herchek A., Kundakovic M.
2019-04-11 citations by CoLab: 73 PDF Abstract  
Stress during sensitive developmental periods can adversely affect physical and psychological development and contribute to later-life mental disorders. In particular, adverse experiences during childhood dramatically increase the risk for the development of depression and anxiety disorders. Although women of reproductive age are twice as likely to develop anxiety and depression than men of the corresponding age, little is known about sex-specific factors that promote or protect against the development of psychopathology. To examine potential developmental mechanisms driving sex disparity in risk for anxiety and depression, we established a two-hit developmental stress model including maternal separation in early life followed by social isolation in adolescence. Our study shows complex interactions between early-life and adolescent stress, between stress and sex, and between stress and female estrogen status in shaping behavioral phenotypes of adult animals. In general, increased locomotor activity and body weight reduction were the only two phenotypes where two stressors showed synergistic activity. In terms of anxiety- and depression-related phenotypes, single exposure to early-life stress had the most significant impact and was female-specific. We show that early-life stress disrupts the protective role of estrogen in females, and promotes female vulnerability to anxiety- and depression-related phenotypes associated with the low-estrogenic state. We found plausible transcriptional and epigenetic alterations in psychiatric risk genes, Nr3c1 and Cacna1c, that likely contributed to the stress-induced behavioral effects. In addition, two general transcriptional regulators, Egr1 and Dnmt1, were found to be dysregulated in maternally-separated females and in animals exposed to both stressors, respectively, providing insights into possible transcriptional mechanisms that underlie behavioral phenotypes. Our findings provide a novel insight into developmental risk factors and biological mechanisms driving sex differences in depression and anxiety disorders, facilitating the search for more effective, sex-specific treatments for these disorders.
Wang X., Wei L., Wang Y., He B., Kong B., Zhu J., Jin Y., Fu Z.
2019-03-01 citations by CoLab: 44 Abstract  
Tetrabromoethylcyclohexane (TBECH), as one emerging brominated flame retardants, is ubiquitous in the environment, including water and aquatic organisms. TBECH was found to exhibit endocrine-disrupting effects in different models, whereas a survey of comprehensive toxic effects of TBECH on zebrafish is limited. In the present study, zebrafish (Danio rerio) were waterborne exposed continuously to TBECH from embryonic stage (3 h post-fertilization (hpf)) to the time when the respective parameters were evaluated. Exposure to TBECH reduced hatchability of zebrafish embryos at 72 and 96 hpf, diminished heart rate of zebrafish larvae at 48 hpf, and increased malformation in zebrafish larvae at 96 hpf. In addition, exposure to TBECH diminished free swimming distance both in the light and under a photoperiod of 10 min light/10 min dark cycles in zebrafish larvae at 6 days post-fertilization (dpf). Moreover, exposure to TBECH elevated activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), malondialdehyde (MDA) content, whereas it reduced glutathione (GSH) content, in zebrafish larvae at 6 dpf. Accordingly, RT-qPCR analysis demonstrated that TBECH exposure increased the mRNA levels of sod1, sod2, cat, and gpx1 in zebrafish larvae at 6 dpf. With respect to the immune aspect, the mRNA levels of pro-inflammatory genes, including il-1b, il-6, il-8, and tnfa, in larval zebrafish at 6 dpf were increased by exposure to TBECH, while pretreatment with TBECH inhibited 24 h of exposure to LPS-stimulated elevation in the mRNA levels of the abovementioned four pro-inflammatory genes in zebrafish larvae at 6 dpf. Furthermore, TBECH treatment increased caspase-3 enzyme activities and regulated apoptosis-related genes in larval zebrafish at 6 dpf. Taken together, the data obtained in this study demonstrated that TBECH caused developmental and locomotor behavioral toxicity, immunotoxicity, oxidative stress and proapoptotic effects in early life zebrafish. The present study will help to understand the comprehensive toxicity of TBECH in zebrafish.
Wang J., Yu R., Han Q., Huang H., Wang Y., Li H., Wang H., Chen X., Ma S., Yu J.
Behavioural Brain Research scimago Q2 wos Q3
2019-02-01 citations by CoLab: 19 Abstract  
Postmenopausal depression has been shown to be related to the reduction of ovarian hormones produced as a woman transitions from a menopausal to a post-menopausal stage. What remains to be known is which type of estrogen receptor plays a key role in estrogen neuroprotection, a process that may be mediated by potentiating brain mitochondrial function and inhibiting mitochondria-associated apoptosis. In order to better imitate the condition of postmenopause, we conducted our research on aged female rats. Plasma estrogen levels declined significantly in ovariectomized rats and 16-month-old female rats, while anxiety and depression-like behavior increase. Moreover, ERα, ERβ, GPER, Bcl2 and UCP2 expression decreased significantly in hippocampus in female rats following ovariectomy. In our study, the anxiety and depression-like behavior in aged female rats were significantly relieved after the treatment of G-1, the GPER agonist. Furthermore, G-1 could reverse the reduction of ERα, ERβ, GPER, Bcl2 and UCP2 expression within the hippocampus. Mitochondrial JC-1 staining indicated that mitochondrial membrane potential increased after G-1 treatment. In addition, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) were found to be elevated in aged female rats following G-1 treatment. Taken together, estrogen receptors, especially GPER, may activate anti-apoptotic signaling and accelerate mitochondrial function. Therefore, GPER could be the potential therapeutic target for estrogen deficiency-related affective disorders.
Alonso J., Liu Z., Evans-Lacko S., Sadikova E., Sampson N., Chatterji S., Abdulmalik J., Aguilar-Gaxiola S., Al-Hamzawi A., Andrade L.H., Bruffaerts R., Cardoso G., Cia A., Florescu S., de Girolamo G., et. al.
Depression and Anxiety scimago Q1 wos Q1
2018-01-22 citations by CoLab: 371 Abstract  
1 Background: Anxiety disorders are a major cause of burden of disease. Treatment gaps have been described, but a worldwide evaluation is lacking. We estimated, among individuals with a 12‐month DSM‐IV (where DSM is Diagnostic Statistical Manual) anxiety disorder in 21 countries, the proportion who (i) perceived a need for treatment; (ii) received any treatment; and (iii) received possibly adequate treatment. 2 Methods: Data from 23 community surveys in 21 countries of the World Mental Health (WMH) surveys. DSM‐IV mental disorders were assessed (WHO Composite International Diagnostic Interview, CIDI 3.0). DSM‐IV included posttraumatic stress disorder among anxiety disorders, while it is not considered so in the DSM‐5. We asked if, in the previous 12 months, respondents felt they needed professional treatment and if they obtained professional treatment (specialized/general medical, complementary alternative medical, or nonmedical professional) for “problems with emotions, nerves, mental health, or use of alcohol or drugs.” Possibly adequate treatment was defined as receiving pharmacotherapy (1+ months of medication and 4+ visits to a medical doctor) or psychotherapy, complementary alternative medicine or nonmedical care (8+ visits). 3 Results: Of 51,547 respondents (response = 71.3%), 9.8% had a 12‐month DSM‐IV anxiety disorder, 27.6% of whom received any treatment, and only 9.8% received possibly adequate treatment. Of those with 12‐month anxiety only 41.3% perceived a need for care. Lower treatment levels were found for lower income countries. 4 Conclusions: Low levels of service use and a high proportion of those receiving services not meeting adequacy standards for anxiety disorders exist worldwide. Results suggest the need for improving recognition of anxiety disorders and the quality of treatment.
Romano S.N., Edwards H.E., Souder J.P., Ryan K.J., Cui X., Gorelick D.A.
PLoS Genetics scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2017-10-24 citations by CoLab: 48 PDF Abstract  
Estrogens act by binding to estrogen receptors alpha and beta (ERα, ERβ), ligand-dependent transcription factors that play crucial roles in sex differentiation, tumor growth and cardiovascular physiology. Estrogens also activate the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER), however the function of GPER in vivo is less well understood. Here we find that GPER is required for normal heart rate in zebrafish embryos. Acute exposure to estrogens increased heart rate in wildtype and in ERα and ERβ mutant embryos but not in GPER mutants. GPER mutant embryos exhibited reduced basal heart rate, while heart rate was normal in ERα and ERβ mutants. We detected gper transcript in discrete regions of the brain and pituitary but not in the heart, suggesting that GPER acts centrally to regulate heart rate. In the pituitary, we observed gper expression in cells that regulate levels of thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3), a hormone known to increase heart rate. Compared to wild type, GPER mutants had reduced levels of T3 and estrogens, suggesting pituitary abnormalities. Exposure to exogenous T3, but not estradiol, rescued the reduced heart rate phenotype in gper mutant embryos, demonstrating that T3 acts downstream of GPER to regulate heart rate. Using genetic and mass spectrometry approaches, we find that GPER regulates maternal estrogen levels, which are required for normal embryonic heart rate. Our results demonstrate that estradiol plays a previously unappreciated role in the acute modulation of heart rate during zebrafish embryonic development and suggest that GPER regulates embryonic heart rate by altering maternal estrogen levels and embryonic T3 levels.
Souder J.P., Gorelick D.A.
Toxicological Sciences scimago Q1 wos Q2
2017-05-23 citations by CoLab: 31 Abstract  
Zebrafish are a powerful model system to assess the molecular and cellular effects of exposure to toxic chemicals during embryonic development. To study the effects of environmental endocrine disruptors, embryos and larvae are commonly exposed to supraphysiologic concentrations of these compounds in the water, but their bioavailability in zebrafish is largely unknown. One hypothesis is that supraphysiologic concentrations of estrogens in the water are required to achieve physiologic levels in vivo; however, this has not been directly tested. To test this hypothesis, we developed an assay using radiolabeled estradiol ([3H]E2) to measure uptake from water at multiple concentrations and exposure durations in developing zebrafish from 0 to 5 days postfertilization (dpf). We found that [3H]E2 uptake increased with increasing concentration, duration, and developmental stage. Percent uptake from the total volume of treatment solution increased with increasing exposure duration and developmental stage, but remained constant with increasing concentration. We also found that the chorion, an acellular envelope surrounding embryos through 3 dpf, did not substantially affect [3H]E2 uptake. Finally, we found that at 1 dpf, E2 was preferentially taken up by the yolk at multiple exposure durations, while at 2 dpf E2 was preferentially taken up into the embryonic body. Our results support the hypothesis that exposing zebrafish embryos and larvae to supraphysiologic concentrations of estrogens is required to achieve physiologically relevant doses in vivo. The isotopic assay reported here will provide a foundation for determining the uptake of other compounds for teratogenicity, toxicology and drug discovery studies.
Borrow A.P., Handa R.J.
2017-01-01 citations by CoLab: 113 Abstract  
Estrogens exert profound effects on the expression of anxiety in humans and rodents; however, the directionality of these effects varies considerably within both clinical and preclinical literature. It is believed that discrepancies regarding the nature of estrogens’ effects on anxiety are attributable to the differential effects of specific estrogen receptor (ER) subtypes. In this chapter we will discuss the relative impact on anxiety and anxiety-like behavior of each of the three main ERs: ERα, which has a generally anxiogenic effect, ERβ, which has a generally anxiolytic effect, and the G-protein-coupled ER known as GPR30, which has been found to both increase and decrease anxiety-like behavior. In addition, we will describe the known mechanisms by which these receptor subtypes exert their influence on emotional responses, focusing on the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and the oxytocinergic and serotonergic systems. The impact of estrogens on the expression of anxiety is likely the result of their combined effects on all of these neurobiological systems.
Bandelow B., Baldwin D., Abelli M., Bolea-Alamanac B., Bourin M., Chamberlain S.R., Cinosi E., Davies S., Domschke K., Fineberg N., Grünblatt E., Jarema M., Kim Y., Maron E., Masdrakis V., et. al.
2016-07-15 citations by CoLab: 244
Bandelow B., Baldwin D., Abelli M., Altamura C., Dell’Osso B., Domschke K., Fineberg N.A., Grünblatt E., Jarema M., Maron E., Nutt D., Pini S., Vaghi M.M., Wichniak A., Zai G., et. al.
2016-07-03 citations by CoLab: 133 Abstract  
Biomarkers are defined as anatomical, biochemical or physiological traits that are specific to certain disorders or syndromes. The objective of this paper is to summarise the current knowledge of biomarkers for anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).Findings in biomarker research were reviewed by a task force of international experts in the field, consisting of members of the World Federation of Societies for Biological Psychiatry Task Force on Biological Markers and of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Anxiety Disorders Research Network.The present article (Part I) summarises findings on potential biomarkers in neuroimaging studies, including structural brain morphology, functional magnetic resonance imaging and techniques for measuring metabolic changes, including positron emission tomography and others. Furthermore, this review reports on the clinical and molecular genetic findings of family, twin, linkage, association and genome-wide association studies. Part II of the review focuses on neurochemistry, neurophysiology and neurocognition.Although at present, none of the putative biomarkers is sufficient and specific as a diagnostic tool, an abundance of high-quality research has accumulated that will improve our understanding of the neurobiological causes of anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD.

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