Freitas V.V., Borges L.L., Vidigal M.C., dos Santos M.H., Stringheta P.C.
Coffee is a culture of great economic importance on the global stage. In the international market, the term "specialty coffee" describes a beverage of exceptional quality, distinguished by its unique flavors and characteristics. This superior quality becomes a key factor in accessing markets where consumers are willing to pay an added value for the product. Numerous factors, from cultivation to consumer preferences, play an essential role in determining the final quality of coffee. Understanding of these factors is essential for effectively managing coffee processing and beneficiation procedures. The review unveiled innovative findings that underscore the crucial influence of specific environmental variables on coffee quality, opening new perspectives enhance further the production and flavor of this highly valued crop. Additionally, the research addressed health-related aspects, providing insights into the potential benefits and impacts of coffee consumption on human health, expanding the understanding of this widely cherished beverage globally and individually. This comprehensive review explores various aspects of the coffee post-harvest process, encompassing its production, consumption, and the factors influencing its quality. Special emphasis will be given to the entire quality process involving coffee, with a discussion based on the available scientific literature. The quality of coffee beans is deeply influenced by various factors, including harvesting methods, geographical location, climate, and genetic characteristics. Additionally, post-harvest processing plays a crucial role, significantly impacting coffee's chemical composition and sensory attributes. The intrinsic complexity of coffee, composed of caffeine, chlorogenic acids, sugars, lipids, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins, makes it essential to understand these interconnected elements. Consumption of coffee offers a variety of health benefits when consumed in moderation. Studies indicate that coffee contains antioxidants that can help combat diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's. Additionally, the caffeine in coffee can improve alertness, concentration, and even athletic performance when consumed appropriately. Coffee can also promote sociability, providing a meeting point and a pause in the daily routine for many people worldwide. The review innovatively addresses the interaction of these factors, highlighting the influence of harvesting and processing on coffee quality. The complexity involved in production is emphasized, underscoring the importance of considering all stages, from cultivation to processing. This holistic approach aims to optimize coffee production, maximizing the value of its distinct characteristics. The focus is on the rich chemical composition of coffee, emphasizing the presence of individual components and the synergistic interaction between them. This interconnection is crucial for understanding how different production stages can influence the formation of unique sensory attributes in coffee. Furthermore, the review highlights the importance of sensory quality and the potential health benefits associated with coffee consumption. This comprehensive approach underscores how a deep understanding of these elements can guide the production of high-quality coffee. Consolidating this knowledge can serve as a foundation for developing of harmonized production procedures. This, in turn, not only elevates the quality of produced coffee but also contributes to creating prosperous market, where consumers can fully appreciate and value this beloved beverage's inherent nuances and benefits.