Kolmanovich Danil
Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
18 publications,
75 citations
h-index: 5
Researcher coauthors
Anton Popov (16)
Vladimir Ivanov (12)
Nikita Chukavin (9)
Alexander Baranchikov (6)
Alexander Shemyakov (5)
Alexandr Shcherbakov (4)
Irina Savintseva (4)
A Kabashin (4)
Anton Popov (3)
Gleb Tihonowski (3)
Maxim Savinov (3)
Irina Kolesnik (2)
Mariia Teplonogova (2)
Pavel Shakhov (2)
Maxim Abakumov (1)
Konstantin Zhizhin (1)
Ekaterina Sheichenko (1)
Arina Filippova (1)
Ilya Tronev (1)
Kabashin A
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor
Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
226 publications,
10 336 citations
h-index: 49
Researcher coauthors
Anton Popov (61)
Gleb Tihonowski (32)
Pavel Shakhov (10)
Maxim Savinov (8)
Danil Kolmanovich (4)
Daniil Tselikov (4)
Anton Popov (3)
Ilya Martynov (3)
Alexander Shemyakov (3)
Islam Sozaev (2)
Alexander Shesterikov (2)
Nikita Chukavin (2)
Ekaterina Prikhozhdenko (1)
Vladimir Khovaylo (1)
Daria Trushina (1)
Daniil Bratashov (1)
Artem Iliasov (1)
Anastasia Ryabova (1)
Alexander Melentev (1)
Ivan Razumov (1)
4 common articles