Antina Elena
DSc in Chemistry
G.A. Krestov Institute of Solution Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
204 publications,
1 921 citations
h-index: 20
Researcher coauthors
Galina Guseva (93)
Mikhail Berezin (88)
Anatoliy Vyugin (71)
Alexander Ksenofontov (58)
Natalyya Bumagina (34)
Lubov Antina (28)
Ekaterina Nuraneeva (22)
Pavel Bocharov (12)
Aleksandr Kalyagin (11)
Daut Islamov (9)
Ilya Khodov (8)
Ksenia Ksenofontova (3)
Valeria Kalinkina (3)
Oksana Shevchenko (2)
Artem Sherudillo (2)
Pavel Dorovatovskii (1)
George Gamov (1)
Denis Kosyanov (1)
A Trofimov (1)
Anna Skitnevskaya (1)
Dmiyrii Sbytov (1)
Georgiy Girichev (1)
2 common articles