Fifteenth International Conference – School of Young Scientists "WAVES AND VORTICES IN COMPLEX MEDIA"

- English
- Russian
About conference
Update technology of contact and remote sensing, development and improvement of mathematics and computing have opened up new opportunities to study the waves and vortices - key components of flows, which play a dominant role in the dynamics of natural and industrial systems, and form the basis of a number of high-performance technologies. The study of periodic flows tends of interest for mechanics and a number of related disciplines: physics, chemistry, biochemistry, in which transport processes and redistribution of materials are studied.
Their investigation is of interest to a number of related disciplines, such as chemistry, biology, pharmacy, which involves the transport processes and the redistribution of the matter. Physical processes in the investigated media, usually multi-phase, multi-component, and stratified are complicated. Solving the scientific problems will improve the description, specification and development of the forecast of new management trends in natural systems and processes.
Systems of fundamental equations and constitutive models of complex media flows;
Methods of mathematical simulation and laboratory modeling of flows;
Waves, vortices, turbulence and ligaments in fluid and gas flows;
Mechanics of simple and complex liquids with phase transitions, gas- fluid systems and suspensions, including flows in external electric or magnetic fields and extreme conditions of low and high temperature;
Technique of modern experiment;
Engineering and technological applications.
Key dates
Registration form and extended abstracts before September 15, 2024
Author notification on acceptance before October 10, 2024
For regular participant fee is 4000 rub, for young scientists (under 35 years) – 800 rub (for each meeting participant).