15th Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather

15th Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather
Irkutsk, Irkutsk City Center
9-13 September 2024
Application dates
10 April 2024 — 14 July 2024
Participation types
  • English

About conference

Welcome to the website of the 15th Russian-Chinese Workshop on Space Weather!

The Workshop is jointly organized by the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and held alternately in Russia and in China.

This year, special attention will be given to the International Meridian Circle Program, which aims to study phenomena and processes in the atmosphere and near-Earth space using ground-based scientific instruments located along the 120E and 60W meridians. Russia and China play a special role in this program, since a significant part of the 120E meridian passes through their territories. Scientists from these countries are anticipated to present their cutting-edge research at the Workshop.


  • Geoeffective processes on the Sun and in interplanetary space
  • Effects of solar phenomena on magnetospheric processes
  • Physical processes in the middle and upper atmosphere
  • Up-to-date methods and instruments for solar-terrestrial research within the framework of IMCP

Key dates

April 10, 2024 — start of registration of participants and submission of abstracts at http://rcsw.iszf.irk.ru;

July 14, 2024 — deadline for registration and abstract submission;

July 14, 2024 — deadline to apply for visa assistance;

September 9, 2024 — beginning of the workshop.


The registration fee for the Workshop is 30 000 rubles, which includes lunches and a visit to the Siberian Radioheliograph. Financial support is available upon request and approval.

Registration fee is payable on the first working day of the Workshop. To attend the Workshop, please submit the title and abstract of your report during online registration.