Available in labs

Laboratory of peroxide compounds and materials based on them
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Creation of new peroxide systems and modern technologies for their concentration, stabilization, storage and delivery. Equilibrium in aqueous peroxide solutions. Synthesis, structure and properties of coordination peroxo compounds. Peroxide-containing crystals and gels. Supramolecular structures with hydrogen peroxide. Nanoscale peroxides and peroxide-containing nanomaterials. Development of methods for obtaining functional materials from peroxide-containing precursors.
"Green" chemistry
Chemistry of coordination compounds
Inorganic chemistry
Laboratory of physico-chemical methods of localization of radioactive elements
A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Directions of the laboratory's work: 1) Improvement of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) reprocessing processes using oxidation and nitriding operations 2) Creation of new approaches to the processing of waste containing plastic, ion exchange resins, cellulose, toxic organic compounds 3) Development of processes for the localization of radioactive iodine 4) Research in the field of inorganic chemistry of actinides
Inorganic chemistry
Nuclear energy
ORËL ResearchLab
Novosibirsk State University
Novosibirsk State University
We are engaged in the development of organic semiconductor and light-emitting materials for organic electronics - OLED, photovoltaics and neuromorphic transistors. From quantum chemical modeling and synthesis to device prototyping.
Organic Chemistry
Organic Electronics