Cosmopolitanism: Educational, Philosophical and Historical Perspectives

Springer Nature
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Cosmopolitanism: Educational, Philosophical and Historical Perspectives
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Onco-fertility and personalized testing for potential for loss of ovarian reserve in patients undergoing chemotherapy: proposed next steps for development of genetic testing to predict changes in ovarian reserve
Sun B., Yeh J.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 10  |  Abstract
Women of reproductive age undergoing chemotherapy face the risk of irreversible ovarian insufficiency. Current methods of ovarian reserve testing do not accurately predict future reproductive potential for patients undergoing chemotherapy. Genetic markers that more accurately predict the reproductive potential of each patient undergoing chemotherapy would be critical tools that would be useful for evidence-based fertility preservation counselling. To assess the possible approaches to take to develop personalized genetic testing for these patients, we review current literature regarding mechanisms of ovarian damage due to chemotherapy and genetic variants associated with both the damage mechanisms and primary ovarian insufficiency. The medical literature point to a number of genetic variants associated with mechanisms of ovarian damage and primary ovarian insufficiency. Those variants that appear at a higher frequency, with known pathways, may be considered as potential genetic markers for predictive ovarian reserve testing. We propose developing personalized testing of the potential for loss of ovarian function for patients with cancer, prior to chemotherapy treatment. There are advantages of using genetic markers complementary to the current ovarian reserve markers of AMH, antral follicle count and day 3 FSH as predictors of preservation of fertility after chemotherapy. Genetic markers will help identify upstream pathways leading to high risk of ovarian failure not detected by present clinical markers. Their predictive value is mechanism-based and will encourage research towards understanding the multiple pathways contributing to ovarian failure after chemotherapy.
Low dose hCG supplementation in a Gn-RH-agonist trigger protocol is associated with worse pregnancy outcomes: a retrospective cohort study
Shapiro M., Romanski P., Thomas A., Lanes A., Yanushpolsky E.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 2  |  Abstract
A number of studies have looked at dual triggers with hCG and GnRH agonist (GnRHa) in varying doses, but the question remains: what is the optimal dose of hCG to minimize ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) and still offer adequate pregnancy rates? The purpose of this study was to compare pregnancy and OHSS rates following dual trigger for oocyte maturation with GnRHa and a low-dose hCG versus hCG alone. A secondary objective was the assess pregnancy outcomes in subsequent frozen cycles for the same population. A total of 963 women < 41 years old, with a BMI 18–40 kg/m2 and an AMH > 2 ng/mL who underwent fresh autologous in vitro fertilization (IVF) with GnRH antagonist protocol at a University-based fertility center were included in this retrospective cohort study. Those who received a low dose dual trigger with hCG (1000u) and GnRHa (2 mg) were compared to those who received hCG alone (10,000u hCG/250-500 μg Ovidrel). Differences in implantation rates, pregnancy, live birth, and OHSS were investigated. The dual trigger group was younger (mean 33.6 vs 34.1 years), had a higher AMH (6.3 vs 4.9 ng/mL,) more oocytes retrieved (18.1 vs 14.9) and a higher fertilized oocyte rate (80% vs 77%) compared with the hCG only group. Yet, the dual trigger group had a lower probability of clinical pregnancy (gestational sac, 43.4% vs 52.8%) and live birth (33.4% vs 45.8%), all of which were statistically significant. There were 3 cases of OHSS, all in the hCG-only trigger group. In subsequent frozen cycles, pregnancy rates were comparable between the two groups. The dual trigger group had a better prognosis based on age and AMH levels and had better stimulation outcomes, but significantly worse pregnancy outcomes, suggesting the low dose hCG (1000u) in the dual trigger may not have provided adequate luteal support, compared to an hCG-only trigger (10,000u hCG/250-500 μg Ovidrel). Interestingly, the pregnancy rates were comparable in subsequent frozen cycles, further supporting the hypothesis that the issue lies in inadequate luteal phase support, rather than embryo quality. Based on these findings, our program has changed the protocol to 1500u of hCG in a dual trigger.
Reducing day 3 baseline monitoring bloodwork and ultrasound for patients undergoing timed intercourse and intrauterine insemination treatment cycles
O’Driscoll V., Georgescu I., Koo I., Arthur R., Chuang R., Dempsey J.A., De Franco G., Jones C.A.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
In the current context of a global pandemic it is imperative for fertility clinics to consider the necessity of individual tests and eliminate those that have limited utility and may impose unnecessary risk of exposure. The purpose of this study was to implement and evaluate a multi-modal quality improvement (QI) strategy to promote resource stewardship by reducing routine day 3 (d3) bloodwork and transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) for patients undergoing intrauterine insemination (IUI) and timed intercourse (IC) treatment cycles. After literature review, clinic stakeholders at an academic fertility centre met to discuss d3 testing utility and factors contributing to d3 bloodwork/TVUS in IC/IUI treatment cycles. Consensus was reached that it was unnecessary in patients taking oral/no medications. The primary intervention changed the default setting on the electronic order set to exclude d3 testing for IC/IUI cycles with oral/no medications. Exceptions required active test selection. Protocols were updated and education sessions were held. The main outcome measure was the proportion of cycles receiving d3 bloodwork/TVUS during the 8-week post-intervention period compared with the 8-week pre-intervention period. Balancing measures included provider satisfaction, pregnancy rates, and incidence of cycle cancellation. A significant reduction in the proportion of cycles receiving d3 TVUS (57.2% vs 20.8%, p < 0.001) and ≥ 1 blood test (58.6% vs 22.8%, p < 0.001) was observed post-intervention. There was no significant difference in cycle cancellation or pregnancy rates pre- and post-intervention (p = 0.86). Treatment with medications, cyst history, prescribing physician, and treatment centre were associated with receiving d3 bloodwork/TVUS. 74% of providers were satisfied with the intervention. A significant reduction in IC/IUI treatment cycles that received d3 bloodwork/TVUS was achieved without measured negative treatment impacts. During a pandemic, eliminating routine d3 bloodwork/TVUS represents a safe way to reduce monitoring appointments and exposure.
Mid-trimester cesarean scar pregnancy: a case report
Fowler M.L., Little S., Muto M., Mahalingaiah S.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 0  |  Abstract
This article reports a unique case of cesarean scar pregnancy, demonstrating importance of early management and diagnosis. A 30-year-old pregnant woman with prior history of two cesarean sections found to have cesarean scar pregnancy at approximately 13 weeks’ gestation and underwent a gravid hysterectomy. While rare, cesarean scar pregnancies should be considered on the differential diagnosis of any pregnant patient with history of cesarean section who presents in early pregnancy with vaginal bleeding and/or cramping. Given the increased rates of cesarean sections in the times of COVID-19, one may anticipate seeing more cases of cesarean scar pregnancies.
Association of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α -308G>A, -238G>A and -376G>A polymorphisms with recurrent pregnancy loss risk in the Greek population
Stavros S., Mavrogianni D., Papamentzelopoulou M., Basamakis E., Khudeir H., Psarris A., Drakakis P.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 7  |  Abstract
Promoter region SNPs in TNF-α have been studied in association with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL) occurrence in various populations. Among them, −238G > A, −308G > A and − 376G > A have been frequently investigated for their potential role in recurrent abortions. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the correlation among TNF-α 238, TNF-α 308 and TNF-α 376 polymorphisms and recurrent pregnancy loss risk in Greek women. This study included 94 Caucasian women with at least two miscarriages of unexplained aetiology, before the 20th week of gestation. The control group consisted of 89 Caucasian women of proven fertility, with no history of pregnancy loss. DNA samples were subjected to PCR amplification using specific primers. Sanger sequencing was applied to investigate the presence of TNF-α 238, TNF-α 308, TNF-α 376 polymorphisms in all samples. The TNF-α 238 and TNF-α 308 variants were both detected in RPL and control groups (7.45% vs 4.49 and 45.16% vs 36.73%, respectively), but with no statistically significant association (p-value 0.396 and 0.374, respectively). The TNF-α 376 variant was not detected at all in both control and RPL groups. When TNF-α 238 and TNF-α 308 genotypes were combined no association with RPL was detected (p-value = 0.694). In subgroup analysis by parity, RPL patients carrying the A allele reported less previous births. This is the first study demonstrating TNF-α 238 and TNF-α 308 gene expression and the absence of TNF-α 376 variant in Greek women with RPL. However, no association emerged between each polymorphism studied and the occurrence of recurrent pregnancy loss. Accordingly, TNF-α -308G > A, −238G > A and -376G > A variants are not considered genetic markers for identifying women at increased risk of recurrent pregnancy loss in the Greek population.
MAML1: a coregulator that alters endometrial epithelial cell adhesive capacity
Zafir S., Zhou W., Menkhorst E., Santos L., Dimitriadis E.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 5  |  Abstract
Abnormalities in endometrial receptivity has been identified as a major barrier to successful embryo implantation. Endometrial receptivity refers to the conformational and biochemical changes occurring in the endometrial epithelial layer which make it adhesive and receptive to blastocyst attachment. This takes place during the mid-secretory phase of woman’s menstrual cycle and is a result of a delicate interplay between numerous hormones, cytokines and other factors. Outside of this window, the endometrium is refractory to an implanting blastocyst. It has been shown that Notch ligands and receptors are dysregulated in the endometrium of infertile women. Mastermind Like Transcriptional Coactivator 1 (MAML1) is a known coactivator of the Notch signaling pathway. This study aimed to determine the role of MAML1 in regulating endometrial receptivity. The expression and localization of MAML1 in the fertile human endometrium (non-receptive proliferative phase versus receptive mid-secretory phase) were determined by immunohistochemistry. Ishikawa cells were used as an endometrial epithelial model to investigate the functional consequences of MAML1 knockdown on endometrial adhesive capacity to HTR8/SVneo (trophoblast cell line) spheroids. After MAML1 knockdown in Ishikawa cells, the expression of endometrial receptivity markers and Notch dependent and independent pathway members were assessed by qPCR. Two-tailed unpaired or paired student’s t-test were used for statistical analysis with a significance threshold of P < 0.05. MAML1 was localized in the luminal epithelium, glandular epithelium and stroma of human endometrium and the increased expression identified in the mid-secretory phase was restricted only to the luminal epithelium (P < 0.05). Functional analysis using Ishikawa cells demonstrated that knockdown of MAML1 significantly reduced epithelial adhesive capacity (P < 0.01) to HTR8/SVneo (trophoblast cell line) spheroids compared to control. MAML1 knockdown significantly affected the expression of classical receptivity markers (SPP1, DPP4) and this response was not directly via hormone receptors. The expression level of Hippo pathway target Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 1 (ANKRD1) was also affected after MAML1 knockdown in Ishikawa cells. Our data strongly suggest that MAML1 is involved in regulating the endometrial adhesive capacity and may facilitate embryo attachment, either directly or indirectly through the Notch signaling pathway.
Self-reported infertility diagnoses and treatment history approximately 20 years after fertility treatment initiation
Jung A.M., Missmer S.A., Cramer D.W., Ginsburg E.S., Terry K.L., Vitonis A.F., Farland L.V.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 13  |  Abstract
Infertility history may have important implications for clinical practice and scientific discovery. Previous research on the validity of self-reported infertility measurements has been limited in scope and duration (< 5 years). In this study, we validated self-reported infertility history measures 15–23 years after fertility treatment initiation among women who utilized assisted reproductive technology (ART). Women who received ART treatments from three Boston infertility clinics and who enrolled in a prior study (1994–2003) were re-contacted in 2018 for the AfteR Treatment Follow-up Study (ART-FS). Infertility history was collected from clinical records and two self-report questionnaires (at ART initiation and at ART-FS enrollment). Treatment history included specific details (fresh or frozen embryo transfers, number of cycles) and treatment recall prior to ART initiation. Self-reported infertility diagnoses included polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, uterine factor infertility, tubal factor infertility, diminished ovarian reserve/advanced maternal age, male factor infertility, and other/unknown. We compared self-reported measures from 2018 to self-reported and clinical data from prior study initiation, using Cohen’s kappa, sensitivity, specificity, and 95% confidence intervals. Of 2644 women we attempted to recontact, 808 completed the ART-FS, with an average follow-up of 19.6 years (standard deviation: 2.7). Recall of fertility treatment usage had moderate sensitivity (IVF = 0.85, Clomiphene/Gonadotropin = 0.81) but low specificity across different infertility treatment modalities (IVF = 0.63, Clomiphene/Gonadotropin = 0.55). Specific IVF details had low to moderate validity and reliability with clinical records. Reliability of recalled infertility diagnosis was higher when compared to self-report at ART initiation (PCOS K = 0.66, Endometriosis K = 0.76, Tubal K = 0.73) than when compared to clinical records (PCOS K = 0.31, Endometriosis K = 0.48, Tubal K = 0.62) and varied by diagnosis. The ability of women to recall specific IVF treatment details was moderately accurate and recall of self-reported infertility diagnosis varied by diagnosis and measurement method.
The prevalence of depression symptoms among infertile women: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Kiani Z., Simbar M., Hajian S., Zayeri F.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 68  |  Abstract
Infertile women’s mental health problems, including depression, are key fertility health issues that affect infertile women more severely than infertile men. Depression may threaten the health of individuals and reduce the quality of their lives. Considering the role and impact of depression on responses to infertility treatments, a systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to investigate the prevalence of depression symptoms among infertile women. International databases (PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Sciences, Scopus, Embase, and PsycINFO), national databases (SID and Magiran), and Google Scholar were searched by two independent reviewers for articles published from 2000 to April 5, 2020. The search procedure was performed in both Persian and English using keywords such as “depression,” “disorders,” “infertility,” “prevalence,” and “epidemiology.” The articles were evaluated in terms of their titles, abstracts, and full texts. The reviewers evaluated the quality of the articles using the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale, after which they analyzed the findings using STATA version 14. The I2 and Egger’s tests were performed to examine heterogeneity and publication bias, respectively. Thirty-two articles were subjected to the meta-analysis, and a random effects model was used in the examination given the heterogeneity of the articles. The samples in the reviewed studies encompassed a total of 9679 infertile women. The lowest and highest pooled prevalence rates were 21.01% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 15.61–34.42), as determined using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and 52.21% (95% CI: 43.51–60.91), as ascertained using the Beck Depression Inventory, respectively. The pooled prevalence values of depression among infertile women were 44.32% (95% CI: 35.65–52.99) in low- and middle-income countries and 28.03% (95% CI: 19.61–36.44) in high-income countries. The prevalence of depression among infertile women was higher than that among the general population of a given country. Especially in low- and middle-income countries, appropriate measures, planning, and policy that target the negative effects of depression on infertile women’s lives should be established to reduce related problems.
A rare case of extensive placenta accreta in twin pregnancy after GnRH agonist treatment of adenomyosis
Agrawala S., Patil J., Campbell S., Woodard T.L.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 4  |  Abstract
Adenomyosis remains an enigma for the reproductive endocrinologist. It is thought to contribute to sub-fertility, and its only curative treatment is hysterectomy. However, studies have documented increased live birth rates in women with adenomyosis who were treated with gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa). Here we present a case of a 52-year-old woman with adenomyosis who had three failed frozen embryo transfers (FETs) prior to initiating a 6-month trial of GnRHa. GnRHa therapy resulted in a decrease in uterine size from 11.5 × 7.9 × 7.0 cm to 7.8 × 6.2 × 5.9 cm and a decrease in the junctional zone (JZ) thickness from 19 to 9 mm. Subsequently, she underwent her fourth FET, which resulted in live birth of twins. The delivery was complicated by expansive accretas of both placentas requiring cesarean hysterectomy. The final pathology of the placentas demonstrated an extensive lack of decidualized endometrium that was even absent outside the basal plate. GnRHa therapy in patients with adenomyosis may improve implantation rates after FET. Previous molecular studies indicate that genetic variance in the expression of the gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR) could explain the expansive lack of decidualized endometrium after GnRHa therapy. Further investigations are needed to determine if GnRHa therapy contributes to the pathologic process of placenta accreta.
The clinical relevance of luteal phase progesterone support in true natural cycle cryopreserved blastocyst stage embryo transfers: a retrospective cohort study
Waldman I.N., Racowsky C., Disler E.R., Thomas A., Lanes A., Hornstein M.D.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 4  |  Abstract
More than 67% of all embryos transferred in the United States involve frozen-thawed embryos. Progesterone supplementation is necessary in medicated cycles to luteinize the endometrium and prepare it for implantation, but little data is available to show if this is beneficial in true natural cycles. We evaluated the use of luteal phase progesterone supplementation for cryopreserved/warmed blastocyst transfers in true natural cycles not using an ovulatory trigger. Retrospective cohort study in a single academic medical center. We studied the use of luteal phase progesterone supplementation in patients undergoing true natural cycle cryopreserved blastocyst embryo transfers. Our primary outcome measure was ongoing pregnancy rate, with other pregnancy outcomes being evaluated (i.e. implantation rate, miscarriage rate, ectopic rate, and multifetal gestation). Categorical data were analyzed utilizing Fisher’s exact test and all binary variables were analyzed using log-binomial regression to produce a risk ratio. Two hundred twenty-nine patients were included in the analysis with 149 receiving luteal phase progesterone supplementation and 80 receiving no luteal phase support. Patient demographic and cycle characteristics, and embryo quality were similar between the two groups. No difference was seen in ongoing pregnancy rate (49.0% vs. 47.5%, p = 0.8738), clinical pregnancy rate (50.3% vs. 47.5%, p = 0.7483), positive HCG rate (62.4% vs. 57.5%, p = 0.5965), miscarriage/abortion rate (5.4% vs. 2.5%, p = 0.2622), ectopic pregnancy rate (0% vs. 1.3%, p = 0.3493), or multifetal gestations (7.4% vs. 3.8%, p = 0.3166). The addition of luteal phase progesterone support in true natural cycle cryopreserved blastocyst embryo transfers did not improve pregnancy outcomes and therefore the routine use in practice cannot be recommended based on this study, but the utilization should not be discouraged without further studies. Progesterone supplementation as luteal phase support in true natural cycle cryopreserved blastocyst transfers does not improve ongoing pregnancies.
Fertility education: what’s trending on Instagram
Peyser A., Goldstein L., Mullin C., Goldman R.H.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 13  |  Abstract
To determine the prevalence, authorship, and types of fertility-related information shared on Instagram targeted toward a new patient interested in fertility options using hashtag and content analysis. Secondary outcomes included comparison of post content stratified by author type (physicians versus patients). A list of ten hashtags consisting of fertility terms for the new patient was derived. Content analysis was performed in April 2019 on the top 50 and most recent 50 posts for each hashtag to determine authorship and content type. The distribution of fertility terms in posts made by physicians was compared to that of patients and differences in use of terms were analyzed. Our search yielded 3,393,636 posts. The two most popular hashtags were IVF (N = 912,049), and Infertility (N = 852,939). Authorship of the top posts for each hashtag (N = 1000) were as follows: patients (67 %), physicians (10 %), for-profit commercial groups (6.0 %), allied health professional (4.5 %), professional societies (1 %), and other (11 %). Of these posts, 60 % related to patient experiences, 10 % advertisements, 10 % outreach, and 8 % educational. Physicians were more likely to author posts related to oocyte cryopreservation compared to IVF, while patients were more likely to author posts about IVF (p < 0.0001). Over 3 million posts related to fertility were authored on Instagram. A majority of fertility posts are being mobilized by patients to publicly display and share their personal experiences. Concurrent with the rising utilization of planned oocyte cryopreservation, there is a trend toward physicians educating their patients about the process using social media as a platform. Physician participation on social media may offer a low-cost platform for networking and connecting with patients. Future studies examining the educational quality of posts by author type should be explored.
The causes of infertility in women presenting to gynaecology clinics in Harare, Zimbabwe; a cross sectional study
Madziyire M.G., Magwali T.L., Chikwasha V., Mhlanga T.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 17  |  Abstract
Infertility affects 48.5 million couples globally. It is defined clinically as failure to conceive after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. The contribution of various aetiological factors to infertility differs per population. The causes of infertility have not been assessed in Zimbabwe. Our objectives were to determine the reproductive characteristics, causes and outcomes of women presenting for infertility care. A retrospective and prospective study of women who had not conceived within a year of having unprotected intercourse presenting in private and public facilities in Harare was done. A diagnosis was made based on the history, examination and results whenever these were deemed sufficient. Data was analysed using STATA SE/15. A total of 216 women were recruited. Of the 216 women recruited, two thirds (144) of them had primary infertility. The overall period of infertility ranged from 1 to 21 years with an average of 5.6 ± 4.7 years whilst 98 (45.4%) of the couples had experienced 2–4 years of infertility and 94 (43.5%) had experience 5 or more years of infertility. About 1 in 5 of the women had irregular menstrual cycles with 10 of them having experienced amenorrhoea of at least 1 year. Almost half of the participants (49%) were overweight or obese. The most common cause for infertility was ‘unexplained’ in 22% of the women followed by tubal blockage in 20%, male factor in 19% and anovulation in 16%. Of the 49 (22.7%) women who conceived 21(9.7%) had a live birth while 23 (10.7%) had an ongoing pregnancy at the end of follow up. Thirty-seven (17.1%) had Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART) in the form of Invitro-fertilisation/Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (IVF/ICSI) or Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI). Assisted Reproduction was significantly associated with conception. Most women present when chances of natural spontaneous conception are considerably reduced. This study shows an almost equal contribution between tubal blockage, male factor and unexplained infertility. Almost half of the causes are female factors constituted by tubal blockage, anovulation and a mixture of the two. Improved access to ART will result in improved pregnancy rates. Programs should target comprehensive assessment of both partners and offer ART.
Evaluation of oocyte quality in Polycystic ovary syndrome patients undergoing ART cycles
Nikbakht R., Mohammadjafari R., Rajabalipour M., Moghadam M.T.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2021 citations by CoLab: 22  |  Abstract
To evaluate factors affecting oocyte/embryo quality in PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) patients undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) cycles. This case-control retrospective study was performed on PCOS patients referred to the infertility department of Imam Khomeini Hospital in Ahvaz from October 2017 to September 2019. Demographic and reproductive characterizations including age, gender, abortion history and infertility type (primary and secondary infertility) were extracted from patient’s records. TSH, AMH, LH, FSH, prolactin, lipid profile and blood glucose was measured. Biochemistry pregnancy was checked by determination of serum βHCG level and then, clinical pregnancy was confirmed by observing of pregnancy sac and fetal heart rate using Transvaginal USS. One-hundred thirty-five patients include 45 PCOS and 90 Non-PCOS patients with mean age of 31.93 ± 5.04 and 30.8 ± 5.38 (p = 0.24) were considered as case and control groups respectively. Retrieved oocyte numbers were significantly higher in PCOS patients (p = 0.024), but there was no significant difference in number of oocyte subtypes (MI, MII and GV) between two groups. The embryo numbers and its subtypes did not differ significantly in both groups. The clinical pregnancy rate was insignificantly lower in PCOS patients (p = 0.066) and there was a significant correlation between retrieved oocyte numbers with age(r= -0.2, p= 0.022) and AMH level (r = 0.433, p < 0.0001) respectively. Cholesterol level had shown a positive significant correlation with number of MI oocytes (r = 0.421, p = 0.026) and MII oocytes significantly affected by age (r= -0.250, p = 0.004) and AMH level (r = 0.480, p < 0.0001). Using Receiver operation characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, the cut-off value of total number of oocytes was > 10.5 with area under curve of 0.619±0.054(sensitivity 55.56% and specificity 69.66%) The results of this study showed that although the number of oocytes in PCOS patients was significantly higher than non-PCOS patients, the quality of oocytes was not statistically different. The number and quality of embryos were not significantly different in both groups. Our results indicated a significant relationship between the level of AMH and the number of retrieved oocytes and embryos. We found there is a significant correlation between cholesterol level and number of MI oocytes.
Predictive factors for intrauterine insemination outcomes: a review
Starosta A., Gordon C.E., Hornstein M.D.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2020 citations by CoLab: 33  |  Abstract
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a frequently utilized method of assisted reproduction for patients with mild male factor infertility, anovulation, endometriosis, and unexplained infertility. The purpose of this review is to discuss factors that affect IUI outcomes, including infertility diagnosis, semen parameters, and stimulation regimens. We reviewed the published literature to evaluate how patient and cycle specific factors affect IUI outcomes, specifically clinical pregnancy rate, live birth rate, spontaneous abortion rate and multiple pregnancy rate. Most data support IUI for men with a total motile count > 5 million and post-wash sperm count > 1 million. High sperm DNA fragmentation does not consistently affect pregnancy rates in IUI cycles. Advancing maternal and paternal age negatively impact pregnancy rates. Paternal obesity contributes to infertility while elevated maternal BMI increases medication requirements without impacting pregnancy outcomes. For ovulation induction, letrozole and clomiphene citrate result in similar pregnancy outcomes and are recommended over gonadotropins given increased risk for multiple pregnancies with gonadotropins. Letrozole is preferred for obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. IUI is most effective for women with ovulatory dysfunction and unexplained infertility, and least effective for women with tubal factor and stage III-IV endometriosis. Outcomes are similar when IUI is performed with ovulation trigger or spontaneous ovulatory surge, and ovulation may be monitored by urine or serum. Most pregnancies occur within the first four IUI cycles, after which in vitro fertilization should be considered. Providers recommending IUI for treatment of infertility should take into account all of these factors when evaluating patients and making treatment recommendations.
A cross-sectional survey of fertility knowledge in obstetrics and gynecology residents
Roberts L.M., Kudesia R., Zhao H., Dolan S., Rose M.
Springer Nature
Fertility Research and Practice 2020 citations by CoLab: 13  |  Abstract
To evaluate fertility knowledge among current Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) residents using a recently published validated instrument, the Fertility and Infertility Treatment Knowledge Score (FIT-KS). OB-GYN residents in the United States were recruited through an email to all residency coordinators nationwide. They were asked to voluntarily respond to a short questionnaire including demographic information and the FIT-KS instrument, through an online survey platform. Of approximately 5000 OB-GYN residents in the country, 177 responded. The sample was 91% female, with 69% between the ages of 26 and 30. Participants evenly represented all 4 years of training. Mean FIT-KS score was 21.2 (73% correct; range 17–26). No statistically significant differences were noted across the level of training. Several knowledge gaps were noted. Residents could define the common assisted reproductive technologies; however overestimated their success rates per cycle. Substantial gaps exist in fertility knowledge among OB-GYN residents, with understanding of male fertility and success rates of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) being particularly limited. Knowledge of fertility does not change throughout residency training, demonstrating consistent gaps in fertility knowledge. Knowledge during post graduate year (PGY)-1 year is consistent with mean scores found in prior research in Internal Medicine residents (65%), as well as a cohort of female medical students and obstetrics and gynecology residents and fellows (64.9%) (Fertil Steril 108:711-7, 2017; Fertil Steril 110:e239, 2018).


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