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Mathematical and Computer Modelling
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Mathematical and Computer Modelling
(2442 citations)

Applied Mathematics and Computation
(2241 citations)

Computers and Mathematics with Applications
(1189 citations)
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Polytechnic University of Valencia
(115 publications)

China Agricultural University
(68 publications)

Polytechnic University of Turin
(65 publications)
Most cited in 5 years
Publications found: 323

Closed-Loop Stimulation Approaches and Memory Consolidation in Animals
Reith T., Zhang S., Marshall L.
Purpose of Review
Sleep rhythms - particularly the coupling between cortical slow oscillations, thalamo-cortical spindles and hippocampal ripples - are proposed to contribute to multi-regional interactions crucial for memory consolidation. Animal studies are optimal to assess activity of deeper lying brain structures. Our systematic review, aims to assess animal studies employing closed-loop stimulation in the context of sleep-associated memory consolidation, to compare findings and methodologies, and provide suggestions for future research from a translational perspective.
Recent Findings
Results highlight the functional relevance of temporal coupling between sleep rhythms, but also disclose a high temporal and spatial specificity of responses, and dependence on the firing of neuromodulatory nuclei.
Closed-loop stimulation procedures present a means to experimentally investigate causal relationships between network activity and behavior, but also network neuroplasticity. It is suggested to investigate the possibility of substituting visual detection steps by machine learning. Furthermore, the inclusion of female subjects is encouraged.

Clash Between the Circadian and School Clocks: Implications for Cognitive Functioning and School-Related Behavior During Adolescence
Adornetti J.P., Wolfson A.R., Bohnert A.M., Crowley S.J.
Current Sleep Medicine Reports
citations by CoLab: 0


Daytime Sleepiness and Academic Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with Insights for Future Research Directions
Nguyen D.A., Tuan D.L., Abdelaziz E.O., Alsayed G.M., Hassan T.A., Le Q.T., Mera-Lojano L.D., Nguyen D.H., Tawfik G.M., Thao H.L., Tran L., Huy N.T.
Current Sleep Medicine Reports
citations by CoLab: 0


Integrating Assessment of Circadian Rhythmicity to Improve Treatment Outcomes for Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorders: Updates on New Treatments
Gloston G.F., Ward K.C., Rodriguez-Torres G.C., Gamble K.L., Thomas S.J.
Purpose of Review
Despite advancements in basic circadian research, development of new diagnostic and treatment strategies for circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders (CRSWDs) has been slow. Here, we review the most recent innovations in human circadian assessment and emerging new therapies for CRSWDs.
Recent Findings
Researchers have improved existing circadian assessment methods to overcome logistical barriers and developed novel circadian assessment methods. New treatments for CRSWDs involve pharmacological and behavioral treatments that modulate circadian phase, amplitude, and/or robustness of the central circadian clock.
Commercialization of these emerging tools will require overcoming barriers, such as additional testing to confirm the underlying pathology and mechanism of action of potential treatments. Clinicians and scientists are also called to survey adjacent fields and adopt existing diagnostic tools that may offer diagnostic clarity in CRSWDs. Lastly, we must continue to advocate for medical insurance coverage of current and future tools and technologies to improve patient care.

Sleep Across the Lifespan: A Neurobehavioral Perspective
Simon K.C., Cadle C., Shuster A.E., Malerba P.
Purpose of Review
Sleep is dynamic across the lifespan, influenced by brain maturation, neurophysiology, hormones, and cognitive processes. Sleep behaviors influenced by physiological and external factors can also impact sleep health. As sleep plays a mechanistic role in health across the lifespan, understanding when and how to intervene to benefit health is essential.
Recent Findings
Recent research has advanced our understanding of sleep across three domains: patterns, neurophysiology, and behaviors. Highlights include (1) Early childhood nap cessation is thought to relate to medial temporal lobe network maturation and underlie long-term hippocampal-dependent memory development. (2) Chronotype misalignment is a key factor in sleep deficits and social jetlag. (3) Older adult daytime sleep has complex effects on health, at times beneficial while others, potentially maladaptive. (4) Longitudinal sleep oscillation trajectories are starting to be investigated and indicate neurophysiology could be interpreted as indicative of brain maturation in development. (5) In adults, sleep quality and macrostructure trajectories show high variability, emphasizing distinctive traits in shaping sleep and its lifespan trajectories. (6) Neighborhood and socioeconomic factors influence sleep health across all ages. (7) In older adults, associations between loneliness and poor sleep are being unpacked.
This recent research, while comprehensively describing our current understanding of sleep trajectories across the lifespan, emphasizes the need to expand current approaches to longitudinal measurement studies that cross age-spans. Expanding will enhance our ability to mechanistically determine the temporal and causal relations between the multiple dimensions of sleep (i.e., patterns, behaviors, and physiology) and outcomes in sleep health.

Pharmacological and Nonpharmacological Interventions to Address Sleep Disturbance in Substance use Disorders
Al-Soleiti M., Mansukhani M.P., Kolla B.P.
We examined literature from PubMed and Google Scholar to summarize the available evidence on pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions to manage sleep disturbances in individuals with substance use disorders, with a focus on alcohol, opioids, cannabis, and nicotine use disorders. Overall, 82 studies were included in this review. For the studies included, the year of publication ranged from 1977 to 2023. Several pharmacological agents showed preliminary efficacy and tolerability in treating sleep disturbances in patients with substance use disorders, particularly in the context of alcohol and opioid use. Further well-powered studies with longer duration of follow-up are required. There was insufficient evidence to support the use of specific agents to treat sleep difficulties in cannabis and nicotine use disorders, although some medications showed initial promise. Nonpharmacological interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) could serve as a valuable complement to pharmacotherapy in patients with substance use disorders; however, further research is needed in disorders other than alcohol dependence. Sleep disturbance was found to be a common, easily identifiable, and potentially modifiable risk factor in patients with substance use disorders. Recognition and treatment of sleep disturbance in this population can impact treatment participation, quality of life, and relapse risk. Evidence for pharmacological agents in this space is growing. Treatment options vary depending on the type of substance use disorders and clinicians need to balance potential risks and benefits in the individual patient.

Sleep Irregularity and Circadian Rhythmicity: Implications for Health and Well-Being
Hartstein L.E., Grandner M.A., Diniz Behn C.
In this article, we review recent literature on the associations between sleep irregularity and a variety of health outcomes and discuss potential mechanisms mediating these relationships. Greater variability in sleep patterns is associated with detriments in sleep quality, circadian rhythms, performance, and both mental and physical health across the lifespan, often beyond contributions from sleep duration alone. A growing consensus in the literature indicates that regularity in sleep timing and duration is important for maintaining optimal health and performance. A variety of published metrics have been proposed to quantify sleep irregularity, and different metrics may be applied based on the types of data available, sample size, length of data collection period, and specific question under investigation. Experimental and longitudinal data establishing a direct causal effect of sleep irregularity on health are limited and remain an important area for future research to develop effective interventions to regularize sleep patterns for better overall health and well-being.

The State of the Evidence for Medical Cannabis as a Treatment for Pain-related Sleep Impairments: Integrating Social Determinants of Health into Research Design and Policy
Kelly E.L., Hubbard A., Mauriello B., Worster B., Ashare R.L.
Sleep impairment due to chronic pain is linked to functional impairment and often inadequately addressed with current treatments leading some to seek alternative therapies, including cannabis. The factors associated with chronic pain and sleep impairments are disproportionately experienced by individuals from racial/ethnic minorities, of low socioeconomic status, who live in noisy, chaotic neighborhoods, and who have poor health care access. First, we describe the limited evidence for cannabis to manage pain and pain-related sleep impairment. Second, we highlight how research might exacerbate health inequities due to systematic biases in the populations and products being studied to determine cannabis efficacy. The preponderance of evidence is based on predominantly White samples, a limited subset of cannabis forms, and have been of lower quality. More inclusive, generalizable studies that reflect the real-world ways that individuals use cannabis and evaluate how the social determinants of health interplay with the risks for pain-related sleep impairments are needed.

Sleep and Neurodegeneration: Examining Potential Physiological Mechanisms
McConnell B.V., Deng Y., Lucey B.P.
The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of potential mechanisms mediating the bi-directional relationship between sleep and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. We provide updates on previously proposed mechanisms and identify new mechanisms particularly concerning how sleep disturbances affect memory-related neural circuits. In this review, we focus on the multiple mechanisms that potentially mediate the relationship between sleep and Alzheimer’s disease. We present updates for previously hypothesized mechanisms such as sleep-related changes in production/release and clearance of amyloid-β and tau proteins as well as more recently proposed mechanisms relating to tau phosphorylation, the orexin system, astrocytes, and microglia. We also highlight how disruptions in sleep EEG oscillations that underlie memory-related neural circuits, such as slow wave activity, theta bursts, sleep spindles, and gamma ripples, change in Alzheimer’s disease. Disturbed sleep increases Alzheimer’s disease risk via multiple potential mechanisms that suggest multiple targets to test approved and effective treatments of sleep disorders to prevent or delay Alzheimer’s disease.

Improving the Cardiovascular Outcomes of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Towards More Precise Hypoxia-Based Models of Disease Severity
Qayyum N.T., Cole A.T., Khayat R.N., Grosberg A.
Purpose of Review
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects at least 1 billion people worldwide, and its increasing prevalence is alarming considering an association to comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and to demonstrated health disparities. This raises concerns regarding the current diagnostic standards, which are also impacted by disparities. The current review was aimed at identifying limitations in the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), the primary clinical indicator of OSA severity, and analyzing recent alternatives. In addition, the association between OSA and CVD was discussed, and, considering the role of intermittent hypoxia, solutions were proposed for improving OSA diagnosis.
Recent Findings
Based on a review of current literature, alternative metrics to the AHI such as the hypoxia burden, sleep apnea-specific pulse rate, and oxygen desaturation rate were shown to be correlated with indicators of CVD in OSA patients. A recent mathematical study also presents the possibility of a model-based metric to eliminate existing bias in diagnostics and to provide a more accurate quantification of tissue hypoxia.
The analyzed studies give incentive to look beyond current clinical standards in OSA. Through this review, we motivate the use of mathematical modeling as a future avenue to improve OSA diagnosis with a hypoxia-based approach.

Sleep Health, Self-Medication, and Cannabis Risk: A Bidirectional Model and Research Agenda
Goodhines P.A., Rathod K., Cingranelli L.
This review aims to (a) synthesize available cannabis and sleep health literatures to propose a bidirectional risk model, and (b) provide a research agenda addressing priority literature gaps. Sleep problems prompt self-medication with cannabis, which inadvertently maintains or worsens sleep problems due to predictable neurobiological processes. Over time, self-medication behavior may increase to compensate for cannabis tolerance and ongoing sleep problems, ultimately increasing risk for cannabis use disorder and associated consequences. Several theoretical mechanisms may explain self-medication with cannabis for sleep aid, and underlying social determinants may explain sociodemographic variability and disparities. This review proposes a bidirectional model in which cannabis use and sleep health interact in a feed-forward cycle, ultimately maintaining and exacerbating risk in both domains over time. Clinical implications are reviewed for cannabis sleep aid presenting to behavioral medicine settings. A research agenda is proposed spanning domains of epidemiology, bidirectional processes, and transdiagnostic social determinants.

Correction to: Cardiovascular Implications of Sleep Disorders Beyond Sleep Apnea
Park J., Yoon J., Liu X., Chang Y., Maiolino G., F. Pengo M., Lin G., Kwon Y.
Current Sleep Medicine Reports
citations by CoLab: 0


Central Sleep Apnea: An Update of Current Treatment and the Role of Positive Pressure Devices
Matthes S., Javaheri S., Javaheri S., Khayat R., Randerath W.
Central sleep apnea (CSA) is associated with increased mortality, particularly in heart failure. This review discusses current treatment options with a focus on different positive airway pressure (PAP) modalities, the clinical implication of continuous PAP (CPAP) failure, and key advancements in adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV). CPAP reduces CSA by about 50% in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. The remaining patients are considered non-responsive and chronic use of CPAP has been associated with excess mortality. ASV is effective in several forms of CSA. While secondary analyses of the SERVE-HF trial limited its use in patients with predominant CSA and left ventricular ejection fraction < 45%, more recent data from ADVENT-HF using a newer ASV generation targeting peak flow has shown promising results. Physicians should consider the underlying pathophysiology, overall prognosis, and evidence base prior to selecting CSA treatment with CPAP or ASV. Promising pharmaceutical and novel device options require more studies and long-term evidence.

Correction to: A Review of Racial and Ethnic Differences in Sleep‑memory Associations and the Potential Contributions of Social Determinants of Sleep
Hokett E., Duarte A.
Current Sleep Medicine Reports
citations by CoLab: 0


Insomnia During Late Life: Potential Pathways Toward Suicide Risk
Bishop T.M., Titus C.E., Lutz J.A., Pigeon W.R.
As the global population continues to age, the identification of drivers of suicide risk in older adults is of increasing importance. This manuscript explores the link between insomnia and suicide risk in older adults, highlighting the prevalence of sleep disorders in aging populations and their impact on mental and physical health. Potential mechanisms, both physiological and psychological, linking insomnia to suicide risk are explored. Clinical implications and treatment recommendations regarding the intersection of insomnia and suicide are discussed. Recent meta-analyses have examined whether interventions for sleep disorders are (1) efficacious in the older adult population and (2) have a significant role in reducing suicidal ideation. Results from Huang and colleagues’ (Huang K, Li S, He R, Zhong T, Yang H, Chen L, et al. Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) in older adults with insomnia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Australas Psychiatry. 2022;30(5):592–7. The authors report results from a meta analysis of 14 studies to examine the efficacy of cogntivie behavioral therapy for insomnia in older adults. Significant effects were reported for sleep efficiency, sleep onset latency, wake after sleep onset, and total sleep time indicating that this intervention is efficacious in the older adult population.) analyses of 14 studies suggest that cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is effective in improving sleep quality and reducing insomnia symptoms in older adults, reaffirming that CBT-I is an important tool to treating insomnia in this population. In regard to suicidal ideation, Mournet & Kleiman (Mournet AM, Kleiman EM. A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of sleep interventions to treat suicidal ideation. J Sleep Res. 2024:e14133. The authors report findings from a meta-analysis that evaluates whether behavioral and pharmacological sleep interventions also reduce suicidal ideation. Findings suggest a small effect such that sleep interventions reduce suicide ideation that did not reach the level of statistical significance. Authors suggest that given the small sample size and heterogeneity of methods that additional work is needed to explore whether sleep interventions have utility as an adjunctive suicide prevention strategy.) further advance the field with their publication of a meta-analysis of eight studies which examined the impact of sleep interventions on the reduction of suicidal ideation. Analyses of the available studies indicates small effects on suicidal ideation that did not reach the level of statistical significance. The authors note, however, that the small sample of studies and heterogeneity of their design calls for further research into the area before conclusions can be drawn. Multiple pathways may contribute to the development and course of suicide risk among older adults. We highlight factors linked to suicidal ideation and behavior, ranging from psychological factors such as depression and cognitive decline, to physiological disruptions in serotonin pathways and circadian rhythm. Screening for insomnia and suicide risk in older adults remains a key part of early identification and intervention to reduce risk and improve quality of life. Making evidence-based interventions to address both insomnia and suicide risk, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia, more broadly available is indicated.
Citing journals
Mathematical and Computer Modelling
2442 citations, 2.15%
Applied Mathematics and Computation
2241 citations, 1.97%
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
1189 citations, 1.05%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
1127 citations, 0.99%
Advances in Difference Equations
963 citations, 0.85%
Applied Mathematical Modelling
956 citations, 0.84%
882 citations, 0.78%
Abstract and Applied Analysis
801 citations, 0.71%
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
785 citations, 0.69%
European Journal of Operational Research
748 citations, 0.66%
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
732 citations, 0.64%
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
697 citations, 0.61%
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
624 citations, 0.55%
Expert Systems with Applications
617 citations, 0.54%
Computers and Industrial Engineering
605 citations, 0.53%
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
570 citations, 0.5%
Journal of Inequalities and Applications
534 citations, 0.47%
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
529 citations, 0.47%
IEEE Access
523 citations, 0.46%
Applied Mathematics Letters
514 citations, 0.45%
513 citations, 0.45%
AIP Conference Proceedings
493 citations, 0.43%
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
474 citations, 0.42%
Nonlinear Dynamics
469 citations, 0.41%
SSRN Electronic Journal
457 citations, 0.4%
Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications
441 citations, 0.39%
439 citations, 0.39%
Fixed Point Theory and Applications
433 citations, 0.38%
Applied Soft Computing Journal
429 citations, 0.38%
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
428 citations, 0.38%
International Journal of Production Research
417 citations, 0.37%
Journal of Applied Mathematics
401 citations, 0.35%
Annals of Operations Research
399 citations, 0.35%
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
385 citations, 0.34%
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
371 citations, 0.33%
Journal of Theoretical Biology
371 citations, 0.33%
361 citations, 0.32%
Soft Computing
342 citations, 0.3%
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
338 citations, 0.3%
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing
338 citations, 0.3%
Boundary Value Problems
329 citations, 0.29%
Journal of Cleaner Production
324 citations, 0.29%
AIMS Mathematics
320 citations, 0.28%
International Journal of Production Economics
314 citations, 0.28%
International Journal of Biomathematics
303 citations, 0.27%
Computers and Operations Research
303 citations, 0.27%
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
299 citations, 0.26%
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
296 citations, 0.26%
International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
296 citations, 0.26%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
284 citations, 0.25%
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
277 citations, 0.24%
Mathematical Biosciences
270 citations, 0.24%
267 citations, 0.24%
Studies in Computational Intelligence
266 citations, 0.23%
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
259 citations, 0.23%
Information Sciences
258 citations, 0.23%
Computational and Applied Mathematics
257 citations, 0.23%
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
254 citations, 0.22%
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
254 citations, 0.22%
Journal of Computational Physics
250 citations, 0.22%
Neural Computing and Applications
238 citations, 0.21%
238 citations, 0.21%
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
230 citations, 0.2%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
223 citations, 0.2%
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
219 citations, 0.19%
European Physical Journal Plus
218 citations, 0.19%
Scientific Reports
216 citations, 0.19%
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
211 citations, 0.19%
Physical Review E
209 citations, 0.18%
206 citations, 0.18%
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
205 citations, 0.18%
Journal of the Franklin Institute
199 citations, 0.18%
Ecological Modelling
199 citations, 0.18%
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
193 citations, 0.17%
Journal of Mathematical Biology
193 citations, 0.17%
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
188 citations, 0.17%
186 citations, 0.16%
Results in Physics
185 citations, 0.16%
182 citations, 0.16%
AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal
182 citations, 0.16%
Water (Switzerland)
181 citations, 0.16%
Remote Sensing
179 citations, 0.16%
Numerical Algorithms
176 citations, 0.16%
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications
176 citations, 0.16%
Physica Scripta
175 citations, 0.15%
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
168 citations, 0.15%
Reliability Engineering and System Safety
166 citations, 0.15%
Journal of the Operational Research Society
165 citations, 0.15%
165 citations, 0.15%
Multimedia Tools and Applications
163 citations, 0.14%
162 citations, 0.14%
Fractal and Fractional
161 citations, 0.14%
Journal of Function Spaces
160 citations, 0.14%
International Series in Operations Research and Management Science
160 citations, 0.14%
International Journal of Systems Science
158 citations, 0.14%
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
157 citations, 0.14%
Advanced Materials Research
157 citations, 0.14%
Journal of Hydrology
156 citations, 0.14%
Applied Numerical Mathematics
154 citations, 0.14%
Applicable Analysis
152 citations, 0.13%
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Citing publishers
33742 citations, 29.73%
Springer Nature
23410 citations, 20.63%
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
6999 citations, 6.17%
Taylor & Francis
6027 citations, 5.31%
5039 citations, 4.44%
4394 citations, 3.87%
Hindawi Limited
4223 citations, 3.72%
World Scientific
2211 citations, 1.95%
IOP Publishing
1510 citations, 1.33%
1493 citations, 1.32%
1204 citations, 1.06%
AIP Publishing
1081 citations, 0.95%
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
1025 citations, 0.9%
Walter de Gruyter
875 citations, 0.77%
IGI Global
684 citations, 0.6%
Cambridge University Press
643 citations, 0.57%
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
508 citations, 0.45%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
485 citations, 0.43%
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
485 citations, 0.43%
Trans Tech Publications
478 citations, 0.42%
EDP Sciences
476 citations, 0.42%
Social Science Electronic Publishing
466 citations, 0.41%
IOS Press
423 citations, 0.37%
Pleiades Publishing
382 citations, 0.34%
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
380 citations, 0.33%
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
366 citations, 0.32%
ASME International
342 citations, 0.3%
American Physical Society (APS)
326 citations, 0.29%
Frontiers Media S.A.
299 citations, 0.26%
Oxford University Press
297 citations, 0.26%
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
251 citations, 0.22%
The Royal Society
234 citations, 0.21%
Alexandria University
203 citations, 0.18%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
189 citations, 0.17%
Scientific Research Publishing
182 citations, 0.16%
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
158 citations, 0.14%
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
152 citations, 0.13%
IWA Publishing
128 citations, 0.11%
SAE International
126 citations, 0.11%
King Saud University
118 citations, 0.1%
Ain Shams University
110 citations, 0.1%
Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium
87 citations, 0.08%
87 citations, 0.08%
CSIRO Publishing
83 citations, 0.07%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
80 citations, 0.07%
Canadian Science Publishing
76 citations, 0.07%
Science Alert
73 citations, 0.06%
SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng
67 citations, 0.06%
Mathematical Society of the Republic of China
66 citations, 0.06%
Optica Publishing Group
65 citations, 0.06%
Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
63 citations, 0.06%
Wilmington Scientific Publishers
62 citations, 0.05%
Society of Exploration Geophysicists
61 citations, 0.05%
61 citations, 0.05%
Science in China Press
57 citations, 0.05%
Hans Publishers
56 citations, 0.05%
Tech Science Press
52 citations, 0.05%
University of Nis
49 citations, 0.04%
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
48 citations, 0.04%
American Mathematical Society
47 citations, 0.04%
46 citations, 0.04%
Mary Ann Liebert
43 citations, 0.04%
Instrument Society of America
42 citations, 0.04%
Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
41 citations, 0.04%
Society of Petroleum Engineers
41 citations, 0.04%
Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)
39 citations, 0.03%
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
37 citations, 0.03%
University of Chicago Press
36 citations, 0.03%
China Science Publishing & Media
36 citations, 0.03%
Centre for Evaluation in Education and Science (CEON/CEES)
36 citations, 0.03%
Acta Physica Sinica, Chinese Physical Society and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
34 citations, 0.03%
34 citations, 0.03%
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
33 citations, 0.03%
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
33 citations, 0.03%
American Meteorological Society
33 citations, 0.03%
Arizona State University
33 citations, 0.03%
Taehan Suhakhoe
32 citations, 0.03%
Hacettepe University
30 citations, 0.03%
30 citations, 0.03%
Korean Mathematical Society
29 citations, 0.03%
Mathematical Sciences Publishers
28 citations, 0.02%
Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences
28 citations, 0.02%
Research Square Platform LLC
28 citations, 0.02%
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
27 citations, 0.02%
ASTM International
27 citations, 0.02%
Steklov Mathematical Institute
27 citations, 0.02%
Morgan & Claypool Publishers
25 citations, 0.02%
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
25 citations, 0.02%
Operations Research Society of Japan
25 citations, 0.02%
Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica
25 citations, 0.02%
Thomas Telford
25 citations, 0.02%
University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)
25 citations, 0.02%
Argentinean Association of Computational Mechanics
24 citations, 0.02%
Kyungpook University
24 citations, 0.02%
European Control Association
24 citations, 0.02%
23 citations, 0.02%
23 citations, 0.02%
Annual Reviews
23 citations, 0.02%
National Library of Serbia
23 citations, 0.02%
MIT Press
22 citations, 0.02%
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Publishing organizations
Polytechnic University of Valencia
115 publications, 1.68%
China Agricultural University
68 publications, 0.99%
Polytechnic University of Turin
65 publications, 0.95%
Washington University in St. Louis
55 publications, 0.8%
University of Pretoria
47 publications, 0.69%
University of Queensland
35 publications, 0.51%
Tsinghua University
34 publications, 0.5%
National University of Singapore
34 publications, 0.5%
King Saud University
32 publications, 0.47%
Sapienza University of Rome
32 publications, 0.47%
Sorbonne University
28 publications, 0.41%
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
28 publications, 0.41%
University of Victoria
28 publications, 0.41%
Florida Institute of Technology
27 publications, 0.39%
Harbin Institute of Technology
26 publications, 0.38%
Xi'an Jiaotong University
26 publications, 0.38%
University of Adelaide
26 publications, 0.38%
University of Alberta
26 publications, 0.38%
University of Memphis
26 publications, 0.38%
Pennsylvania State University
23 publications, 0.34%
University of Waterloo
23 publications, 0.34%
Curtin University
22 publications, 0.32%
North Carolina State University
22 publications, 0.32%
Old Dominion University
22 publications, 0.32%
Amirkabir University of Technology
21 publications, 0.31%
Sichuan University
21 publications, 0.31%
University of Galway
21 publications, 0.31%
University of New South Wales
20 publications, 0.29%
Chung Yuan Christian University
20 publications, 0.29%
Dalian University of Technology
19 publications, 0.28%
National Cheng Kung University
19 publications, 0.28%
University of Texas at Austin
19 publications, 0.28%
University of Leeds
19 publications, 0.28%
University of Manitoba
19 publications, 0.28%
University of Texas at Arlington
19 publications, 0.28%
Nanyang Technological University
18 publications, 0.26%
Cairo University
18 publications, 0.26%
University of Arizona
18 publications, 0.26%
Kansas State University
18 publications, 0.26%
Texas A&M University
18 publications, 0.26%
Mansoura University
18 publications, 0.26%
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
17 publications, 0.25%
Central South University
17 publications, 0.25%
City University of Hong Kong
17 publications, 0.25%
University of Nis
17 publications, 0.25%
University of Massachusetts Amherst
17 publications, 0.25%
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
16 publications, 0.23%
University of Naples Federico II
16 publications, 0.23%
National Sun Yat-sen University
16 publications, 0.23%
Jiangnan University
16 publications, 0.23%
Polytechnic University of Milan
16 publications, 0.23%
Tamkang University
16 publications, 0.23%
Georgia Institute of technology
16 publications, 0.23%
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
16 publications, 0.23%
Washington State University
16 publications, 0.23%
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
16 publications, 0.23%
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
16 publications, 0.23%
University of Santiago de Compostela
16 publications, 0.23%
University of Delaware
16 publications, 0.23%
University of Dayton
16 publications, 0.23%
Iran University of Science and Technology
15 publications, 0.22%
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
15 publications, 0.22%
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
15 publications, 0.22%
Duke University
15 publications, 0.22%
Oakland University
15 publications, 0.22%
University of Toronto
15 publications, 0.22%
University of Oviedo
15 publications, 0.22%
University of Houston
15 publications, 0.22%
Gazi University
14 publications, 0.2%
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
14 publications, 0.2%
Iowa State University
14 publications, 0.2%
University of Wollongong
14 publications, 0.2%
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
14 publications, 0.2%
University of Maryland, College Park
14 publications, 0.2%
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
14 publications, 0.2%
Universidad Central de Venezuela
14 publications, 0.2%
Saint Petersburg State University
13 publications, 0.19%
Quaid-i-Azam University
13 publications, 0.19%
Xiamen University
13 publications, 0.19%
Florida State University
13 publications, 0.19%
Carnegie Mellon University
13 publications, 0.19%
Qufu Normal University
13 publications, 0.19%
Victoria University (Australia)
13 publications, 0.19%
Auburn University
13 publications, 0.19%
University of California, Berkeley
13 publications, 0.19%
Hunan University
13 publications, 0.19%
Missouri University of Science and Technology
13 publications, 0.19%
AGH University of Krakow
13 publications, 0.19%
University of Warsaw
13 publications, 0.19%
Indiana University Bloomington
13 publications, 0.19%
Ege University
12 publications, 0.18%
COMSATS University Islamabad
12 publications, 0.18%
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
12 publications, 0.18%
Beijing Institute of Technology
12 publications, 0.18%
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
12 publications, 0.18%
University of Oxford
12 publications, 0.18%
University of Messina
12 publications, 0.18%
National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
12 publications, 0.18%
Massey University
12 publications, 0.18%
Virginia Tech
12 publications, 0.18%
Show all (70 more) | |
Publishing countries
USA, 1478, 21.57%
1478 publications, 21.57%
China, 963, 14.06%
963 publications, 14.06%
Spain, 290, 4.23%
290 publications, 4.23%
Italy, 263, 3.84%
263 publications, 3.84%
Canada, 251, 3.66%
251 publications, 3.66%
Australia, 230, 3.36%
230 publications, 3.36%
India, 222, 3.24%
222 publications, 3.24%
France, 196, 2.86%
196 publications, 2.86%
United Kingdom
United Kingdom, 183, 2.67%
United Kingdom
183 publications, 2.67%
Turkey, 152, 2.22%
152 publications, 2.22%
Iran, 127, 1.85%
127 publications, 1.85%
Japan, 120, 1.75%
120 publications, 1.75%
Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea, 110, 1.61%
Republic of Korea
110 publications, 1.61%
Germany, 105, 1.53%
105 publications, 1.53%
South Africa
South Africa, 75, 1.09%
South Africa
75 publications, 1.09%
Poland, 69, 1.01%
69 publications, 1.01%
Egypt, 66, 0.96%
66 publications, 0.96%
Greece, 65, 0.95%
65 publications, 0.95%
Russia, 62, 0.9%
62 publications, 0.9%
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia, 60, 0.88%
Saudi Arabia
60 publications, 0.88%
Belgium, 51, 0.74%
51 publications, 0.74%
Brazil, 51, 0.74%
51 publications, 0.74%
Singapore, 50, 0.73%
50 publications, 0.73%
Israel, 43, 0.63%
43 publications, 0.63%
Pakistan, 39, 0.57%
39 publications, 0.57%
Serbia, 39, 0.57%
39 publications, 0.57%
Romania, 38, 0.55%
38 publications, 0.55%
Hungary, 36, 0.53%
36 publications, 0.53%
Argentina, 30, 0.44%
30 publications, 0.44%
Mexico, 29, 0.42%
29 publications, 0.42%
Netherlands, 26, 0.38%
26 publications, 0.38%
New Zealand
New Zealand, 26, 0.38%
New Zealand
26 publications, 0.38%
Ireland, 25, 0.36%
25 publications, 0.36%
Malaysia, 22, 0.32%
22 publications, 0.32%
Czech Republic
Czech Republic, 22, 0.32%
Czech Republic
22 publications, 0.32%
Venezuela, 21, 0.31%
21 publications, 0.31%
Portugal, 20, 0.29%
20 publications, 0.29%
Bulgaria, 19, 0.28%
19 publications, 0.28%
Thailand, 19, 0.28%
19 publications, 0.28%
Sweden, 18, 0.26%
18 publications, 0.26%
Morocco, 16, 0.23%
16 publications, 0.23%
Switzerland, 16, 0.23%
16 publications, 0.23%
Colombia, 15, 0.22%
15 publications, 0.22%
Croatia, 15, 0.22%
15 publications, 0.22%
Algeria, 13, 0.19%
13 publications, 0.19%
Jordan, 13, 0.19%
13 publications, 0.19%
Norway, 13, 0.19%
13 publications, 0.19%
Chile, 13, 0.19%
13 publications, 0.19%
Denmark, 12, 0.18%
12 publications, 0.18%
Austria, 9, 0.13%
9 publications, 0.13%
Kuwait, 9, 0.13%
9 publications, 0.13%
UAE, 9, 0.13%
9 publications, 0.13%
Finland, 9, 0.13%
9 publications, 0.13%
Ukraine, 8, 0.12%
8 publications, 0.12%
Vietnam, 8, 0.12%
8 publications, 0.12%
Tunisia, 7, 0.1%
7 publications, 0.1%
Indonesia, 6, 0.09%
6 publications, 0.09%
Nigeria, 6, 0.09%
6 publications, 0.09%
Cuba, 5, 0.07%
5 publications, 0.07%
Oman, 5, 0.07%
5 publications, 0.07%
Slovakia, 5, 0.07%
5 publications, 0.07%
Yugoslavia, 5, 0.07%
5 publications, 0.07%
Belarus, 4, 0.06%
4 publications, 0.06%
Georgia, 4, 0.06%
4 publications, 0.06%
Iraq, 4, 0.06%
4 publications, 0.06%
Qatar, 4, 0.06%
4 publications, 0.06%
Sudan, 4, 0.06%
4 publications, 0.06%
Montenegro, 4, 0.06%
4 publications, 0.06%
Iceland, 3, 0.04%
3 publications, 0.04%
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico, 3, 0.04%
Puerto Rico
3 publications, 0.04%
Armenia, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2, 0.03%
Bosnia and Herzegovina
2 publications, 0.03%
Brunei, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Zimbabwe, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Cyprus, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Libya, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Lithuania, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
North Macedonia
North Macedonia, 2, 0.03%
North Macedonia
2 publications, 0.03%
Senegal, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Slovenia, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Turkmenistan, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
USSR, 2, 0.03%
2 publications, 0.03%
Bahrain, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Botswana, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Zambia, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Yemen, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Cameroon, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Costa Rica
Costa Rica, 1, 0.01%
Costa Rica
1 publication, 0.01%
Mozambique, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Moldova, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Tanzania, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Uganda, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Uzbekistan, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Czechoslovakia, 1, 0.01%
1 publication, 0.01%
Show all (64 more) | |
5 profile journal articles
Francisco Antonio
156 publications,
2 497 citations
h-index: 29
1 profile journal article
Emrouznejad Ali

University of Surrey
235 publications,
8 566 citations
h-index: 50
1 profile journal article
El-Saady Kamal
22 publications,
48 citations
h-index: 4
1 profile journal article
Real Pedro
104 publications,
550 citations
h-index: 14
1 profile journal article
Falco Antonio

CEU Cardinal Herrera University
74 publications,
560 citations
h-index: 12