Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
286 цитирований, 4.29%
International Journal of Production Research
259 цитирований, 3.89%
International Journal of Operations and Production Management
178 цитирований, 2.67%
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
154 цитирования, 2.31%
International Journal of Production Economics
140 цитирований, 2.1%
Production Planning and Control
113 цитирований, 1.7%
Integrated Manufacturing Systems
109 цитирований, 1.64%
103 цитирования, 1.55%
Expert Systems with Applications
76 цитирований, 1.14%
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
72 цитирования, 1.08%
Industrial Management and Data Systems
64 цитирования, 0.96%
Journal of Cleaner Production
60 цитирований, 0.9%
Computers in Industry
55 цитирований, 0.83%
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
54 цитирования, 0.81%
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence
52 цитирования, 0.78%
Computers and Industrial Engineering
50 цитирований, 0.75%
TQM Journal
50 цитирований, 0.75%
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
49 цитирований, 0.74%
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture
49 цитирований, 0.74%
Supply Chain Management
48 цитирований, 0.72%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
46 цитирований, 0.69%
Gestao e Producao
45 цитирований, 0.68%
Business Process Management Journal
45 цитирований, 0.68%
SSRN Electronic Journal
44 цитирования, 0.66%
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
40 цитирований, 0.6%
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
39 цитирований, 0.59%
European Journal of Operational Research
38 цитирований, 0.57%
Procedia CIRP
37 цитирований, 0.56%
Journal of Manufacturing Systems
37 цитирований, 0.56%
36 цитирований, 0.54%
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
34 цитирования, 0.51%
33 цитирования, 0.5%
International Journal of Innovation Management
32 цитирования, 0.48%
Outsourcing Management for Supply Chain Operations and Logistics Service
30 цитирований, 0.45%
Industrial Marketing Management
28 цитирований, 0.42%
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma
28 цитирований, 0.42%
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications
27 цитирований, 0.41%
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
27 цитирований, 0.41%
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
27 цитирований, 0.41%
Applied Mechanics and Materials
25 цитирований, 0.38%
Measuring Business Excellence
24 цитирования, 0.36%
24 цитирования, 0.36%
Management Decision
22 цитирования, 0.33%
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
22 цитирования, 0.33%
International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
21 цитирование, 0.32%
Journal of Operations Management
21 цитирование, 0.32%
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
21 цитирование, 0.32%
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
20 цитирований, 0.3%
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
20 цитирований, 0.3%
Journal of Enterprise Information Management
20 цитирований, 0.3%
Procedia Manufacturing
19 цитирований, 0.29%
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
19 цитирований, 0.29%
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
18 цитирований, 0.27%
Journal of Engineering Design
18 цитирований, 0.27%
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology
17 цитирований, 0.26%
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
16 цитирований, 0.24%
European Journal of Innovation Management
16 цитирований, 0.24%
Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications
16 цитирований, 0.24%
International Journal of Logistics Management
15 цитирований, 0.23%
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
15 цитирований, 0.23%
Journal of Advances in Management Research
14 цитирований, 0.21%
CAD Computer Aided Design
14 цитирований, 0.21%
Advanced Materials Research
14 цитирований, 0.21%
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
14 цитирований, 0.21%
Journal of Materials Processing Technology
13 цитирований, 0.2%
Rapid Prototyping Journal
13 цитирований, 0.2%
Assembly Automation
13 цитирований, 0.2%
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
13 цитирований, 0.2%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
13 цитирований, 0.2%
Journal of Business Research
12 цитирований, 0.18%
Quality and Reliability Engineering International
11 цитирований, 0.17%
Research in Engineering Design - Theory, Applications, and Concurrent Engineering
11 цитирований, 0.17%
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
11 цитирований, 0.17%
AIP Conference Proceedings
11 цитирований, 0.17%
R and D Management
11 цитирований, 0.17%
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
10 цитирований, 0.15%
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M
10 цитирований, 0.15%
Applied Soft Computing Journal
10 цитирований, 0.15%
Construction Management and Economics
10 цитирований, 0.15%
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology
10 цитирований, 0.15%
10 цитирований, 0.15%
Logistics Information Management
10 цитирований, 0.15%
Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing
10 цитирований, 0.15%
9 цитирований, 0.14%
Knowledge Management Research and Practice
9 цитирований, 0.14%
International Journal of Project Management
9 цитирований, 0.14%
Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions Of the ASME
9 цитирований, 0.14%
Journal of Industrial Engineering International
9 цитирований, 0.14%
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM
9 цитирований, 0.14%
9 цитирований, 0.14%
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management
9 цитирований, 0.14%
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
9 цитирований, 0.14%
Managerial Auditing Journal
9 цитирований, 0.14%
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
9 цитирований, 0.14%
IEEE Access
9 цитирований, 0.14%
IIE Transactions
9 цитирований, 0.14%
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
8 цитирований, 0.12%
International Journal of Information Management
8 цитирований, 0.12%
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
8 цитирований, 0.12%
Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
8 цитирований, 0.12%