Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences
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Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
Environmental Science (miscellaneous)
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Environmental Science
Years of issue
journal names
Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences
Top-3 citing journals

Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences
(49 citations)

Springer Geology
(28 citations)

E3S Web of Conferences
(17 citations)
Top-3 organizations

Lomonosov Moscow State University
(84 publications)

Saint Petersburg State University
(84 publications)

Saint Petersburg State University
(71 publications)

Lomonosov Moscow State University
(42 publications)
Most cited in 5 years
Citing journals
Citing publishers
Publishing organizations
Publishing organizations in 5 years
Saint Petersburg State University
71 publications, 4.21%
Lomonosov Moscow State University
42 publications, 2.49%
Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
35 publications, 2.08%
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
32 publications, 1.9%
South Ural State University
31 publications, 1.84%
P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
30 publications, 1.78%
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences
30 publications, 1.78%
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
29 publications, 1.72%
South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
28 publications, 1.66%
Universidad de León
26 publications, 1.54%
Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
24 publications, 1.42%
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences
24 publications, 1.42%
Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
23 publications, 1.36%
State University of Padang
22 publications, 1.31%
Russian State Hydrometeorological University
20 publications, 1.19%
Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research
20 publications, 1.19%
National Institute of Technology Rourkela
19 publications, 1.13%
A. P. Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
18 publications, 1.07%
Kazan Federal University
17 publications, 1.01%
Institute of Geology Komi SC of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
17 publications, 1.01%
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
17 publications, 1.01%
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
17 publications, 1.01%
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria
17 publications, 1.01%
High-mountain Geophysical Institute
16 publications, 0.95%
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad
16 publications, 0.95%
Saint Petersburg Mining University
12 publications, 0.71%
Zubov State Oceanographic Institute
12 publications, 0.71%
Sakhalin State University
12 publications, 0.71%
Jadavpur University
12 publications, 0.71%
Syiah Kuala University
12 publications, 0.71%
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
12 publications, 0.71%
Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation of Russian Academy of Sciences
11 publications, 0.65%
Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 publications, 0.65%
Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 publications, 0.65%
Institute of Geology of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 publications, 0.65%
Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
11 publications, 0.65%
Ural State Mining University
11 publications, 0.65%
Universidad Continental
11 publications, 0.65%
Ural Federal University
10 publications, 0.59%
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
10 publications, 0.59%
Institute of Precambrian geology and geochronology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
10 publications, 0.59%
University of Lisbon
10 publications, 0.59%
University of Porto
10 publications, 0.59%
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
9 publications, 0.53%
Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
9 publications, 0.53%
Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences
9 publications, 0.53%
Mapua University
9 publications, 0.53%
A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 0.47%
ITMO University
8 publications, 0.47%
A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of the Russian Academy of Science
8 publications, 0.47%
Orenburg State University
8 publications, 0.47%
Institute of Geology of Diamond and Precious Metals of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 0.47%
Sadovsky Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres of Russian Academy of Sciences
8 publications, 0.47%
University of Anbar
8 publications, 0.47%
Ain Shams University
8 publications, 0.47%
Ibn Tofaïl University
8 publications, 0.47%
Mohammadia School of Engineers
8 publications, 0.47%
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
7 publications, 0.42%
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia
7 publications, 0.42%
V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.42%
Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.42%
Irkutsk Scientific Centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
7 publications, 0.42%
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
7 publications, 0.42%
National Institute of Technology Manipur
7 publications, 0.42%
University of Baghdad
7 publications, 0.42%
Diponegoro University
7 publications, 0.42%
National Research and Innovation Agency
7 publications, 0.42%
Silesian University of Technology
7 publications, 0.42%
Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas
7 publications, 0.42%
Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.36%
Far Eastern Federal University
6 publications, 0.36%
Institute of Experimental Mineralogy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.36%
National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"
6 publications, 0.36%
Irkutsk National Research Technical University
6 publications, 0.36%
North Caucasus Federal University
6 publications, 0.36%
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
6 publications, 0.36%
Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.36%
Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.36%
Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.36%
Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.36%
V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.36%
Institute of Geophysics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.36%
Orenburg State Pedagogical University
6 publications, 0.36%
National Institute of Technology Durgapur
6 publications, 0.36%
Andalas University
6 publications, 0.36%
Kyoto University
6 publications, 0.36%
Tohoku University
6 publications, 0.36%
Universidad Andrés Bello
6 publications, 0.36%
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
6 publications, 0.36%
University of Coimbra
6 publications, 0.36%
NOVA University Lisbon
6 publications, 0.36%
Centro Universitário FEI
6 publications, 0.36%
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
6 publications, 0.36%
University of Aveiro
6 publications, 0.36%
Polytechnic Institute of Porto
6 publications, 0.36%
Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre
6 publications, 0.36%
![]() Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.3%
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"
5 publications, 0.3%
Far East Geological Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.3%
Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.3%
Publishing countries
Publishing countries in 5 years
9 profile journal articles
Ankusheva Natalia

South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
40 publications,
46 citations
h-index: 3
8 profile journal articles
Alaeva Irina
27 publications,
48 citations
h-index: 4
6 profile journal articles
Muravyev Lev
PhD in Engineering, Associate Professor

Institute of Geophysics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
40 publications,
22 citations
h-index: 2
4 profile journal articles
Kosterov Andrei
PhD in Geological and Earth sciences

Saint Petersburg State University
59 publications,
664 citations
h-index: 14
Research interests
Magnetic materials
Magnetism of rocks
3 profile journal articles
Bataleva Elena
PhD in Geological and Earth sciences

Research Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek
55 publications,
467 citations
h-index: 11
Research interests
Magnetic exploration
3 profile journal articles
Kozyreva Olga

Geophysical Center RAS
79 publications,
936 citations
h-index: 16
3 profile journal articles
Seleznev Andrian
🥼 🤝
PhD in Geological and Earth sciences

Institute of Industrial Ecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
41 publications,
260 citations
h-index: 11
3 profile journal articles
Fomin Vladimir
71 publications,
98 citations
h-index: 5
3 profile journal articles
Snachev Alexander
PhD in Geological and Earth sciences

Institute of Geology of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
44 publications,
62 citations
h-index: 4
3 profile journal articles
Petrov Yaroslav
46 publications,
101 citations
h-index: 8
2 profile journal articles
Sakharov Yaroslav

Geophysical Center RAS
41 publications,
528 citations
h-index: 12
2 profile journal articles
Semakov Nikolay

Geophysical Center RAS
16 publications,
731 citations
h-index: 6
2 profile journal articles
Ryakhovsky Ilya
🥼 🤝
PhD in Physics and Mathematics

Sadovsky Institute for Dynamics of Geospheres of Russian Academy of Sciences
52 publications,
163 citations
h-index: 7
Research interests
Earth's Magnetosphere
2 profile journal articles
Yarmoshenko Ilia
102 publications,
817 citations
h-index: 17