Транспорт наука техника управление

Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information - VINITI RAS
Years of issue
journal names
Транспорт наука техника управление
Top-3 citing journals

Транспорт наука техника управление
(56 citations)

World of Transport and Transportation
(12 citations)

AIP Conference Proceedings
(4 citations)
Top-3 organizations

Russian University of Transport
(76 publications)

Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University
(32 publications)

Russian University of Transport
(45 publications)

Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University
(20 publications)
Top-3 countries
Most cited in 5 years
Citing journals
Транспорт наука техника управление
56 citations, 60.22%
World of Transport and Transportation
12 citations, 12.9%
AIP Conference Proceedings
4 citations, 4.3%
3 citations, 3.23%
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2 citations, 2.15%
Safety of technogenic and natural systems
2 citations, 2.15%
Modeling of systems and processes
2 citations, 2.15%
Transportation systems and technology
1 citation, 1.08%
Bulletin of Bryansk state technical university
1 citation, 1.08%
Vestnik NSUEM
1 citation, 1.08%
Vestnik Gosudarstvennogo universiteta morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S O Makarova
1 citation, 1.08%
Modern Transportation Systems and Technologies
1 citation, 1.08%
Science & Technique
1 citation, 1.08%
Проблемы безопасности и чрезвычайных ситуаций
1 citation, 1.08%
Transport engineering
1 citation, 1.08%
Vestnik of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
1 citation, 1.08%
Russian Railway Science Journal
1 citation, 1.08%
Citing publishers
Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information - VINITI RAS
60 citations, 64.52%
FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)
12 citations, 12.9%
AIP Publishing
4 citations, 4.3%
Springer Nature
2 citations, 2.15%
Eco-Vector LLC
2 citations, 2.15%
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2 citations, 2.15%
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
2 citations, 2.15%
Bryansk State Technical University BSTU
2 citations, 2.15%
FSFEI HE Don State Technical University
2 citations, 2.15%
Belarusian National Technical University
1 citation, 1.08%
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management - NSUEM
1 citation, 1.08%
Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping
1 citation, 1.08%
Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
1 citation, 1.08%
JSC Vniizht
1 citation, 1.08%
Publishing organizations
Publishing organizations in 5 years
Russian University of Transport
45 publications, 8.77%
All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences
39 publications, 7.6%
Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University
20 publications, 3.9%
Industrial University of Tyumen
17 publications, 3.31%
Pacific National University
11 publications, 2.14%
Kazan Federal University
10 publications, 1.95%
Vladimir State University
9 publications, 1.75%
Tashkent State Transport University
9 publications, 1.75%
Vladivostok State University
9 publications, 1.75%
Rostov State Transport University
8 publications, 1.56%
Far Eastern Federal University
7 publications, 1.36%
Saint Petersburg State University
7 publications, 1.36%
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
6 publications, 1.17%
Samara National Research University
6 publications, 1.17%
Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev
6 publications, 1.17%
Kuban State Technological University
6 publications, 1.17%
Petersburg State Transport University
6 publications, 1.17%
Ural Federal University
5 publications, 0.97%
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
5 publications, 0.97%
Don State Technical University
5 publications, 0.97%
State University of Management
5 publications, 0.97%
Institute for Automation and Control Processes of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.78%
Institute for Physics of Microstructures of the Russian Academy of Sciences
4 publications, 0.78%
Orenburg State University
4 publications, 0.78%
Siberian Transport University
4 publications, 0.78%
V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3 publications, 0.58%
South Ural State University
3 publications, 0.58%
MIREA — Russian Technological University
3 publications, 0.58%
North-Eastern Federal University
3 publications, 0.58%
National Research University Higher School of Economics
2 publications, 0.39%
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
2 publications, 0.39%
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"
2 publications, 0.39%
Sirius University of Science and Technology
2 publications, 0.39%
Southern Federal University
2 publications, 0.39%
T. F. Gorbachev Kuzbass State Technical University
2 publications, 0.39%
Saint Petersburg Mining University
2 publications, 0.39%
Irkutsk National Research Technical University
2 publications, 0.39%
North Caucasus Federal University
2 publications, 0.39%
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
2 publications, 0.39%
Irkutsk State University
2 publications, 0.39%
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University
2 publications, 0.39%
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
2 publications, 0.39%
Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2 publications, 0.39%
Irkutsk State Transport University
2 publications, 0.39%
Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov
2 publications, 0.39%
Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov
2 publications, 0.39%
Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
2 publications, 0.39%
Institute of Geography Named after Academician Hasan Aliyev of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2 publications, 0.39%
International Innovative University
2 publications, 0.39%
A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1 publication, 0.19%
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
1 publication, 0.19%
Siberian Federal University
1 publication, 0.19%