Lecture Notes in Computer Science
139 цитирований, 9.16%
Speech Communication
23 цитирования, 1.52%
Proceedings of the IEEE
21 цитирование, 1.38%
Studies in Language Companion Series
18 цитирований, 1.19%
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
11 цитирований, 0.72%
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
11 цитирований, 0.72%
Perception & Psychophysics
11 цитирований, 0.72%
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics
10 цитирований, 0.66%
SSRN Electronic Journal
10 цитирований, 0.66%
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
9 цитирований, 0.59%
Multibody System Dynamics
9 цитирований, 0.59%
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
9 цитирований, 0.59%
9 цитирований, 0.59%
8 цитирований, 0.53%
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
7 цитирований, 0.46%
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
7 цитирований, 0.46%
Mechanisms and Machine Science
7 цитирований, 0.46%
Language and Speech
7 цитирований, 0.46%
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
7 цитирований, 0.46%
Discourse Studies
7 цитирований, 0.46%
Human Factors
7 цитирований, 0.46%
7 цитирований, 0.46%
IEEE Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing
7 цитирований, 0.46%
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
6 цитирований, 0.4%
ZDM - International Journal on Mathematics Education
6 цитирований, 0.4%
Mechanism and Machine Theory
6 цитирований, 0.4%
Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions Of the ASME
6 цитирований, 0.4%
Research in Mathematics Education
6 цитирований, 0.4%
Multisensory research
6 цитирований, 0.4%
Educational Studies in Mathematics
6 цитирований, 0.4%
Formal Aspects of Computing
6 цитирований, 0.4%
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research
6 цитирований, 0.4%
Europe-Asia Studies
6 цитирований, 0.4%
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
6 цитирований, 0.4%
Developmental Psychobiology
5 цитирований, 0.33%
Understanding Complex Systems
5 цитирований, 0.33%
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines
5 цитирований, 0.33%
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
5 цитирований, 0.33%
Studies in Language and Social Interaction
5 цитирований, 0.33%
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
5 цитирований, 0.33%
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
5 цитирований, 0.33%
Frontiers in Psychology
4 цитирования, 0.26%
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
4 цитирования, 0.26%
Research Policy
4 цитирования, 0.26%
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
4 цитирования, 0.26%
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
4 цитирования, 0.26%
Informatik aktuell
4 цитирования, 0.26%
Journal of Functional Programming
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Studies in Computational Intelligence
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Evolving Systems
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Computer Speech and Language
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Theoretical Computer Science
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics
3 цитирования, 0.2%
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Mathematics Education Research Journal
3 цитирования, 0.2%
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Research on Language and Social Interaction
3 цитирования, 0.2%
IEEE Transactions on Robotics
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Educational Technology Research and Development
3 цитирования, 0.2%
IEEE Intelligent Systems
3 цитирования, 0.2%
International Journal of Audiology
3 цитирования, 0.2%
International Journal of Aviation Psychology
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Mental Models and the Mind - Current Developments in Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Mathematics Education Library
3 цитирования, 0.2%
Industry and Higher Education
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Annual Review of Linguistics
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Journal of Symbolic Logic
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing
2 цитирования, 0.13%
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Journal of Educational Research
2 цитирования, 0.13%
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
2 цитирования, 0.13%
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Frontiers in Education
2 цитирования, 0.13%
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
2 цитирования, 0.13%
ACM Transactions on Computing Education
2 цитирования, 0.13%
International Journal of Project Management
2 цитирования, 0.13%
2 цитирования, 0.13%
International Journal of Technology and Design Education
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Mathematical Thinking and Learning
2 цитирования, 0.13%
2 цитирования, 0.13%
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
2 цитирования, 0.13%
AIAA Journal
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Journal of Quantitative Linguistics
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Psychological Review
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Wireless Personal Communications
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Concentric: Studies in Linguistics
2 цитирования, 0.13%
British Journal of Educational Technology
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Chinese Language and Discourse
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Human Studies
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Formal Methods in System Design
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Information Systems
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
2 цитирования, 0.13%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2 цитирования, 0.13%