Общество философия история культура

HORS Publishing House, LLC
ISSN: 22212787, 22236449
Years of issue
journal names
Общество философия история культура
2 505
1 593
Top-3 citing journals
Manuscript (10 citations)
SSRN Electronic Journal
SSRN Electronic Journal (8 citations)
SibScript (7 citations)
Top-3 countries
Russia (707 publications)
China (6 publications)
USA (4 publications)
Russia (705 publications)
China (6 publications)
USA (4 publications)

Most cited in 5 years

from chars
Publications found: 0


Citing journals

10 citations, 7.14%
SSRN Electronic Journal
8 citations, 5.71%
7 citations, 5%
Philology Theory & Practice
7 citations, 5%
Nauchnyi dialog
6 citations, 4.29%
Vestnik Archeologii, Antropologii i Etnografii
3 citations, 2.14%
Concept: philosophy, religion, culture
3 citations, 2.14%
Vestnik of Minin University
3 citations, 2.14%
Общество философия история культура
3 citations, 2.14%
Obrazovanie i Nauka
2 citations, 1.43%
2 citations, 1.43%
Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University (Psychology)
2 citations, 1.43%
2 citations, 1.43%
Izvestiya of Altai State University
2 citations, 1.43%
2 citations, 1.43%
Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University (History and political science)
2 citations, 1.43%
2 citations, 1.43%
Observatory of Culture
2 citations, 1.43%
Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Humanities and Social Sciences
2 citations, 1.43%
Vestnik Majkopskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tehnologiceskogo Universiteta
2 citations, 1.43%
Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Series Philosophy
2 citations, 1.43%
Law Enforcement Review
2 citations, 1.43%
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel nogo universiteta JOURNAL of Construction and Architecture
2 citations, 1.43%
Semiotic studies
2 citations, 1.43%
Pedagogy Theory & Practice
2 citations, 1.43%
Vestnik of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
2 citations, 1.43%
Journal of Strategic Studies
1 citation, 0.71%
Scientific and Technical Information Processing
1 citation, 0.71%
E3S Web of Conferences
1 citation, 0.71%
Profilakticheskaya Meditsina
1 citation, 0.71%
Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention (Russian Federation)
1 citation, 0.71%
Springer Geography
1 citation, 0.71%
Polar Journal
1 citation, 0.71%
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
1 citation, 0.71%
Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii = Higher Education in Russia
1 citation, 0.71%
Tambov University Review. Series: Humanities
1 citation, 0.71%
National Interests Priorities and Security
1 citation, 0.71%
Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research
1 citation, 0.71%
Social Psychology and Society
1 citation, 0.71%
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
1 citation, 0.71%
Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis
1 citation, 0.71%
Administrative Consulting
1 citation, 0.71%
Scientific and Technical Libraries
1 citation, 0.71%
Psychology and Law
1 citation, 0.71%
1 citation, 0.71%
Bulletin of Baikal State University
1 citation, 0.71%
SHS Web of Conferences
1 citation, 0.71%
Moscow University Bulletin. Series 6: Economics.
1 citation, 0.71%
Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)
1 citation, 0.71%
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics
1 citation, 0.71%
Russian Journal of Church History
1 citation, 0.71%
Lex Russica
1 citation, 0.71%
Tyumen State University Herald Humanities Research Humanitates
1 citation, 0.71%
Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University (Philosophy)
1 citation, 0.71%
1 citation, 0.71%
Economics and Management
1 citation, 0.71%
Post-Soviet Issues
1 citation, 0.71%
1 citation, 0.71%
Humanities and Social Sciences Bulletin of the Financial University
1 citation, 0.71%
Cuadernos Iberoamericanos
1 citation, 0.71%
Proceedings of the Southwest State University Series Economics Sociology and Management
1 citation, 0.71%
EURASIAN INTEGRATION economics law politics
1 citation, 0.71%
Proceedings of SPSTL SB RAS
1 citation, 0.71%
Yearbook of Finno-Ugric Studies
1 citation, 0.71%
Bulletin of Udmurt University Series History and Philology
1 citation, 0.71%
Management of the personnel and intellectual resources in Russia
1 citation, 0.71%
Scientific Research and Development Modern Communication Studies
1 citation, 0.71%
Izvestia of Saratov University Sociology Politology
1 citation, 0.71%
Physical Education and University Sport
1 citation, 0.71%
Pedagogical Review
1 citation, 0.71%
Tomsk state pedagogical university bulletin
1 citation, 0.71%
Obshchestvo i ekonomika
1 citation, 0.71%
Problemy Dalnego Vostoka
1 citation, 0.71%
Bulletin of Belgorod State Technological University named after V G Shukhov
1 citation, 0.71%
Journal of Economic History and History of Economics
1 citation, 0.71%
Вестник антропологии (Herald of Anthropology)
1 citation, 0.71%
1 citation, 0.71%
Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Linguistics and Pedagogy
1 citation, 0.71%
Voprosy kul turologii (Issues of Cultural Studies)
1 citation, 0.71%
Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior
1 citation, 0.71%

Citing publishers

Kemerovo State University
9 citations, 6.43%
Gramota Publishing
9 citations, 6.43%
Social Science Electronic Publishing
8 citations, 5.71%
OOO Centr naucnyh i obrazovatelnyh proektov
6 citations, 4.29%
Federal State University of Education
5 citations, 3.57%
Tomsk State Pedagogical University
4 citations, 2.86%
Taylor & Francis
3 citations, 2.14%
Altai State University
3 citations, 2.14%
Saratov State University
3 citations, 2.14%
Tyumen Scientific Center of the SB RAS
3 citations, 2.14%
Tambov State University - G.R. Derzhavin
3 citations, 2.14%
HORS Publishing House, LLC
3 citations, 2.14%
MGIMO University
3 citations, 2.14%
Minin University
3 citations, 2.14%
Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
3 citations, 2.14%
Springer Nature
2 citations, 1.43%
EDP Sciences
2 citations, 1.43%
Tyumen State University
2 citations, 1.43%
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University
2 citations, 1.43%
Samara State Technical University
2 citations, 1.43%
Udmurt State University
2 citations, 1.43%
Samara National Research University
2 citations, 1.43%
The Russian Academy of Sciences
2 citations, 1.43%
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
2 citations, 1.43%
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
2 citations, 1.43%
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
2 citations, 1.43%
State University of Management
2 citations, 1.43%
Baikal State University
2 citations, 1.43%
FSBI Russian State Library
2 citations, 1.43%
Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology
2 citations, 1.43%
Southwest State University
2 citations, 1.43%
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)
2 citations, 1.43%
National Research Mordovia State University MRSU
2 citations, 1.43%
Maikop State Technological University
2 citations, 1.43%
Omsk State University
2 citations, 1.43%
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building
2 citations, 1.43%
Pleiades Publishing
1 citation, 0.71%
Silicea - Poligraf, LLC
1 citation, 0.71%
Moscow Polytechnic University
1 citation, 0.71%
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
1 citation, 0.71%
Publishing House Finance and Credit
1 citation, 0.71%
Media Sphere Publishing House
1 citation, 0.71%
State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS
1 citation, 0.71%
State Public Scientific-Technical Library
1 citation, 0.71%
PANORAMA Publishing House
1 citation, 0.71%
Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
1 citation, 0.71%
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
1 citation, 0.71%
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
1 citation, 0.71%
Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics - UMTE
1 citation, 0.71%
Centr Regionalnikh Issledovanij
1 citation, 0.71%
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
1 citation, 0.71%
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
1 citation, 0.71%
Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS
1 citation, 0.71%
Silicea - Poligraf
1 citation, 0.71%

Publishing organizations

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
22 publications, 0.88%
Far Eastern Federal University
19 publications, 0.76%
Ural Federal University
16 publications, 0.64%
Saratov State University
16 publications, 0.64%
Kuban State University
16 publications, 0.64%
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
16 publications, 0.64%
Pacific National University
15 publications, 0.6%
Ufa University of Science and Technology
15 publications, 0.6%
Saint Petersburg State University
14 publications, 0.56%
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
14 publications, 0.56%
Industrial University of Tyumen
14 publications, 0.56%
North-Eastern Federal University
12 publications, 0.48%
North Caucasus Federal University
12 publications, 0.48%
Kadyrov Chechen State University
11 publications, 0.44%
Perm State National Research University
10 publications, 0.4%
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
10 publications, 0.4%
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
10 publications, 0.4%
Kuban State Agrarian University
10 publications, 0.4%
Saratov State Agrarian University
10 publications, 0.4%
Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University
10 publications, 0.4%
Ryazan State University named after S. A. Esenin
10 publications, 0.4%
Lomonosov Moscow State University
9 publications, 0.36%
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
9 publications, 0.36%
Dagestan State University
9 publications, 0.36%
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
8 publications, 0.32%
Siberian Federal University
8 publications, 0.32%
Irkutsk National Research Technical University
8 publications, 0.32%
M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University
8 publications, 0.32%
Gorno-Altaisk State University
8 publications, 0.32%
Russian State University of Justice
8 publications, 0.32%
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
7 publications, 0.28%
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
7 publications, 0.28%
Kazan Federal University
7 publications, 0.28%
Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
7 publications, 0.28%
Kemerovo State University
7 publications, 0.28%
Dostoevsky Omsk State University
7 publications, 0.28%
Surgut State University
7 publications, 0.28%
Southern Federal University
6 publications, 0.24%
Kuban State Technological University
6 publications, 0.24%
Transbaikal State University
6 publications, 0.24%
Belgorod State University
5 publications, 0.2%
Russian State Social University
5 publications, 0.2%
Penza State University
5 publications, 0.2%
Russian State University for the Humanities
5 publications, 0.2%
Buryat State University named after D. Banzarov
5 publications, 0.2%
Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
5 publications, 0.2%
Baikal State University
5 publications, 0.2%
Vladimir State University
4 publications, 0.16%
Moscow State Technological University Stankin
4 publications, 0.16%
Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy
4 publications, 0.16%
Murmansk Arctic State University
4 publications, 0.16%
Russian University of Transport
4 publications, 0.16%
Don State Agrarian University
4 publications, 0.16%
Kurgan State University
4 publications, 0.16%
Kutafin Moscow State Law University
4 publications, 0.16%