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Lab team

Priority objectives of the laboratory: designing new generation metallic materials, carrying out independent expert examinations to determine the causes of early failure of various metal structures and equipment. Also, the laboratory provides scientific and technical support of applied research.

  1. Tensile, fracture and compression tests of samples and determination of the mechanical characteristics of materials
  2. Mechanical tests
  3. Microhardness
  4. Determination of compressive and flexural strength
  5. Optical microscopy
  6. Evaluation of the mechanical characteristics of materials on the Instron universal testing machine, including at high and low temperatures
  7. Brinell hardness
  8. Sample preparation for metallographic studies
Aleksander Komissarov 🤝
Head of Laboratory
Tokary, Aleksey Andreevich
Aleksey Tokary
Engineer of 1 category
Sofia Plegunova 🤝
Egor Dolgach
Research Engineer

Research directions

"Development and implementation of integrated technologies for the production of seamless pipes made of new generation steels with controlled corrosion resistance under difficult operating conditions for the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation"

In development...

Publications and patents

Lab address

Москва, Ленинский проспект, 4
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