Laboratory of technologies of materials and devices of electrochemical energy sources

Authorization required.
  1. CHNS-elemental analysis
  2. Voltammetry
  3. Linear voltammetry
  4. Small-angle X-ray scattering
  5. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
  6. X-ray phase analysis
  7. X-ray fluorescence analysis (X-ray fluorescence)
  8. Synchronous thermal analysis
  9. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
  10. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
  11. Cyclic voltammetry
  12. Low-temperature nitrogen adsorption
Lyubovy Shmygleva 🥼
Head of Laboratory
Pankin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
Aleksandr Pankin
Research Engineer

Research directions

Development of technologies for the creation of new materials for chemical current sources and testing of new materials in experimental device samples

The main activities of the Laboratory: 1. Research and development of technologies for the manufacture of electrode and electrolyte materials for chemical current sources, 2. Research and development of technologies for obtaining soot and other powder materials with specified properties by plasma-chemical synthesis, 3. Research and development of technologies for the manufacture of experimental samples of chemical current sources (in particular, metal-ion batteries and PEM fuel cells).

Publications and patents

Дмитрий Владимирович Конев, Роман Дмитриевич Пичугов, Павел Андреевич Локтионов, Евгений Андреевич Рубан, Ольга Андреевна Гончарова, Андрей Александрович Усенко, Михаил Михайлович Петров, Анатолий Евгеньевич Антипов
RU2022117625A, 2023


Lab address

Проспект Академика Семенова, 1, г. Черноголовка
Authorization required.