Laboratory for the Prevention of hypogravity Disorders

Head of Laboratory

Fomina, Elena Valentinovna

DSc in Biological/biomedical sciences, Professor
Authorization required.
Lab team

Деятельность лаборатории направлена на решение актуальной задачи профилактики нарушений здоровья космонавтов при воздействии невесомости

  1. Electrocardiography (ECG)
  2. Electromyography (EMG)
  3. Accelerometry
Elena Fomina
Head of Laboratory
Egor Timme
Leading researcher
Romanov, Pavel
Pavel Romanov
Junior researcher

Research directions

The study of the mechanisms of adaptation of the physiological systems of the human body to the real and simulated conditions of changing gravity in relation to the development of adequate methods for preventing the negative effects of interplanetary flight factors

The laboratory team performs fundamental research aimed at studying the mechanisms of prevention of hypogravity disorders in the human body during prolonged stay in zero gravity, in particular, the role of reducing the intensity of sensory influx from the reference entrance in the development of adaptive changes in the neuromuscular system during long-term space flight is being studied. An experimental analysis of the phenomena observed under the influence of real and simulated factors of space flight is being conducted, research is being conducted to uncover the physiological mechanisms triggered by staying in zero gravity and to find ways to prevent negative changes in gravity-dependent systems. It is proposed to use these studies to form a system of fundamental concepts as a stage in creating a modern approach to preventing negative changes in the functioning of physiological systems in relation to interplanetary space flights. During the research, unique techniques created by the team will be used to continue work in conditions of model experiments and in real space flights.

Publications and patents

Fomina E., Romanov P., Burakova A., Ganicheva A., Senatorova N., Bakhtereva V., Kokueva M., Alferova I., Shushunova T., Grishin A., Vasin A., Polyakov A., Yarmanova Z., Lemeshko Y., Vasilevskaya M., et. al.
2024-11-04 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
According to the existing scenarios of interplanetary missions, the Moon is considered as an intermediate base on the way to deep space. In order to prepare for landing and work on the Moon, it is important to study the applicability of countermeasures in such missions. The paper presents the results of a pilot study performed during a short-term spaceflight (12 days). A new experience of using countermeasure impacts of lower body negative pressure (LBNP) at the early stages of adaptation to microgravity conditions has been gained. To assess the effectiveness of LBNP and changes in human physical performance after the spaceflight, we conducted tests on a treadmill, a bicycle ergometer, and testing with model tasks of on-planetary activity "express test". Regulatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system proved to be quite effective when creating decompression up to -20 mm Hg, which is less than in preparation for returning to Earth. In the treadmill test, a lower speed was achieved after the spaceflight than before (13 km/h and 15 km/h, respectively) and cardiovascular system response to the change in load was slower. At the same time changes in such physiological parameters as oxygen consumption, respiratory rate and pulmonary ventilation were minimal. In the bicycle ergometer test, peak heart rate values were higher after the spaceflight than before, the physiological value of the standard exercise increased. «Express test» showed the positive dynamics from the first day to the third after returning to Earth: the performance of a dual task, the task of controlling the movement of the non-leading hand, and getting up from the supine position improved. Thus, assessment of the state of gravity-dependent physiological systems after short-term flight indicates the decrease of functional reserves of the organism and the necessity to develop appropriate countermeasures. The study was one of the first steps in the development of new medical control operations at the stage of paradigm shift from orbital flights to deep space exploration.
Tomilovskaya E., Bekreneva M., Rukavishnikov I., Kofman I., Kitov V., Lysova N., Rosenberg M., Grishin A., Saveko A., Fomina E., Wood S.J., Reschke M.
Acta Astronautica scimago Q1 wos Q1
2024-11-01 citations by CoLab: 0
Komissarova O.V., Fomina E.V.
Human Physiology scimago Q4
2023-12-23 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The autonomic nervous system is a key link in the course of adaptation and adaptive reactions of an organism to various environmental factors. The aim of this study was to assess the heart rate variability (HRV) of primary school children during a course of speleoclimatotherapy. The HRV was evaluated in 175 practically healthy children aged 7–10 years. In the course of the study of the effect of speleoclimatotherapy on the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system was studied using the parameters of spectral analysis of HRV. HRV data were analyzed in the frequency domain: total power of the wave (TP), high frequency (HF) waves, low frequency (LF) waves, very low frequency (VLF), and vagosympathetic index LF/HF. After a course of speleoclimatotherapy the analysis of the results allowed us to establish statistically significant differences in the groups of boy and girls with vagotonic and normotonic type of regulation. After a course of speleoclimatotherapy reduction of the index of a vagosympathetic balance (LF/HF) to normal values was found in the groups of sympathotonic boys and sympathotonic girls, while in sympathotonic girls there was an increase in the value of the TP. It is possible to speak about the restoration of vegetative equilibrium and increase of adaptive capabilities of a child due to adaptation to the microclimate of speleo-chambers.
Fomina E.V., Ganicheva А.А., Kokueva М.А., Ustiugov V.N.
Changing from orbital flights to exploration of remote space will require development of an automated onboard system of monitoring, optimization and predicting cosmonauts' physical performance. The paper proposes a method of predicting the physiological cost of work using the data about daily training with the help of machine learning methods. Mathematical models were constructed for 3 cosmonauts assigned for 6-month missions. Prediction was made using the linear regression, decision trees and random wood. Model quality was assessed and retraining confirmed using R2 (proportion of the explained dispersion). The highest value of metrics R2 = 0.61 was calculated for the random wood. Distance covered in the treadmill passive mode was found to make the largest contribution to the predicted value.
Fomina E., Senatorova N., Bakhtereva V., Yarmanova E., Kozlovskaya I.
2023-11-22 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The prospects of deep space exploration necessitate modification of the principles and methods underlying the system designed to prevent negative impact of weightlessness on the human body. This work aimed to determine how fast running, as part of locomotor training during a space flight (SF), helps maintain physical ability of a person. The study involved 10 cosmonauts; their physical performance was assessed at all stages of the SF with the help of the Individual Strategies Test (IST). The parameters registered when the participants were doing the IST included heart rate (HR), gas exchange, capillary blood lactate concentration. The cosmonauts were divided into two groups based on the differences in the mean distance covered while fast running on a treadmill (single session). Group A (n = 4) run 949 m/day on average, group B (n = 6) — 2669 m/day. After SF, HR in group A increased at speeds from 5 to 8 km/h (p < 0.05), pulmonary ventilation indicators grew at speeds from 8 to 15 km/h (p < 0.05), and the capillary blood lactate concentration measured during the post-test recovery period increased by 37% (p = 0.03). Moreover, after SF, the pulse sum recorded under load and during recovery was 14% (p = 0.02) and 15% (p = 0.03) in group A, respectively, while in group B we registered no differences. Thus, our hypothesis that fast running triggers sensory reactions simulatingEarth conditions for the body, which consequently activates physiological mechanisms counteracting the negative effects of weightlessness, has been confirmed in a space experiment.
Koschate J., Möller F., Haeger M., Hoffmann U., Drescher U., Fomina E., Vogt T., Steinberg F.
Acta Astronautica scimago Q1 wos Q1
2022-11-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
Confinement during sojourns in microgravity affects cardiorespiratory fitness, cognitive parameters, and their interaction with influences on mission success, fitness, and overall well-being. The aim of the experiment was to test the efficacy of two endurance exercise countermeasures to maintain aerobic fitness, indicated by cardiorespiratory kinetics, and cognitive performance during 120 days of confinement. Six participants (34 ± 6 years, 3 females) spent 120 days in confinement, conducting eight weeks of either continuous (CON) or interval (INT) aerobic treadmill exercise in a crossover design. Heart rate (HR) and oxygen uptake ( V ˙ O 2 ) were assessed with an exercise test protocol, including pseudo-random work rate (WR) changes to determine the respective kinetics before the start of confinement ( pre ), five times during confinement (mission day (MD) 9(±1), 29(±1), 57(±1), 87(±1), and 117(±1)), and after the termination of the mission phase ( post ). Additionally, constant WR phases and incremental exercise were part of the protocol. During the constant phases of the exercise protocol, cognitive performance was assessed. HR kinetics accelerated, and mean HR values during the work rate protocol decreased as the mission progressed (p < 0.05). CON and INT exercise both seemed to speed HR kinetics during the mission, with slightly better effects for INT. Inhibitory control was not altered by 120 days of confinement. Detrimental effects on cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive performance from the lack of general physical activity during confinement were compensated by the applied exercise countermeasure, with no clear advantage for CON or INT exercise. • Changes in aerobic fitness during confinement were identified using moderate work rate intensities. • Endurance exercise was effective in mitigating the effects of confinement on aerobic fitness. • Cognitive testing was successfully implemented within a standardized physical exercise test. • The interaction between different exercise intensities and cognition was analyzed.
Meigal A., Ivanov D., Senatorova N., Monakhova U., Fomina E.
Acta Astronautica scimago Q1 wos Q1
2022-10-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
The study was aimed at exploring informative value of nonlinear parameters of surface electromyogram (sEMG) to characterization of neuromuscular activity in respect with duration of space flight (SF) and stepping mode. The working hypothesis held that sEMG entropy, correlation dimension (CD), and Lyapunov's exponent, which characterize signals in terms of regularity and predictability, may inform on motor units (MUs) synchronization or content of MUs of different types in muscle activity. In addition, median frequency (MDF), mean amplitude, and kurtosis of the probability distribution of sEMG were computed. sEMG samples were collected from the soleus of 6 cosmonauts on board of the International Space Station during 5 modes of stepping on the passive-mode treadmill in the MO-3 test, and 5 study points - before and after SF on ground (preSF, postSF) and for 3 periods of time in SF (1–80, 81–120, 120–170 days of SF). Altogether, 15 individual sEMG sample sets were successfully obtained. It was found that 1) the sEMG parameters pooled for all subjects by the stepping mode, except for MDF and kurtosis, did modify in the direction of higher regularity of the signal with growing speed of stepping, 2) the conditions of SF exerted effect on MDF, Lyapunov's exponent, entropy, and kurtosis of the probability distribution of sEMG, which probably indicated on greater involvement of the faster type motor units in muscle activity. In conclusion, nonlinear sEMG parameters look promising for characterizing the neuromuscular activity of skeletal muscles under SF conditions. Nonetheless, a small number of sample sets combined with different study points in different cosmonauts allow considering these facts as promising, but not yet definitely established. • Results of passive-mode treadmill test in long duration space mission are discussed. • Characteristics of surface electromyogram of cosmonauts soleus muscle are analyzed. • Nonlinear and linear parameters of surface electromyogram are considered. • Most of studied parameters proved sensitive to the stepping speed during the test. • Space flight results in greater proportion of faster motor units in muscle activity.
Abeln V., Fomina E., Popova J., Braunsmann L., Koschate J., Möller F., Fedyay S.O., Vassilieva G.Y., Schneider S., Strüder H.K., Klein T.
BMC Neuroscience scimago Q3 wos Q3 Open Access
2022-06-30 citations by CoLab: 6 PDF Abstract  
Exercise could prevent physical and psychological deteriorations, especially during pandemic times of lock-down scenarios and social isolation. But to meet both, the common exercise protocols require optimization based on holistic investigations and with respect to underlying processes. This study aimed to explore individual chronic and acute effects of continuous and interval running exercise on physical and cognitive performance, mood, and affect and underlying neurophysiological factors during a terrestrial simulated space mission. Six volunteers (three females) were isolated for 120 days. Accompanying exercise training consisted of a continuous and interval running protocol in a cross-over design. Incremental stage tests on a treadmill were done frequently to test physical performance. Actigraphy was used to monitor physical activity level. Cognitive performance, mood (MoodMeter®), affect (PANAS), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), vascular-endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and saliva cortisol were investigated prior to, four times during, and after isolation, pre- and post-exercise on two separate days, respectively. As a chronic effect, physical performance increased (and IGF-1 tended) in the course of isolation and training until the end of isolation. Subjective mood and affect state, as well as cognitive performance, basal BDNF and VEGF levels, were well-preserved across the intervention. No acute effects of exercise were detected, besides slower reaction time after exercise in two out of nine cognitive tests, testing sensorimotor speed and memory of complex figures. Consistently higher basal IGF-1 concentrations and faster reaction time in the psychomotor vigilance test were found for the continuous compared to the interval running protocol. The results suggest that 120 days of isolation and confinement can be undergone without cognitive and mental deteriorations. Regular, individual aerobic running training supporting physical fitness is hypothesized to play an important role in this regard. Continuous running exercise seems to trigger higher IGF-1 levels and vigilance compared to interval running. Systematic and prolonged investigations and larger sample size are required to follow up on exercise-protocol specific differences in order to optimize the exercise intervention for long-term psycho-physiological health and well-being.
Fomina E.V., Ivchenko A.Y., Lysova N.Y., Zhedyaev R.Y., Orlov Y.N.
Acta Astronautica scimago Q1 wos Q1
2021-12-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The paper introduces a new method for ground-reaction forces (GRF) analysis for the evaluation of cosmonaut locomotor functions stability after a long-duration spaceflight (LDSF). The method is based on the analysis of GRF profiles obtained before and after LDSF by standard БД-2 treadmill reaction force data readings. Following probabilistic indicators were introduced: distributions of step and step-phase duration probabilities, their extremums, standard deviations and inverse coefficients of variety; step structure variability; the non-stationarity index for step durations arrays; GRF pattern, its width and maximum. Every indicator of one cosmonaut pilot study has changed drastically after LDSF. The new statistics provided appeared to be promising indicators of locomotor function state. A further trial of the new method may provide new knowledge of human movement strategies alterations after LDSF and may establish it as a standard analytical procedure for personalized flight assistance after its reliability verification. • New standard tests are needed for cosmonaut locomotor function evaluation. • The new GRF analysis method for standard ISS equipment was introduced. • The new GRF analysis showed drastic changes in one cosmonaut parameters. • Step duration stability, step pattern, IVC and others changed after spaceflight. • The new indicators are promising but more test subjects are needed.
Lysova N.Y., Fomina E.V., Kireev K.S., Grishin A.P.
Goal of the investigation is extantion of our knowledge about the gravity-dependent changes in motor control due to a prolonged stay in the spaceflight conditions using the stepping-over-obstacle test. The paper presents mechanical characteristics of locomotions performed by 7 cosmonauts onboard the International space station in 171 ± 19 day missions. Subjects of analysis were time of standing on one leg and distance of the knee joint, ankle joint and distal aspect of foot elevation over the obstacle, as well as angles of the hip, knee and ankle joints of the leg first to step over. It was shown that after long space missions the stepping-over task was fulfilled with lowered joint amplitudes as compared to the pre-flight data. Time of standing on one leg and distance between the obstacle and leg first to step over were both increased considerably only at the hight of 30 cm.
Koschate J., Hoffmann U., Lysova N., Thieschäfer L., Drescher U., Fomina E.
Acta Astronautica scimago Q1 wos Q1
2021-09-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
The aim of the preliminary presentation of results of the ongoing project onboard the International Space Station (ISS) is to evaluate whether the application of a kinetics test protocol with pseudo randomized changes of moderate walking speeds on a treadmill is feasible on board the ISS, and whether potential changes in cardiorespiratory parameters can be tracked. Overall, 5 male cosmonauts (47 ± 3 yrs) were tested before and after the space mission on a treadmill, applying pseudo randomized changes in speed until subjective exhaustion. Of these, 3 cosmonauts were also tested during space flight. Oxygen uptake (only pre/post) and heart rate (HR) were measured and time series analysis was used to obtain kinetics information. Higher maxima of the cross-correlation functions (CCF max ) between the applied velocity and the respective parameter indicate faster kinetics. Peak treadmill velocity (pre vs. post: 13.9 ± 1.7 vs. 12.4 ± 1.9 km/h; p = 0.043) was significantly slower after space flight. Average HR values during rest (69 ± 5 vs. 79 ± 10 beats/min, p = 0.043), 6 km/h (102 ± 14 vs. 113 ± 16 beats/min, p = 0.043) and 10 km/h (129 ± 9 vs. 138 ± 11 beats/min, p = 0.043) were higher, and HR kinetics (0.68 ± 0.08 vs. 0.44 ± 0.08, p = 0.043) were significantly slower after space flight. The kinetics test with pseudo randomized, moderate work rate (WR) changes on a treadmill is applicable in the exercise test setting onboard the ISS. Cardiorespiratory kinetics were slowed after the long duration space flight, which provides important information about the underlying mechanisms of decreases in physical fitness. • Cardiorespiratory kinetics can be tested by randomized changes in treadmill speed onboard the ISS. • Cardiorespiratory kinetics were slowed after long duration space flights. • Measuring heart rate (HR) kinetics is important to track changes in aerobic fitness. • HR kinetics can give important information for exercise training prescription. • Critical values should be identified for HR kinetics.
Orlov O.I., Fomina E.V., Ponomarev S.A., Kussmaul A.R., Belakovskiy M.S.
The 23rd International «Human in Space» Symposium, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the first human flight into space, was organized jointly on the initiative and with the organizational support of the IBMP RAS by the International Academy of Astronautics and the State Space Corporation «ROSCOSMOS», with the participation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Symposium was held in Moscow from April 5 to April 8, 2021 in a hybrid format – more than 160 participants were present in the halls in person, and about 400 delegates connected online. On the basis of the Zoom Webinar platform, a single online resource was created with access to a personal account, allowing to participate in plenary and parallel breakout sessions. In five days, 8 plenary sessions were held (27 plenary reports were presented), four round tables were conducted on topical issues of space exploration, and 25 sessions on various aspects of space medicine and biology were held. In total, there were more than 240 oral reports and about 50 short reports (from 23 countries, including Russia, the United States, Germany, France, Belgium, China, etc.). The Institute has gained new experience in organizing events in such format, which provides a unique opportunity to expand contacts and network of interaction between specialists from different branches of science and technology around the world in the interests of further development of space biology and medicine. Such interaction serves as a necessary basis for the preparation and implementation of further steps for deep space exploration.
Fomina E.V., Lysova N.Y., Savinkina A.O., Zhedyaev R.Y., Senatorova N.A., Kukoba T.B.
Human Physiology scimago Q4
2021-05-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The time of stimulation of support receptors in locomotor training was analyzed individually for 13 cosmonauts for each day of a long-term space flight. The time of support receptors stimulation with an intensity comparable to that under 1g conditions was shorter compared to Earth conditions. Negative correlation was found between average daily time of support stimulation and the magnitude of changes in the post-flight electromyographic response of soleus muscle to walking. It is proposed to consider the time of support receptors stimulation, along with such parameters as the axial loading and the proportion of the manual mode of treadmill belt movement, as a significant indicator for a personalized approach to the prevention of hypogravitational disorders during long-term space flights.
Pastushkova L.H., Larina I.M., Fomina E.V., Rusanov V.B., Goncharova A.G., Nosovsky A.M., Kashirina D.N., Lysova N.Y., Didkovskaya N.S., Brzhozovskiy A.G., Goncharov I.N., Orlov O.I.
Human Physiology scimago Q4
2021-01-01 citations by CoLab: 0 Abstract  
The prospects of interplanetary missions make it relevant to develop standard tests to find criteria for the correction of preventive measures in a long space flight in order to ensure a peak in physical performance by the time the interplanetary activity is completed. Currently, tests are being developed to assess physical performance. One of them can be the currently developed locomotor test with a stepwise increasing load in the active mode of movement of the treadmill. It is of interest to assess the effect of this load on changes in the profile of proteins associated with the cardiovascular system from the standpoint of the possibility of using them as markers of its response to physical activity. In article analyzes the results of an experimental study of the proteome of human urine after a dosed step-increasing load and discusses the possible role of the identified proteins that can be attributed to the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The study involved practically healthy volunteers aged 18.6 ± 0.7 years, weighing 75.7 ± 8 kg (n = 12). The urine proteome was evaluated by chromatography-mass spectrometry and analyzed by bioinformatics methods. For the first time, data on the proteomic response to a locomotor test with a stepwise increasing load in the active mode of web movement in a group homogeneous in autonomic status are presented. As a result of the analysis, 429 proteins were identified, 69 of which significantly changed. Based on bioinformatics analysis, processes related to the work of the heart, vascular tone, and vascular permeability were identified. Ten proteins are described that are associated with the processes of the quick response of the cardiovascular system to dosed physical activity. The obtained results will help in choosing standard criteria for assessing the physiological cost of physical activity.


Lab address

Хорошёвское ш., 76А, стр. 4
Authorization required.