Head of Laboratory

Tutelyan, V A

DSc in Health sciences, Professor
1 342
Authorization required.
Lab team

The main research work in the laboratory is carried out in the field of studying the role of certain nutrients in the regulation of the functional state of enzyme systems involved in defense and adaptation processes. At the same time, special attention is paid to the study of the influence of natural biologically active compounds on the activity of enzymes of various cell structures in order to elucidate the mechanisms of their action and to assess their effectiveness as substances necessary to maintain health and, to an even greater extent, to reduce the risk of a number of chronic diseases. An important direction of research carried out by the laboratory is the elucidation of enzyme mechanisms of the organism's defense against the impact of chemical food contaminants of natural and anthropogenic origin and the role of enzyme systems in ensuring the organism's resistance to their impact. The activity of enzymes of xenobiotic metabolism and antioxidant defense as the earliest and most sensitive markers of toxic effects is of primary importance. Along with fundamental research, the laboratory makes a significant contribution to the development of one of the most important areas of nutrition science - ensuring food safety. For the first time in our country, the research in the field of mycotoxicology initiated by the laboratory laid the foundation for the current system of control over mycotoxin contamination of food raw materials and food products in the Russian Federation. The laboratory staff developed the analytical and regulatory framework underlying this system.

  1. High-efficiency liquid chromatography (HPLC)
  2. High performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS)
  3. Gel electrophoresis
  4. Real-time PCR (qPCR)
  5. Spectrofluorometry
  6. Spectrophotometry
  7. Ultracentrifugation
  8. Western blot
V Tutelyan
Head of Laboratory
Nikita Trusov 🤝

Research directions

Biologically active substances of food

The purpose of the referral is to identify the most important BAS; to understand the mechanism of their molecular action and interaction with human metabolism; to select dosages that guarantee safety and positive effect. The practical significance of research is the evaluation of the effectiveness of BAS. Fundamental and applied research is being conducted to study the role of minor components of food in maintaining human health and preventing nutritional-dependent diseases, in particular obesity. Using methods of biochemical analysis, real-time polymerase chain reaction, high-performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, Western blot analysis, spectrophotometry, etc., the effect of biologically active food compounds most widely present in the human daily diet (indole-3-carbinol, quercetin, rutin, resveratrol, etc.) is studied. the functional state of the enzyme systems responsible for the protective and adaptive potential of the organism, mediated by transcription factors. Special attention is paid to the enzymes of xenobiotic metabolism and antioxidant protection. A number of scientific publications have been prepared on this issue, including the monograph "Safety and efficacy of biologically active substances of plant origin" (V.A.Tutelyan, Yu.B.Belousov, K.G. Gurevich, 2007). The results obtained allowed us to determine adequate levels of consumption of minor dietary supplements, which are reflected in the fundamental document "Norms of physiological energy and nutritional requirements for various population groups of the Russian Federation" (2009; 2021).


The laboratory is actively involved in monitoring mycotoxin contamination of food grains from different regions of the country, followed by an assessment of the corresponding risk to public health. Along with grain products, the laboratory conducts research on the content of both regulated and little-studied mycotoxins in tea, coffee, dried fruits, berries and other food products. Highly sensitive selective methods based on high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric detection have been developed and metrologically certified, which allow simultaneous determination of a number of mycotoxins in one sample: 25 in grain and processed products; 5 in spices and spices.

Publications and patents

Lab address

г. Москва, Устьинский проезд, дом 2/14
Authorization required.