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Lab team

The search for high-temperature superconductivity is one of the most challenging tasks of condensed matter physics and material science. An appealing idea dating back to the early 1960s was that metallic hydrogen should be a high-temperature superconductor. Due to the small mass of hydrogen, phonon frequencies in metallic hydrogen would be very high, of the order of several thousand kelvins (K), and the critical temperature of superconductivity (TC) can reach 300-400 K. However, extremely high pressures are needed for the transition of hydrogen from the molecular insulating phase into the metallic state. For this reason, the researchers have recently started to explore the possibility of inducing the superconducting state by adding other elements to hydrogen resulting in formation of new chemical compounds – polyhydrides, and strong reduction of the metallization pressure while maintaining high TC.

  1. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction
  2. High pressures
  3. Cells with diamond anvils (100-200 GPa)
  4. Electric transport measurements
  5. Pulsed magnetic fields
  6. DFT calculations (thermodynamics, superconductivity)
  7. Raman spectroscopy
Dmitrii Semenok
Head of Laboratory
Andrey Sadakov 🥼
Leading researcher
Troyan, Ivan A
Ivan Troyan
Leading researcher

Research directions

Binary metal hydrides and new methods of their synthesis

The work is aimed at exploring the possibilities of using

The mechanism of superconductivity in hydrides

The project is devoted to the study of the nature of superconductivity in polyhydrides. In particular, we study magnetoresistance, the Hall effect, the magnetic phase diagram of hydrides in extremely strong magnetic fields, etc.

Ternary metal polyhydrides

The study should answer the question: is it possible to improve their superconducting properties by alloying known binary metal superhydrides such as YH6, YH9, and LaH10?

A superconductor with a "room" critical temperature

Search for metal hydride with Tc > 250 K. The research concerns ternary and binary metal hydrides at a pressure of about 200 GPa.

Publications and patents

Александр Геннадиевич Квашнин, Игорь Савельевич Любутин, Иван Александрович Троян, Дмитрий Владимирович Семенок, Артем Ромаевич Оганов
RU2757450C1, 2021

Lab address

Москва, Большой бульвар, 30, стр. 1
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