Sector of Evolutionary Cytogerontology, Laboratory of Cell Biology of Aging and Development

Head of Laboratory

Khokhlov, Alexander N

DSc in Biological/biomedical sciences, Associate Professor
Authorization required.

In the field of evolutionary cytogerontology, research is being conducted on the mechanisms of aging in cultured cells of various natures (normal and transformed, animal and plant). In addition, potential geroprotectors (factors capable of slowing down aging) and geropromotors (factors accelerating it) are being studied using test systems developed in the sector of evolutionary cytogerontology (the "stationary aging" model, a cellular kinetic model, and an assessment of the effectiveness of colony formation). Much attention is paid to computer modeling of cellular aging.

  1. Work with eukaryotic cells: cultivation, transfection, infection
  2. Mathematical modeling
Alexander Khokhlov
Head of Laboratory
Galina Morgunova
Leading researcher

Research directions

Investigation of aging mechanisms and testing of geroprotectors or geropromotors in experiments on cell cultures

Testing of some well-known geroprotective drugs that affect the duration and quality of life of model animal objects, as well as some potential geroprotectors, on the cytogerontological model of "stationary aging". The main method of assessment will be the construction of cell culture survival curves in the stationary growth phase and their subsequent analysis, as an additional characteristic, the manifestation of known biomarkers of "cellular age" in cells will be determined. It is proposed to study the effect of several metabolic inhibitors and stressors on the same model system. In some cases, the effect of geroprotectors on non-transplanted cell cultures exposed to stress or inhibitors will be studied.

Publications and patents


Lab address

Москва, Ленинские горы, д. 1, корп. 12
Authorization required.