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The laboratory's activities are aimed at conducting experimental and theoretical research in the field of creating new superconducting hybrid systems and applying the latest scientific discoveries (superconductivity, qubits, neuromorphic systems).

In particular:

  • development and research of a promising element component base and devices based on new physical principles
  • research and manufacture of highly sensitive cryogenic sensors and sensor systems of physical quantities
  • research of quantum simulators and quantum computing systems based on superconducting and linear optical integrated circuits, ultrahigh frequency cryogenic circuits, as well as key distribution units of quantum communication systems, including single-photon detectors
  • development and research of elements for superconducting digital electronics
  • development and research of cryogenic neuromorphic devices
  • development and research of topologically protected devices
  1. Electric transport measurements
Vasily Stolyarov 🥼 🤝
Head of Laboratory
Igor Soloviev
Leading researcher
Andrey Lebedev
Leading researcher
Sergey Bakurskiy
Senior Researcher
Vsevolod Ruzhickiy
Senior Researcher
Ternovoy, Pavel Vasilyevich
Pavel Ternovoy
Junior researcher
Polevoy, Konstantin Borisovich
Konstantin Polevoy
Junior researcher
Mark Naumov
Junior researcher
Evgeniy Ponamarev
Research intern

Research directions

Topological quantum phenomena

Topological quantum phenomena
Search and development of a new element base based on topologically protected quantum states

Superconducting neuromorphic systems

Superconducting neuromorphic systems
Search for solutions for the implementation of analog systems in the interests of creating neural networks

Superconducting digital electronics

Superconducting digital electronics
Development, implementation and research of superconducting digital devices

Superconducting quantum systems

Superconducting quantum systems
Development, implementation and research of physical properties of superconducting quantum devices

Publications and patents


Lab address

Москва, Сущёвская ул., 16, стр. 11А
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