Scientific Center "Problems of processing of mineral and man-made resources"

Scientific Center "Problems of processing of mineral and man-made resources" (NC "Processing of resources") St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II was established by order of the rector dated 10/23/2021 No. 1456 Adm. The NC "Processing of Resources" includes the Management Apparatus and 4 laboratories: the Laboratory of Innovative Oil Refining Technologies (established in 2020 as part of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for research No. 0792-2020-0010 as a "Youth Laboratory"), the Laboratory for processing mineral Resources, the Laboratory for processing Ore Resources, the Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Composite Materials.
The purpose of the NC "Processing of Resources" is to develop and implement sound scientific and technical solutions for the processing of mineral and man-made resources for the development of the economy of the Russian Federation.
Tasks of the NC "Resource Processing":
1) organization and execution of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of processing of mineral and man-made resources;
2) development of scientific research instrumentation and laboratory facilities at the level of world standards in the field of processing of mineral and man-made resources;
3) the introduction of scientific and technological developments into production through the creation of joint ventures with organizations of mineral resources and fuel and energy complexes.