Laboratory of Gravitational Physiology of the Sensorimotor System

Authorization required.

Gravitational physiology, physiology of the sensorimotor system, space medicine, neurorehabilitation, motor control, prevention of negative effects of spaceflight

  1. Electromyography (EMG)
  2. Stabilography
  3. Myotonometry
  4. Video analysis of movements
  5. Accelerometry
  6. Magnetic resonance imaging
  7. Electroencephalography (EEG)
  8. Tensomyography
  9. Podometrics
Elena Tomilovskaya 🥼 🤝
Head of Laboratory
Koryak, Yuri
Yuri Koryak
Leading researcher
Naumov, Ivan A
Ivan Naumov
Senior Researcher
Sayenko, Dimitry G
Dimitry Sayenko
Senior Researcher
Shigueva, Tatiana
Tatiana Shigueva
Senior Researcher
Saveko, Alina Alexandrovna
Alina Saveko
Abu sheli, Nelli Muhammed ashur
Nelli Abu sheli
Junior researcher
Bekreneva, Mariya Pavlovna
Mariya Bekreneva
Junior researcher
Ponomarev, Ivan
Ivan Ponomarev
Junior researcher
Kitov, Vladimir
Vladimir Kitov
Junior researcher
Ryabova, Aleksandra Mihaylovna
Aleksandra Ryabova
Junior researcher

Research directions

Development of approaches to the prevention of the negative effects of weightlessness in the motor system

The influence of space flight factors in the sensorimotor system

Studies of the effects of eliminating the support and axial weight load of various durations in the motion control system - "dry" immersion, antiorthostatic hypokinesia, isolation in a hermetic object, etc.

Publications and patents


Lab address

Хорошёвское ш., 76А, стр. 4
Authorization required.