Head of Laboratory

Kuznetsova, Iren E

DSc in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor
2 349
Authorization required.

To develop and study the properties of new "smart" materials, as well as to study the issues of their application in devices of various functionality based on advances in nanotechnology and acoustoelectronics, the staff of the Laboratory of Acoustoelectronic Processes in Solid-state Structures (Lab.173) and the Laboratory of Physical Properties of Nanocomposite Materials for Information Technology (lab.193) created an interdisciplinary group "Smart materials and sensors." Within this area, work is underway related to the development, creation and research of new composite materials with controlled parameters (smart materials) using nanomaterials and nanotechnology.

Developments and research in the field of sensor technologies are associated with the creation of new sensitive coatings for sensor devices of various functionality. The use of various technologies — acousto-electronic, magnetoelectronic, nanoelectronic, optical, conductometric, microfluidic and biotechnologies allows the development of various hybrid sensor devices based on new principles.

All the projects carried out in the Group are interdisciplinary in nature, related to the use of chemical, biological, micro and nanoelectronic and information technologies.

  1. Acoustoelectronic research methods
  2. Raman spectroscopy
Iren Kuznetsova
Head of Laboratory
Smirnov, Andrey V
Andrey Smirnov
Senior Researcher

Research directions

Development of acousto-electronic sensors

Acoustic waves propagating in piezoelectric materials and structures are used. A sensitive layer is located on the surface of the structure. A change in its properties as a result of a biological, chemical or physical reaction leads to a change in the characteristics of the acoustic wave. This is the basis of acousto-electronic sensors.

Publications and patents

Владимир Иванович АНИСИМКИН, Ирен Евгеньевна Кузнецова
RU2712723, 2020
Владимир Иванович АНИСИМКИН, Наталья Владимировна Воронова, Нелли Владимировна Воронова, Геннадий Николаевич Галанов
RU2686579, 2019
Владимир Иванович АНИСИМКИН, Наталья Владимировна Воронова
RU2649217, 2018
Борис Давыдович Зайцев, Андрей Алексеевич Теплых, Ирен Евгеньевна Кузнецова, Ирина Анатольевна Бородина
RU170732, 2017

Lab address

Москва, ул. Моховая, 11, c7
Authorization required.