Laboratory of Optical Phenomena in Ferroelectric and Magnetic Crystals

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Fields of research and scientific topics: linear and nonlinear magneto-optics; optics of semiconductor nanoscale magnetic structures; optics of nanoscale layered magnetic structures; optics of thin-film and bulk ferroelectric structures; dielectric studies of magnetic structures and bulk materials; ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy; magnetic phase transitions.

  1. Polarimetry
  2. Nonlinear spectroscopy
  3. Magneto-optical effects of Kerr and Faraday
  4. Generation of optical harmonics
  5. Femtosecond magneto-optical pumping-sensing
Victor Pavlov 🥼
Head of Laboratory
Roman Pisarev
Principal researcher
Krichevtsov, Boris B
Boris Krichevtsov
Leading researcher
Pavel Usachev 🥼
Senior Researcher
Gridnev, V N
V Gridnev
Senior Researcher
Guzhva, Michael E
Michael Guzhva
Senior Researcher

Research directions

Optical polarimetry

Optical polarimetry
The use of highly sensitive polarization methods to identify new optical effects

Femtosecond spin dynamics

Femtosecond spin dynamics
Using the optical pumping and probing method to identify the mechanisms of excitation of ultrafast spin dynamics

Nonlinear optical spectroscopy

Nonlinear optical spectroscopy
Using the generation of the second and third optical harmonics to search for new mechanisms of nonlinear interaction of light with matter

Publications and patents


Lab address

194021, Санкт-Петербург, Политехническая ул., 26
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