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Lab team

Our research interests are related to computer modeling of heterogeneous systems and processes at the atomic (molecular) level. Methods such as classical molecular dynamics, quantum chemical modeling, and the PIC (particle-in-cell) method make up the main arsenal of methods we use. Key areas of research:

The structure of the electrode/electrolyte interface in application to electrochemical current sources;

Heterogeneous electron transfer and ion intercalation;

The phenomena of partial charge transfer between the surface and the adsorbate in the context of gas sensors;

Plasma separation of spent nuclear fuel (spent nuclear fuel);

Chemistry of defects in a solid (surface segregation, diffusion).

  1. Molecular dynamics and quantum chemical calculations
  2. DFT calculations
  3. Electrochemistry

Research directions

Investigation of the effect of partial charge transfer between an adsorbate molecule and functionalized graphene in the context of chemoresistive gas sensors

Investigation of the effect of partial charge transfer between an adsorbate molecule and functionalized graphene in the context of chemoresistive gas sensors
The work is carried out within the framework of density functional theory (DFT). The influence of functional groups in graphene on its adsorption properties, as well as on the partial charge transfer affecting the electrical conductivity of graphene, is investigated. The research is conducted in the context of the development of chemoresistive gas sensors.

Modeling of electrocatalytic properties of defects in graphene

Modeling of electrocatalytic properties of defects in graphene
The work is devoted to the study of the effect of defects on the graphene surface on its electrochemical properties. The electron transfer rate constant with spatial resolution is calculated for various redox pairs. A method for the rapid assessment of the electrocatalytic properties of a surface based on the Tersoff-Hamann approximation has been developed.

Publications and patents


Lab address

г. Москва, Ижорская улица, 13с2
Authorization required.