Head of Laboratory

Smirnova, Nina V

DSc in Chemistry, Associate Professor
1 241
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The Department of Electrochemistry and Functional Materials was established to conduct fundamental and applied research, as well as engineering in the field of carbon neutrality technologies, including: synthesis of electro/and photoactive materials for various photo/electrochemical applications; polymers, carbon and composite materials obtained by processing biomass; creation of components and devices for hydrogen energy.

  1. Electrochemistry
  2. Liquid-phase method of synthesis of nanomaterials
  3. Catalysis
  4. Photocatalysis
  5. Photoelectrocatalysis
  6. Biomass processing
Smirnova, Nina V
Nina Smirnova
Head of Laboratory
Aleksandra Kuriganova 🥼 🤝
Senior Researcher

Research directions

Materials, components and devices for hydrogen energy

We develop and manufacture: - catalysts for fuel cells; - metal and composite bipolar plates for low-temperature fuel cells; - photoelectrochemical cells.

Polymers, carbon and composite materials obtained by processing biomass

Technologies for the synthesis of: - 5-hydroxymethylfurfural; - furandicarboxylic acid; - polyesters based on 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid.

Electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis

We study the electro-, photo-, photoelectrochemical activity of materials in model and real conditions.

Electrochemical synthesis of electro- and photoactive materials

We synthesize materials based on metal nanoparticles, metal oxides, and carbon structures with electro-, photo-, and photoelectrochemical activity under conditions of pulsed electrolysis

Publications and patents

Lab address

Новочеркасск, ул. Просвещения, 132
Authorization required.