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Research in the laboratory focuses on the fundamental problems of low-temperature electronic transport, including the study of nonequilibrium electronic noise and the influence of electronic correlations on it. These include: transport in low-dimensional 1D and 2D systems, in topological insulators, in the normal and superconducting state, electron kinetics in high-temperature and organic superconductors. A wide range of transport phenomena is studied: diffusive conductivity, nonlocal transport, hopping conductivity, Andreev reflection, etc. Research is mainly carried out on low-dimensional systems (nanowires and heterostructures, including topological insulators), high-quality single crystals of high-temperature and organic superconductors. The main experimental methods used in the laboratory are resistance measurement at low temperatures and in strong magnetic fields, shot noise measurement and noise thermometry, measurement of microwave impedance, nonlinear microwave response and dynamic magnetic susceptibility.

  1. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
  2. Scanning tunneling microscopy
  3. Electronic and ion lithography
  4. Photolithography
  5. Electronic transport measurements
  6. Hall effect and transport properties
Khrapai, Vadim S
Vadim Khrapai
Head of Laboratory
Boris Polyak 🤝
Junior researcher

Research directions

Low-temperature noise STM

Development of a cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope with the possibility of local measurements of shot noise

Publications and patents


Lab address

Черноголовка, ул. Академика Осипьяна, 2
Authorization required.