Laboratory of Natural Science Methods in Humanitarian Research

Head of Laboratory

Ganiev, Rustam T

PhD in History
Authorization required.

The Laboratory of Natural Science Methods in the Humanities (LEMGI) implements interdisciplinary research at the intersection of dendrochronology, paleozoology, paleoclimatology and history. One of the main tasks of the laboratory is the search, study and introduction into scientific circulation of materials (wood samples, animal fossils, historical documents) reflecting the relationship between the environment and man in the past. The main goal of the laboratory is to promote interdisciplinary research in the field of humanities and natural sciences.

  1. Dendrochronology
Ganiev, Rustam T
Rustam Ganiev
Head of Laboratory
Rashit Hantemirov
Leading researcher
Kukarskih, Vladimir Vitaelyevich
Vladimir Kukarskih 🥼 🤝
Senior Researcher
Bessonova, Varvara Aleksandrovna
Varvara Bessonova
Research assistant

Research directions

Historical climatology

Research in the field of historical climatology is aimed at studying climate change and anomalies based on written sources, as well as identifying the relationships between climate change and historical processes.

Publications and patents

Lab address

Екатеринбург, улица Мира, 19
Authorization required.