Department of Physical Geography and Environmental Management Problems

Authorization required.

Areas of work: comprehensive assessment of anthropogenic impact on the environment, geoecological assessment of territories, GIS technologies, climate change, natural and climatic risks, forest fires, traditional life support systems, resilience of Arctic cities and settlements, landscape planning, sustainable development, geochemistry of landscapes of lowland and mountainous territories, landscape science, landscape ecology, development of principles allocation and conservation of World Heritage sites, spatial analysis, geoinformation modeling, atmogeochemistry, hydrochemistry, limnology, anthropogenic eutrophication of reservoirs, migration of substances in the catchment-reservoir system, formation of an economic mechanism for nature management and environmental protection, legal foundations of environmental management, environmental expertise, environmental management and environmental audit, geography of waste management production, regional aspects of land use, protection and restoration, urbanism, urban planning, paleoecology and paleogeography, geoculture, history of science, cultural landscapes and aesthetics of landscapes. There are 3 centers: the N.F. Glazovsky Scientific Coordination Center for Combating Desertification and Drought; the Center for Responsible Environmental Management; the Center for Mining Research.

  1. Spatial data analysis
  2. Big Data Analysis
  3. Geoinformation systems
  4. Remote sensing Data (DDZ)
  5. Statistics
  6. GIS analysis
  7. Geoinformation modeling
  8. Landscape mapping
  9. Geoecological assessment
  10. Basin landscape-geochemical approach
  11. Ecological and geochemical assessment
  12. Comparative analytical analysis
  13. Statistical analysis
  14. Field research
Lobkovskiy, Vasily A
Vasily Lobkovskiy
Head of Laboratory
Medvedkov, Aleksey Anatolyevich
Aleksey Medvedkov 🥼
Senior Researcher
Darya Adaeva 🤝 🔍
Research Engineer

Research directions


Lab address

119017, г. Москва, Старомонетный переулок, 29
Authorization required.