Research Institute of Biological Medicine

Authorization required.

In vivo and in vitro studies of biologically active compounds. Pharmaceutical development.

  1. High performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS)
  2. Methods of qualitative and quantitative assessment of the content of secondary metabolites in cultures of cells and organs of higher plants (HPLC, NMR, HPLC-MS, spectrophotometry)
  3. Experimental modeling of intoxication, including the inhalation route of admission.
  4. Working with laboratory animals
  5. Determination of acute and chronic toxicity in animals with various routes of entry and assessment of skin-irritating, resorptive, sensitizing and irritating effects on mucous membranes, determination of cumulative effect, average lethal dose (LD-50).
  6. Assessment of cytotoxic activity (MTT test, Cell-TitreGlo, Rezazurin, Cell/Death kit)
  7. Studies of the effectiveness of drugs for the pharmacotherapy of intoxication.
  8. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the toxicity and danger of chemicals.
  9. Reproductive toxicity (including embryonic and gonadotoxicity).
  10. Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of drugs
  11. Conducting preclinical studies of medicines.
  12. Flow cytometry
  13. Fluorescence microscopy
  14. Spectrofluorometry
Motov, Valery S
Valery Motov
Head of Laboratory

Research directions


Functional nutrition to improve cognitive functions

Publications and patents

Lab address

Алтайский край, Барнаул, проспект Ленина, 61
Authorization required.