Laboratory of Geoinformatics of Ecosystems
The youth laboratory, created within the framework of the national project "Science and Universities" with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, is engaged in climate research. The purpose of the laboratory is to create a time-distributed geographic information system (GIS) that allows estimating the magnitude of carbon balance components in typical forest and swamp ecosystems of the middle taiga of Western Siberia. GIS contains the possibility of conducting numerical experiments using mathematical modeling methods to assess the impact of climate change and anthropogenic activity on the components of the carbon balance and formulate predictive scenarios of its dynamics. Employees are actively working on the implementation of the most important innovative projects of national importance, participate in the implementation of the federal project "Carbon landfill". In addition to training young specialists, the Laboratory's activities are aimed at using remote sensing and mathematical modeling methods in order to summarize and interpret all the data that will be collected within the framework of the functioning of this global network in Russia in space and time. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles is actively used.
- Geoinformation systems
- Remote sensing Data (DDZ)
- Greenhouse gas flows
- Unmanned aerial vehicles
- Mathematical modeling