Laboratory of synthesis of functional materials and processing of mineral raw materials

Authorization required.

Obtaining and analyzing the functional characteristics of oxide nanomaterials, primarily based on compounds of rare earth elements with luminescent, photocatalytic, photoprotective properties and biological activity.

  1. X-ray phase analysis
  2. Absorption spectroscopy
  3. IR spectroscopy
  4. Diffuse reflection spectroscopy
  5. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
  6. X-ray scattering
Baranchikov, Alexander E
Alexander Baranchikov
Head of Laboratory
Vladimir Ivanov 🥼
Principal researcher
Arthur Vashurin 🥼 🤝
Leading researcher
Gajtko, Olga Maksimovna
Olga Gajtko
Senior Researcher
Alexey Yapryntsev 🤝 🥼
Senior Researcher
Varvara Veselova 🥼 🤝
Junior researcher
Mariia Teplonogova
Junior researcher
Ekaterina Sheichenko 🤝
Junior researcher
Arina Filippova 🥼 🤝
Junior researcher
Matvei Popkov 🥼 🤝
Junior researcher
Alexandra Badulina
Junior researcher
Glafira Taran
Junior researcher
Sergei Kottsov 🥼 🤝
PhD student
Ilya Tronev
Research assistant
Beshkareva, Tatyyana Sergeevna
Tatyyana Beshkareva
Research assistant

Publications and patents

Иванов В. К., Романчук А. Ю., Шекунова Т. О., Петров В. Г., Баранчиков А. Е., Иванова О. С., Ёров Х. Э., Калмыков С. Н.
RU2676624, 2019
Егорышева А. В., Гайтко О. М., Веселова В. О., Володин В. Д.
RU2659268, 2018


Lab address

Москва, Ленинский проспект, 31, к1
Authorization required.