Authorization required.

Scientific activity is related to the development of molecular genetic methods for the indication, identification, certification of pathogens of particularly dangerous infections (brucellosis, anthrax, etc.), the study of genetic mutations leading to diseases of cattle, the study of the effects of ionizing radiation on the DNA of microorganisms, the determination of point mutations in the target genes of microorganisms, as well as the study of the effects of toxicants on cells animals at the molecular and ultrastructural level.

  1. Gel electrophoresis
  2. PCR
  3. Real-time PCR and digital PCR, including design and validation of primers and probes to your target
  4. Real-time PCR (qPCR)
  5. Isolation of nucleic acids
Osyanin, Konstantin Anatolyevich
Konstantin Osyanin
Head of Laboratory
Senior Researcher

Research directions

Test system "LEUKEMIA of CATTLE 100"

The test system is designed to detect the proviral DNA of the causative agent of bovine leukemia by polymerase chain reaction in real time.

Test system "BRUCELLA A\M"

The test system is designed to indicate and differentiate the types of brucellosis pathogens by polymerase chain reaction in real time.

Publications and patents

Наиль Ильдарович Хаммадов, Константин Анатольевич Осянин, Антонина Глебовна Галеева, Рафаил Мазитович Ахмадеев, Камил Саубанович Хаертынов, Рафкат Искандерович Шангараев, Наиль Анисович Фахрутдинов, Альбина Валерьевна Москвичёва, Марина Анатольевна Ефимова, Константин Валерьевич Усольцев
RU2811034C1, 2024


Lab address

420075,Российская Федерация, Республика Татарстан, г. Казань, Научный городок-2
Authorization required.